Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

chapter 63 – Wolf Picks a Sharp One

chapter 63 – Wolf Picks a Sharp One

I'm not sure what is taking the wolf so long. Sure, I have plenty of sizes, shapes, and even colors to choose from, but she can just pick any random one and have a wonderful experience with this professional whore. She was wet when I was straddling her just a few minutes ago, her nipples hard, and my touch was getting her breath ragged, so she shouldn't want to wait to fuck me!

"Is everything ok? All of them work the same; I'm always tight around them, so there is no need to worry about the size. Just pick one and stick it in me," I offer up, wiggling my ass to entice her. She is a bit shy, so some encouragement may be needed. I do finally hear her rummaging around behind me, a low mutter, and then pain. The pain of someone stabbing me in the back and through a lung with a knife.

"FUCK!" I scream out with my last breath. My right lung working hard now to supply me with enough air to stay alive. The bitch kept the knife inside me, but I'm now free to move. Mistress doesn't want a dead-breeding bitch, so when in danger, I'm given a lot of freedom. I'm only able to roll to the side before the pain keeps me still, but it's enough to get the wolf into view. She pulls another knife out of thin air when I activate my newest skill, Lust Infusion, causing her to drop the knife. My mana circulates, trying to heal my wound, but the knife keeps cutting new wounds inside me.

In the attacker's desire to be bred, she pushes me onto my back and forces the knife deeper inside. Worst yet is the pounding my hips are now taking as she thinks of nothing but milking my cock; I can't let her get pregnant; otherwise, she'll be back to trying to kill me. Now, with extra motivation. My only option is to get the knife she dropped. Fighting through the pain and rough fucking I blindly search for the dropped weapon. My years of torture let me work through the pain, but it won't last forever.

Finally, I feel the blade with my left hand, earning myself a small cut on the tip of my middle finger. I do my best to bend over and grasp it. Each second I take is closer to letting the wolf be free and my brain giving up in the pain. Once I'm able to hold the handle, I quickly slash it across the bitches throat. While that gets the pounding to stop, I have one last problem, her body falling on top of me.

I'm not willing to let my mana do anything but heal me. So I have to use my arms to push the bitch off to the side so I can start working on getting the knife out. Her blood pouring out of her neck and down my front, I slowly work her off to the side. My vision slowly fades as my breathing gets harder and harder.

I'm only able to get her off my chest, so I have to twist my body and try to reach the deep blade. Her rough fucking got part of the hilt into my back, giving me little to grab. My fingers barely grasped the knife, causing more damage in the process. I decided to just rip it out, hoping to not cause too much damage on the way out.

I let out an incoherent scream as I rip it out, cutting who knows what as the blade leaves my body. I feel the blood pouring out as my vision fades to black.

*** Yuki ***

Fuck, this bitch really thinks fucking some stuck-up noble is better than spending time with me? Making me walk up these stupid steps just to see what is going on.

Is it resentment?

I don't think I've done anything to her after the whole keeping Mai from her thing, and that was well explained. I've been fucking her during our sessions like she needs, even getting on my knees to suck her cock! There's no reason for her to be mad at me, but she's gone off for lesser things before during her pregnancies.

"Alzi, are you forgetting something?" I say, walking into her room. "Oh shit!"

I really complained too soon. I don't have time to waste as I rush to force Alzi's mana around. Her bed is soaked in their blood; hell, her entire body is drenched in blood. Pushing the damn wolf to the side, letting her fall to the floor, I check for breathing. It is luckily there but labored. Is her left lung not working?

"Ok, Alzi, you're getting a potion the assassin guild kindly donated to us." I open her mouth and force the drink down her throat. I move a bit of my mana to start hers up. She's used a lot of hers, so it seemed she was able to heal herself a bit before falling unconscious. Her tattoo still has twelve glowing dots in it. Goddess must be watching out for them with the amount of blood Alzi's lost.

Where was she stabbed? Alzi definitely wasn't ready for an attack, so she should have been dead right now. Slitting her throat would be a free and easy way to kill her. Tell her to get on all fours, and she wouldn't see it coming as she lost her life.

Damn it! How is she going to be safe now? I don't want to tell the Mistress about this attack; best case, she sends her off to stay with the duchess for the time. Worst case, she only does group work in the lounge where they can't attack her.

