Legend of the Asura

Chapter 283: War God Possessed “Wind Spirit”

Chapter 283: War God Possessed “Wind Spirit”

There was no time for him to think about it and run away. His left hand held Bao Bao who was in a bit of a daze as the black ring on his right hand released a faint black glow. As he had expected, Wind Spirit who was the same as him also had the same black glow on his right hand.

Absolute Time Domain!

If it was Feng Xiao, he would choose to freeze the other side first. That was because once they were frozen, it would be equal to giving the other side a death sentence. So with two Wind Spirits having the same equipment and skills, they used the Time Domain at the same time.

When the two Time Domains were used at the same time, what could have happened was mutual negation, overlapping effects, or just not interfering with each other, but Feng Xiao would never know the real answer. Whether it was cancelled out or it overlapped, neither side had any memories of the Time Domain being activeFeng Xiao didnt have the time to think about this and immediately started a second Time Domain after the first.

At the same time, a black glow also appeared on the right hand of Wind Spirit. Using a Time Domain to go against a Time Domain, that was the only method. Whoever was late by a single step, whoever was frozen would be waiting for their defeat.

Feng Xiao didnt know what happened after the two Time Domains clashed with each other. When he wanted to charge forward, there was a flash of light in front of him and dazzling golden flames appeared around Wind Spirit. Feng Xiaos eyes suddenly shrankThe other Bao Bao had an expressionless look as her hands came together and large angels appeared behind her. With her silent chanting, she and Wind Spirit were surrounded by a holy halo.

This was Angels Elegy!

Feng Xiao secretly gritted his teethAs expected of going all out, they used their strongest skills right away. Moreover, the Angels Elegys level dropping wasnt considered anything in their eyes.

The same Xuanyuan Sword and magic gun were raised. Feng Xiao tightly held Bao Bao who hadnt reacted yet and released the Absolute Shadow and the Winds Spirit, flying away in the opposite direction like a gust of wind.

Facing this Wind Spirit with the Xuanyuan Sacred Flames and the Angels Elegy, Feng Xiao wasnt qualified at all to face him head on. Not only would he be instantly killed, he might not even be able to break through his defenses right now. Escaping to wait out the effects of this skill was his only choice.

There was a gust of wind that came from behind him as Wind Spirit applied the same skills to chase him, chasing him at the same speed. Feng Xiao looked behind him and then secretly gave a cold laugh.

They had the same everything as him and Bao BaoBut they didnt have their intelligence. The one chasing was Wind Spirit and he didnt have the intelligence to chase them with Bao Bao. The duplicate Bao Bao had been left far behind, becoming a small white dot in the distance.

Big brother Asura, what is going on hereWhy is there another big brother Asura and another me? Bao Baos small hands grabbed his clothes as her red face was filled with a tense and nervous look. Everything in front of her gave her quite the big shock.

With the sharp sound of wind behind him, Feng Xiaos eyes focused. He used a Phoenix Flicker to dodge the Wild Whirlwind Dance that came from behind, while also pulling a bit further away from this Wind Spirit. He secretly thought so close before looking down at Bao Bao to say, Dont be afraid, they are monsters from the mirror. Its just that they look the same as us.

Is itthat the us in the mirror have become monsters? Hearing his explanation, Bao Bao was finally no longer worried. She had been afraid that there was another big brother Asura and another her in this world.

Un, its like this. They also have our skills and the same equipment as us, so we need to defeat them. Feng Xiao said with a faint smile. He had been paying attention to the shadow coming from behind out of the corner of his eyes the entire time.

Un! Defeat them! Bao Bao angrily raised her nose. She raised her head from Feng Xiaos embrace and the Angels Sigh in her little hands pointed behind them.

But there was no expected explosion sound. Feng Xiao looked down a bit and found that Bao Baos hands holding the magic gun were trembling, as well as having a complicated look on her face. He asked in a curious voice, Bao Bao, why arent you attacking?

With Bao Baos attack range, she could easily deal with the Wind Spirit chasing after them at full force that couldnt do anything.

ButBut he is big brother AsuraI, I

Bao Baos voice was a bit aggrieved that stunned Feng Xiao. He immediately understood and gently patted Bao Baos back, Its fine, Bao Bao. Close your eyes and leave everything to your big brother Asura.

Bao Bao gave a gentle un sound before obediently closing her eyes. She tightly shrank into the embrace that gave her endless warmth.

Although she clearly knew that it was a monster and wasnt her big brother Asura, seeing how he looked the same, had the same equipment, and moved the same, she couldnt bear to attack him.

Time passed by second by second and Feng Xiao kept silently counting the time. The Wind Spirit behind him had the same intelligence and could guess what Feng Xiao was planning, but he still chased after him.

