Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 783 Nahir

Chapter 783  Nahir

Because the Abbot's son had arrived, most Eidums were gathered in the Assembly Hall. Only a few were excused because they were on guard duty or looking after the patients.

The five Eidums with Kyran, namely: Amit, Johar, Kanu, Yona, and Zoram, were filled with excitement after hearing that the Abbot's son had arrived. They also wanted to see him and hear news from the main city. Nevertheless, since they were not yet dismissed, they reigned in their emotions and accompanied Kyran, who went straight to the warehouse to surrender all the beasts they hunted.

In the end, Kyran let them go because they kept fidgeting and looking toward the Assembly Hall; it was distracting. Besides, since they finished the training, their next task was to rest.

By the time Kyran finished helping out in the warehouse, the Abbot's son had already dismissed the crowd in the Assembly Hall. He then gathered all those with leadership positions for a meeting.

Kyran initially wanted to meet with the Abbot's son after he finished what he had to do, but apparently, it was not easy. Though he had proactively assisted the Eidums these past few days, he was still an outsider and could not attend the meeting that the Abbot's son conducted.

Azikh and Gidan definitely told the Abbot's son about him, but he doubted the latter would want him to join in a meeting meant for their 'core leadership.'

With nothing else to do, Kyran visited the Infirmary and checked if there was anything he could help with. When he arrived there, he found Oded and Yalen carrying a number of medicinal herbs to the medication room.

"Nar! You're back," Yalen greeted as soon as she saw Kyran enter the Infirmary.

"Good timing, we are about to make potions. Can you teach us how to improve their efficacy?" Oded also asked, looking quite ecstatic.

"If you have all the materials, I can show them to you," Kyran replied.

Last time, when he helped out in concocting potions and pills, Oded and Yalen were assisting Cyneah and did not see how Kyran worked. Although the potions and pills he concocted had the same efficacy as the ones Cyneah made, Oded and Yalen knew he could raise their efficacy even more. The only problem was that they lacked the herbs to increase the potions and pills' efficacy.

Oded and Yalen had just picked up new medicinal herbs from Cyneah's medicinal farm and believed they had all the materials Kyran would need.

"I think we have enough," Oded said, looking at the basket of herbs in his arms.

"Let's go then."

The three entered the medication room and prepared the herbs for the concoction.

After all the herbs had been prepared, Kyran patiently taught the two his concoction method. Honestly, his potions and pills had better efficacy, not because he added other medicinal herbs into his recipe. Instead, he improved the method that the Eidums used.

Oded and Yalen were both fascinated as they watched Kyran work. Although he rarely talked and only explained how each step worked and improved the whole process, they learned many things. They even felt they could combine these steps with other concoction methods and raise the efficacy of the potions and pills that used those.

Meanwhile, the meeting the Abbot's son conducted was reaching its end. After addressing all the menial and technical things in the HQ, he finally discussed why he called for them.

The Abbot's abduction.

Currently, only a few Eidums knew about the Abbot's abduction. And even among those people, some still did not believe.

Like Gidan, most Eidums believed no one would dare touch their Abbot. Alas, such blind trust could lead to their downfall.

The Abbot's son, a young man in his late twenties with shoulder-length blonde hair and light blue eyes that perfectly accentuated his gentlemanly aura sat at the head of the table.

To his right, Cyneah sat, followed by Gidan. While on his left sat Azikh.

The rest of the leaders, composed of the warehouse managers, the matron, the team leaders of each fighter team, the head chef, and the messenger, sat around the long table.

"Is it really true, Lord Nahir?" The matron, a stern-looking middle-aged woman with light blonde hair tied in a soft bun, asked. Though she looked stern, she was among the most caring and understanding Eidum. "We've heard the Abbot was abducted, but since we have not heard any official announcement, we dare not believe it."

Nahir, the Abbot's son, looked at her and sighed in resignation. He nodded his head and said, "Yes, matron. Father has indeed been abducted. I refrain from announcing this news in the assembly earlier, fearing everyone will panic."

Everyone inside fell silent.

As the matron had said, they already heard rumors of the Abbot's abduction. Thus, they were not that surprised. Nevertheless, hearing Nahir confirm it broke their hearts.

