Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 28 – Aftermath

Chapter 28 – Aftermath

*** Yuki after performance ***
Walking off the stage into the room is not an option to get to the Princess. The Princess's protective ward can't be disrupted, or it will break. So I need to take a short walk to the side door first.

"Is this the right door?" I asked. The building manager led me to a door and stared at it, not hinting at what I should do next.

"Yes, I was asked not to interrupt the gathering. You can enter the room. Your chaperone will be here waiting for you to return. You can leave then."

"I would prefer to have the chaperone with me. I have strict rules to follow, and I would like evidence that I followed them."

"I'm sorry. The Princess wants your presence only. She has given me and your chaperone her word not to let anyone break the rules."

"When did princesses get so much control? This is beyond ridiculous." I push open the door and stride to the center where the Princess sits, doing my best to reign in my frustration.

I greet her with a bow. "Hello, your Highness. How may I help you?" Doing my best to sound respectful. I don't hold the bow long. I still have the Duchess to greet. I repeat the process with the Duchess and then wait for their response.

"Thank you for greeting me. Your dance was lovely, your music even better. I see why you were able to play for the Queen in the past," The Duchess responds. Quickly focusing on the new act, a maid rubbing her shoulders.

"I'm glad you came out here. I was hoping to make a request of you." The Princess says. Not starting off well here.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with my work, I'll do my best for you, your Highness," I respond, trying to keep the worry off my face.

"That's not what I want to hear. A girl with your talent shouldn't be working in a brothel. I'm offering you more: a marriage. Join me. I know you have more skills than music, dance, and poetry."

"I can't. I still have the mission from my lands to complete. I'm close now, but I can't abandon it right now."

"Oh, and what is this mission? The royal family would be quite interested in a mission from a foreign nation operating in our territory." She leans forward, a stupid smile on her face.

"I don't need to tell you. As you know, I've played for the Queen, and she made a similar request. I gave a similar answer, yet here I am. The mission won't hurt the kingdom. My people are more than happy to stay in our realm."

"Oh, well, you played for the last Queen, so the current one doesn't know about this mission, I imagine. So I think we should work that out first. Don't you?" The threatening tone coming through. The Duchess pays us no mind following along to the song behind us.

"No, the current Queen has the old Queen in her harem. If it is a problem, they can talk it through and then come to me. Trust me, there is no need to anger my people over this mission."

"Why should I worry about angering them? You said they would be happy to stay in their realm. Why should I worry about them now?"

This conversation is not playing out how it was supposed to. I should be walking home to Alzi right now, not fighting with some silly princess. "Just because they are happy to stay in their home doesn't mean they won't come out. We have always been happy to stay in our realm. But, if there is a reason for us to leave, we will. More than a few countries have found out about that in a way that you wouldn't be happy to repeat. I have a reason to be out here, so I am. As I said, I can't marry you. Is there anything else you need?"

"Threatening me is a strange move. Leave." I do just that. I turn as fast as I can and storm out. I barely register Ariawyn following me when I make it out of the room. Leaving the building, I see the stupid drums set up, ready to march back.

"Shit, really, I have to do that shit back. Fucking hell, Ariawyn, tell me the details about my meetings in the future, or I'm going to start scheduling them myself. I'm already pissed about having three weeks straight of this walking."

I quickly move into position and wait for the damn drums to start. Slowly, I make my way back under the red lights, letting everyone know what district they are in. The roads back a packed now, but everyone gets out of my way. Eyes following my every movement, some looking for flaws others in amazement.

An hour later, I walk into the brothel. Exhausted, I run to my room and quickly strip into more comfortable clothing. I meditate, using a skill to watch the front of the building for Mistress's carriage. It takes a few hours before I see the carriage rushing down the street. Knowing Mistress fucked up yet again, I rush down the stairs meeting her as she walks through the door carrying a bloody rainbow dragon.

"Bitch what did you do this time! She's on the verge of death! Kelly, get here." Mana fueling my voice through the entire building. "Fucking hell, these parties are just torture sessions for you shitheads. Give her here I'll take care of her." Clients and workers start streaming down the stairs and out of the lounge. I just take Alzi from Mistress's arms and carefully carry her up the stairs. Kelly catches up somewhere around the third floor.

"Why aren't you bringing her to my room?"

"She'll feel better in her own room. Plus, she'll be closer to me. I can get her mana moving to help her heal more than your mana can do."

"I see; well, let me do what I can before you start that. Forcing your mana into her will harm her more if she isn't strong enough for it."

"Please do. I'll have Mai watch her tonight after we are both done. You'll be too tired to help her for a while after." Kelly opens Alzi's door for me, letting me set Alzi down on her bed. Mistress didn't put any clothing on her, so it is easy to see all the damage done. Luckily, they didn't chop off any limbs, and her womb looks like the least damaged spot. Her ass, on the other hand, is disgusting to look at. Blood, shit, and other fluids mix in her prolapsed hole. I quickly start to do what I can to help while Kelly starts her healing spells, focusing on any internal problem Alzi has before turning to the outside. She gets the bleeding to stop, and Alzi's asshole looks like an asshole now, but the many bruises and cuts still show on Alzi's skin. I start up my mana, trying to find Alzi's own. But there is none to find. She must have been forced to use it at the party. Probably her aura causing the stupid owners to go crazy. Kelly looks pale from over-drawing her own mana, leaving us with nothing to do but wait for Alzi or Kelly to get enough mana to start the healing again.

