Level Up Legacy

Chapter 133 - Fate

The next day, Arthur couldn't go see his goblin followers as well. That's because Master Ronin had asked him to visit his villa, so Arthur had to oblige. Melania opened the door as usual, but she was sweating and breathless.

"Hey Arthur, come in. Grandpa is waiting in the garden as usual." It seemed that the backyard was Master Ronin's favorite place, as he spent most of his time at home there.

"Are you okay?" Arthur asked as he slipped inside, seeing Melania wiping away her sweat as she tried to breathe.

"Yeah, I was training before you knocked."

Arthur wondered what kind of training would leave an awakener so breathless, but he didn't pry further. Master Ronin was sitting under the tree like usual with his white robes swaying gently in the wind.

"Greetings, Master." Arthur bowed his head in respect. He might have had an aggressive attitude after leaving the trial in the past, but he was still grateful for all the things Master Ronin taught him.

"Take a seat," Master Ronin nodded and gestured. Arthur sat down and felt the runes on the stone make him relax. Master Ronin took another sip from his tea before gazing at Arthur.

"The practical news," Master Ronin continued. "Is that the king has invited you again. A ball where you'd receive the Silver Medal of Heroism. He's probably using you to unite the people again and earn their trust, but it's a good thing for you."

"Heroism?" Arthur asked with shock. It was a medal that was given to people who had contributed greatly to the welfare of the kingdom and the Union.

"Yes. It'll give you a certain privileged treatment in governmental offices and a good recommendation if you apply anywhere. It'll also bestow great honor, the only currency the king can use to guide his subjects."

Arthur could hear the slight sarcasm in Master Ronin's words. His words were true, as kings always used honor to move their knights. But in the end, what was honor anyway but an intangible sense of self-pride?

"Would it help me get into Jerano College?" Arthur asked with hesitation. He saw Master Ronin's brows rise in surprise and amusement.

"Arthur," He laughed slightly. "Jerano is definitely within reach for you. It seems you have yet to realize how much runes are important for awakeners." Master Ronin picked his cup and looked at the tea inside. "Even without taking the exam, you'll most likely get admitted. Your scholarship is guaranteed after your display in the competition."

"Really?" Arthur asked with surprise. Maybe Jerano wasn't that hard to get in. "I thought I still needed to take the exam even with a scholarship, just having a lower entry-score."

"Normally, yes. But your achievement so far in runes outweighs any combat ability you may lack. It seems they have yet to reach out for you?"


"Every workshop and guild in the world are now eyeing you. If you get the first place in the Runes Cup, you'll have a hard time keeping those giant corporates away from you." Master Ronin's words made the realization dawn on Arthur.

"So, I don't need to take the exam?"

"No, it's more important to focus on your current strength. I know that Jerano offers you a wide array of opportunities, but your strength remains the sole deciding factor for your future. Work on getting stronger from now on, Jerano is secondary."

Arthur nodded as he seriously thought about it. He was going to Jerano to learn, so wasting any more time on this would be inefficient. As Master Ronin said, he needed to grow stronger to quickly achieve his goals.

"Then," Arthur turned to face the old man. "What about the Mana-condensing agent?" This was a priority. He needed to evolve.

"Sier will help you with that. Let's leave these things aside for now." Master Ronin's face turned solemn. He put down his cup before he asked Arthur a question he wasn't expecting.

"Do you believe in fate?"

"Fate?" Arthur was confused. He had never thought about it until now, but he didn't have an opinion.

"Yes," Master Ronin explained further. "Fate, aside from folktales and that nonsense, is how much a person would impact the world. It can change by the choices you make and it's certainly not set in stone. However, it's very difficult to avoid your fate. It's how much capacity you hold to change the future."

"Okay," Arthur nodded, still confused. "What does that have to do with me, Master?"

"I've already told you that the royal family's ability is related to seeing things. You've probably realized that I'm a member of that wretched group as well by the way the king addressed me."

Arthur nodded in response.

"For me, I can sense the fate people hold. That's how I helped Sier find all those people. Even though Sier's ability can do that as well, but his mana is lacking. That's how we were able to meet you, Arthur."

Master Ronin suddenly bowed. Arthur stiffened as his mind was filled with confusion.

"Your fate is the first of its kind." He said with his head low, almost touching the tea table. "We didn't know how to treat you when Si met you. Even the first time we met; I was nervous."

The old man's usual dignified self was nowhere to be seen. Arthur sat there frozen as the old man continued talking.

"I know that many things have made you untrusting of us. You should have already sensed that bizarre events took place, even in the trial. We are also helpless against the chains of fate."

"I don't understand anything you're saying. Please raise your head, Master." Arthur frowned as the words didn't make sense to him. He understood that the voice he heard in the trial and the reason he went into the trial were related, but he didn't think it was fate.

"I don't understand a lot myself either." Master Ronin raised his head wearing a helpless expression. "I just know that you'll change the world. It's not because of your legacy nor is it because of the trial. It's something much more profound about who you are."

"You… knew?" Arthur's frown deepened as he was suddenly on guard. He had always hidden that he was a Legacy user, but somehow Master Ronin knew.

"There's no way a person with as much fate as you can be someone ordinary. Even without the legacy, I doubt it would have made a difference."

"No," Arthur shook his head as he remembered who he was before the legacy found him. "You don't understand."

"Neither do you," Master Ronin sighed. "Legacy owners choose their inheritors based on how much fate they have. Just as much as you need the legacy, it needs you."

"That doesn't make sense! I was a dirt digger!" Arthur's voice was a bit louder than he intended.

"I was a carpenter before I awakened. It doesn't matter who you are, but what you're fated to do."

"Hah!" Arthur laughed involuntarily. "To find a piece of artifact or two? That's what I would have been doing without the legacy, if not dead."

"You don't believe me, I know." Master Ronin was unperturbed by Arthur's doubt. "You still need to know that you're someone with so much more than just a legacy."

"Why are you telling me this?" Arthur resigned, having no answer to offer.

"I'm trying to gain your trust."

"You're not doing that good of a job." Arthur shook his head.

"For now, yes. But I will prove myself trustworthy when you realize the truth yourself. I've seen what you did against the calamity spider using your insignia, and I'm not the only one. You're probably the only person who can draw so much power from the crown, this will bring you trouble." Master Ronin warned.

"Do you mean the seven families?"

"The whole world now has its eyes on you, they'll come after you. That's why I need you to realize how much impact you have on the world. You need to get stronger and build your force." Master Ronin suddenly looked old and senile, unlike the image Arthur had in his head. His words sent alarms ringing in Arthur's head.

Arthur stood up from his seat. Master Ronin didn't try to stop and it seemed he had already said what he wanted to say and convey how urgent it was for Arthur to grow stronger.

"I already started preparing. The fortress hasn't shown its full might yet." Arthur left those words and left the villa, feeling disoriented.

Melania said something to him before he went out but Arthur's mind was too chaotic to listen. He walked back toward the city center as he thought about what Master Ronin said.

'I'm nothing without the Legacy. I've been nothing and the Legacy allowed me to change my life.' Arthur thought to himself as he walked past the crowds of people.

'What does Master Ronin see when he looks at me?'

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