Thirty seconds passed and their Absolute Shadows disappeared at the same time before being activated again. To Feng Xiao, since the other sides strengthened condition hadnt disappeared, once he was caught, he would be in danger. This Wind Spirit had also expected this and could only use the Absolute Shadow again so he wouldnt fall too far behind.

Forty seconds

Fifty seconds

One minute

Absolute Shadow, Winds Spirit, Xuanyuan Sacred Flames, and Angels Elegy all disappeared. The two of them stopped as if there was a tacit agreement and looked at each other.

Bao Bao, remember to use your Eternal Sacred Light when youre in danger. Feng Xiao put down Bao Bao. He raised the golden Xuanyuan Sword and pointed the tip at the other Xuanyuan Sword.

Feng Xiao was filled with hatred right now as he thought that this Kunlun Mirror was too abnormal. It was fine if it copied people, but it even copied the Xuanyuan SwordHe didnt know if the copied Xuanyuan Sword had its powers restored.

The same wind blades came from the same Xuanyuan Swords as two Wild Whirlwind Dance shot out at the same time, also being easily avoided at the same time. When using this skill, the two charged at each other with their swords.

The same body passed by each other, but strangely no one made a move. Feng Xiao gave a secret sigh. They both knew that they had the other side could use the Revolving Star Battle Shift, so the first to make a move would let the other side seize the chance to reflect the attack and would be defeated. He had wanted Bao Bao to help with attacking, but now it was impossible.

As for him who had the same level of intelligence, he had already guessed the situation and had chased without hesitation.

Once the other Bao Bao caught up, he would be at an absolute disadvantage. The Bao Bao that didnt have any feelings for him would attack him without hesitation.

SoHe definitely couldnt delay for long! Feng Xiaos hand was covered in cold sweat as he gritted his teeth. His left hand gave a strange shake before he suddenly moved forward, raising his sword to swing down at that Wind Spirit.

With a surprised look, there was a golden light that flashed on his body before quickly fading. He then avoided Feng Xiaos attack while also using the Roaring Flame Consecutive Slash to attack Feng Xiao who hadnt caught his balance yet.

Feng Xiao revealed a cold smile. His bet was correct. The other side must have hesitated when using the Revolving Star Battle Shift, thinking that it was a feint, so he very likely gave up the Revolving Star Battle Shift and chose to dodge before counterattacking. That was because attacking from above had the biggest flaw after the attack. This flaw would make it so that people couldnt dodge or defend, let alone attack.


Wind Spirit revealed a shocked look because his certain attack had hit a piece of rock that was very hard. There was a cracking sound, but the other side didnt take any damage at all.

With the chance present, the moment that he was surprised, Feng Xiaos right hand sent out eight Asuras Thorns. They created eight small paths and pierced right into Wind Spirit, emptying his HP bar.

The colourless fragment he threw out fell to the ground. What blocked that Roaring Flame Consecutive Slash for him just now was an Ice Armour Fragment that he had gotten from the Ice Armour Heaven Shattering Dragon.

The nine Ice Armour Fragments had been laying in his inventory without being used. Even Feng Xiao had forgotten about them, so he didnt believe that Wind Spirit would remember that there was still this life preserving item at this moment.

With his HP bar emptied, Wind Spirit didnt fall down as a red flame revived him, completely filling up his HP. With the same equipment as Feng Xiao, he naturally also had the Phoenix Feathers Reborn From the Flames ability.

Feng Xiao revealed a cold smile. The other side only had the Revolving Star Battle Shift and the Phoenix Flicker left, so he was in a dominating position. The initiative should be completely in his hands now.

Looking at Bao Bao who stood there with a worried look, Feng Xiao gave her a hand gesture to show that everything was alright. When he looked back at Wind Spirit, his eyes turned cold as he raised the Xuanyuan Sword, slowly moving forward.

Wind Spirit also coldly looked at him as his face was covered in rage from being instantly killed just now. He suddenly revealed a strange smile as the anger completely disappeared. He slowly took out a scroll that had a faint red light around it.

Feng Xiao suddenly stopped as he couldnt help trembling.

This wasthe Heaven Defying War God Scroll!

This terrifying Kunlun Space could actually replicate the Sacred Grade Scroll!

Feng Xiaos heart started beating faster. The red scroll was shattered in Wind Spirits hand and there was a red light that surrounded him.

Wind Spirit (Kunlun Mirror): A fake body duplicated of the player Wind Spirit with the Kunlun Mirrors sacred power, can only exist in the Kunlun Space. Has the same appearance, stats, equipment, skills, items, and intelligence as player Wind Spirit. Currently in a War God Possessed state.


HP: 2790360

MP: 3700240

Physical Attack: 599117

Magic Attack: 3143

Defense: 280029

Evasion: 2228

Accuracy: 354251

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