"Go get some sleep. I'll find Mai. She's stable now, just needs some rest. You can stay in my spare room to make the traveling a little easier."

"Thank you. I'll take that room. I don't need to walk all these steps every time." She slowly walks out, careful to stay upright. I use another skill to quickly find Mai. She is still on the first floor with the other floor girls. I take my heels off so I can run down the stairs to her.

"Mai, go up to Alzi and watch her. If you need help, you can just walk out of the room. That will let me know what is happening."

"What happened to her?"

"That is what I plan on finding out. She came back from that party on the verge of death. Kelly already did as much as she could. Just a waiting game now."

"Ok, I'll keep watch." She walks up the stairs, her heels limiting her speed. Alzi isn't on death doors anymore, so I let her walk up and start looking for Mistress. Unsurprisingly, she is in her office by the fireplace.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it would get this bad. I lost a bet. I didn't know the bet was going to happen. All of the other girls wanted to hurt us, I may be the strongest of them, but I'm not strong enough to take them all at once," the Mistress says, staring into the lit fireplace.

"Who all were in on it?"

"All the owners. The only girl not was Sarania. I didn't have time to ask her for help getting out. Even if I did, the two of us weren't enough, Alzi can't fight either. Plus, it risks the kids. I fucked up; I know I did. I won't be going to any more of those. I'll bring up the forced contract to a magistrate tomorrow. They won't get a harsh penalty if I end up pregnant, but it's better than nothing. I know I need to give Alzi a real apology for this one and a break. I'll have her only working the floor every other day and say no to things like a normal girl. Ok, so just don't yell at me. I saw it happen and wasn't able to do anything. I was forced onto her dick. I'm likely pregnant with her children. Let me be. Vasari will be in here shortly to yell at me. Let her do it." I never made it to the other half of her office. Halfway through her rant, she started crying. Bawling really.

"Sorry for yelling at you before. She has come back like that before, I didn't realize they went even farther this time. Sorry you went through something like that. Please do let Alzi know about your pregnancy. She'll want to know. If you don't want them, she likely could help you do the abortion."

"I'll need to check with my wives first. If they want them, I'll keep them. Thank you for understanding. I deserved to be yelled at a bit."

"Goodnight, I'll let you be Mistress." I slowly turn and leave. There is still a crowd at the entrance staring at the door.

"Sorry, everyone. If you have a girl already and they want to continue, you may do so. Everyone else, if you could, please leave. We will give the refunds as you walk out the door. I'm sorry for the inconvince of tonight. The other owners have caused a problem that we are now dealing with." Vasati yells over the murmurs. Luckily, everyone walks in the right direction without a fuss. I guess the blood covering the floor and stairs makes it easy to tell something terrible happened.

"Hey, Yuki, how is she?" Vasati asks.

"Troubled, Alzi wasn't the only girl they tortured today. She'll need some help over the next few months."

"I see, thanks. I should check on her. Get some sleep. Alzi will have a few days of rest I'll make sure of that."

"Thank you. She's needed that rest for a while now." There's nothing left for me to do right now, so I head to my room to get some sleep.

*** Vasati ***

I walk into Ashryn's office to find her sitting in front of the fireplace. "I've been telling you for years those parties are a mistake. What happened. I need every detail. I caught a bit of how Alzi looked. They tried to kill that girl." I tried to keep my voice down, but my anger can only be contained so much.

"I lost a bet. I did my round before I even knew a bet was going to take place. All were in on it, so I couldn't just leave." I sit in the chair opposite her. Tears gently fall from her face. "I was forced to take her dick inside. I'm pregnant. I know it. How am I going to tell my wives? We wanted to wait for another decade before even thinking about kids. I won't be able to make myself abort them. I'm pregnant from my own slave." Her sobs force her to stop talking.

"They'll be happy to have them. They care about you. They'll help you through this. I need to know the rest. Are there any other girls that were hurt tonight?"

"No. I forced them to let the other girls out of the room before Alzi released her aura. I had her heal herself as well; as soon as her aura dropped, we could leave, but we were too caught up in the lust to do it. It took another hour for me to finally go with her."

"Good. I'm giving Alzi a few days to rest. Alzi will need someone to watch her while Kelly sleeps. I'll have Mai do that."

"That's fine. I heard you sent the guest away. Thank you for handling that. I'm heading home for the night."

"That's Good. I can handle things tomorrow if you need a day off. Get some rest and spend some time with your wives."

"I'll think about it. Goodnight Vasati. Sorry for not listening to you earlier."

"Just try to not get greedy again. I don't need something worse happening to my friend." She slowly walks out. I sit for a minute before putting the fire out and leaving myself.

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