"I have already sent out a party to search for father's trace. Unfortunately, the governor of Hodom doesn't allow us to investigate the place where my father was abducted. They say the whole place had collapsed, and even if they allowed us to go, it would be impossible to find any clue."

"That is more or less what Nar had told us," Azikh replied thoughtfully. "I had hoped it was not true. But to think he was not lying..."

Everyone inside knew Kyran was someone the Abbot had sent to the border before he was abducted. However, because of Cyneah's display during Kyran's first day, when she forced the gates to open so she could run to him, most believed he was here because of her.

"I did not know you still doubt Nar after all this time," Cyneah suddenly said.

Azikh smiled wryly as he peered at Cyneah, "I am sorry, Lady Sisi. It is not that I doubted him per se. I only want to hold on to the possibility that the Abbot is safe."

Nahir looked at Cyneah and said, "I heard Nar is... a friend of yours?"

"He is my benefactor."

"Isn't that my father?"

"About that, Lord Nahir..." Azikh and Gidan started. Both exchanged uneasy glances but did not know how to explain what Cyneah had told them.

Instead of responding to Nahir's question, Cyneah said, "Lord Nahir, Nar has provided enough information about the Abbot's abduction. If you share the information you gathered thus far and combine it with the ones Nar has, we may have a better understanding of who dared abduct the Abbot."

"Yes," Nahir nodded in agreement. "That may be so if his information is reliable."

Cyneah frowned. Before she could say anything more, Nahir said with a gentle smile, "I am not saying your friend is unreliable. But I do not know him. Even if he is your friend, he is not mine. Thus, I can only judge if his information is reliable after I talk to him."

Everyone inside did not dare say anything. They knew Nahir's character. Although he looked gentlemanly, he could sometimes be stubborn and even act self-righteous. Most would say that he was the opposite of the Abbot. Nevertheless, he was someone they trusted because his strength was indisputable.

It was not an exaggeration if they said that even the most powerful mages of the Nobles were afraid of him.

Cyneah's frown deepened, but she did not say anything more.

Seeing her displeasure, Nahir's expression softened, and he reached for her hand.

"I'm sorry," he said and gently squeezed her hand. "I did not mean to disregard your friend. I will make sure to talk to him and get to know him. This way, he can also be my friend."

"Nar is not my friend..."

"Right, he is your benefactor," Nahir said lightly. "Though I don't see how that happened when I heard Nar is way younger than yourself."

"I'm not..." Cyneah wanted to say she was not that older than him. But remembering how long she had stayed in Somuli compared to the time that had passed in the Human plane, she was indeed older than Kyran.

Nahir only smiled and returned to the others, "While my father's whereabouts remain unknown, I will be in charge of everything. Tell your members what happened to my father, but assure them I am already on top. In the meantime, I will work with Gidan to improve the borders' defenses."

"About that, Lord Nahir," Azikh and Gidan spoke at the same time again,

Nahir looked at them and chuckled, "Though I am happy to see you two are quite in sync, I am also a little uneasy. You can go ahead and speak first, Gidan."

"Well..." Gidan had hoped Nahir would ask Azikh to go first. Honestly, he feared what Nahir would do or even say if he said something 'wrong.'

"The truth is, Nar has already provided some insights on how we can improve the border's defenses."

A tense silence followed, and the hand that held Cyneah's seemed to tighten.

Cyneah tilted her head toward Nahir. Before she could ask him to let her hand go, Nahir's grip loosened as he said, "Is that so? Sisi's friend seems already on top of things in our affair."

"He had helped defend our borders twice, Lord Nahir," Azikh explained. "And honestly, the things he had taught our people are helpful."

"It makes me want to meet him more," Nahir said, looking at the messenger.

"Where is Nar right now?"

As the messenger, he was well-informed of the whereabouts of key people among the Eidums. At the moment, he had also kept tabs on Kyran's movements.

"He is currently in the Infirmary, Lord Nahir."

"Why is he in the Infirmary?" Nahir asked with a slight frown.


"Never mind. I'll go meet him there," he said, looking at Cyneah and saying, "You don't have to go with me. Go to your room and rest. You've had a long day."

"I am fine," Cyneah replied, trying to pull her hand away from his. "I also want to talk to Nar. I'll go with you."

"You can talk to him tomorrow. You can go rest now."

"No," Cyneah repeated and stood up. Without waiting for Nahir to say anything, she left the room.


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