"Come on, Alzi, wake up for me, honey. Let me see your smile."

She should be fully healed now; the rest of the potion's mana is just sitting in her stomach, looking for something to heal.

Normally, most bodies have a bunch of little problems to clear up, taking the rest of the potion when the main wound is healed. Life affinities normally have those healed through their own mana circulation.

I give her a few gentle slaps, hoping to wake the sleepy dragon. "Up, girl, I need to know what happened."

Should I get Kelly? That will just make sure the Mistress finds out about this. I'll have to push up the attack on the headquarters and leave a nice message about revenge for these two attacks, and none of the members will take the assignment, knowing they'll be hunted down as well.

"Alzi, you're starting to scare me again. I need to see your colorful eyes flutter open now."

"Yuki," escapes her lips. Her eyes were still closed. She's weak, but that is expected when you've lost this much blood for who knows how long.

"Yes, honey, it's Yuki. I need you to wake up and answer a few questions for me."

"Ok. Did you heal me?"

"Yes, I used a potion and some of your mana to heal you. But where were you hurt? I wasn't able to see the wound."

"Back, lung. Knife."

"Strange, I guess lucky that she did the stupidest thing possible, but why would she do that? Whatever, you did a good job, Alzi. I'll let you rest now. I'll take care of everything here; the Mistress won't know about the attack. We'll let this be our little secret so she doesn't ship you away. I'll get you and your room cleaned up and even stay with you the next few nights. Get some sleep."


I give the bloody girl a quick kiss and then make her no longer a bloody girl on a bloody mattress.

I search the assassin for a storage ring and find that it's her left ear ring. Searching through, I see a replacement for the potion I used and some gold I can use to pay for Alzi's night. Also inside are plenty of daggers. No note or clothing or anything that would help her escape after the killing. Was she supposed to just hurt Alzi and then leave? But then we would have a description of her to search for, and why would she have two daggers out? The first would hurt Alzi, and then she just needs to run out.

Torture? Kill her slowly to make an example? Did they trace the attack on the branch back to us, but then it would be back to Nakuma, not us? We didn't have any obvious part in it. The likely last assassination of that branch was this brothel, but how does that get to Alzi? I think this may be another thing to figure out when we infiltrate that damn shithole. I need a better plan, one that lets Nakuma have a bit more fun.

"Nakuma I know you're listening in. Come by; I want your opinion on something," I shout out; she should be close enough to get sound in her stalking.

I only have to wait a few minutes for the door to open again and the crazy to walk in.

"More killing, I'm guessing?" She asks.

"Yes, I'm hoping you're up for a bit more fun. I think we should just attack a few more branches. See if we can't make some patterns into them. You'll be able to kill without worry, and that may pull one of the protectors out of the headquarters if we stick to the outer branches."

"I'm thinking about it, but killing isn't really that good of a payment."

"No toys, clothing stays on the entire night, and no penetration. You can sleep with me one night."


"One, and you don't have to wear underwear."

"Deal, give me the directions and nights. I'll give you a destroyed base."

"Thanks Nakuma, I've got to watch Alzi the next few nights. I'll sleep with you after I know she is ok. It'll take a few days to track down some more branches as well. I'll get back to you soon on that. And while you're here have you signed up with the adventures guild?"

"Yes, they started me out way too low. I might as well be delivering flowers to love-sick nobles! Damn, guild needing 'real' evidence of my power while making me hunt stupid fucking slimes and shit," Nakuma says, not caring about the hurt girl on the bed. My magic was the only thing keeping Alzi from waking up from the shouts.

"It won't take too much longer for them to adjust your rating up a lot. They worry about nobles who have no practical experience getting killed."

"They should just let them die. I'll see you in bed soon; I need some sleep."

"Ok, Crazy. Try to contain your anger from the guild; they don't like taking risks on the unstable."

"The bitches wouldn't take risks if they just let me take actual tasks," she mumbles on her way out.

I store the dead wolf in her own ring after taking the daggers and gold out. I start up an illusion showing the wolf leaving the building and walking up the street, disappearing around the corner in the crowd. I sent the right coins to Mistress's safe as the illusion passed the front desk. With that all in order, I fix Alzi's bed and strip naked. I cuddle up with my dragon and fall to sleep, finally with her in my arms.

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