Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 768 It Has Been A While (3)

After confirming Kyran had no injuries, Cyneah went to the medicine cabinet and pulled out a few medicinal herbs.

"Though you are not injured, you have been soaked by a magical beast's blood. Their blood is mostly used to enhance a potion's efficacy, but to us humans, they are poisonous."

"Humans, not complete beings, huh."

"Yes," Cyneah paused momentarily before adding with a bitter smile, "I learned that the hard way."

Kyran's brow furrowed. He could only imagine what Cyneah endured after coming to this place.

"Good thing some of the herbs you gifted me can counter the poison."

Kyran raised his brows, recalling the ring he gave her, which was full of rare and common medicinal herbs he collected from different planes during his training.

"I'm surprised you can use those herbs in this plane," he commented.

Cyneah smiled, "I only need to find the right location to cultivate them. When I got here, I was lucky enough to find the 'right location.' So, I managed to grow a few..."

Her voice trailed off, pausing momentarily before adding, "You're not asking anything, huh."

"I don't want you to remember any bad memories."

Cyneah chuckled, "They are not all that bad..."

Suddenly, her brows creased as she realized something. She turned her head slightly and asked, "You're speaking the Somulian language pretty well."

"You only realized that?" Kyran raised his brows in amusement.

"How long have you been here?"

"Our conversation seems to be moving backward."

"I just did not expect to find you here."

"Me too," Kyran agreed. "I mean, the old man said I'd find what I'm searching for in this place, and I am prepared for the worse. I did not expect to find you so soon. Not that I'm complaining."

Cyneah frowned, "You mean you... specifically came to this plane because you knew I'd be here?"

Kyran did not answer at once because he more or less guessed what she was worried about. In the end, he told her, "The news of a Saint in Somuli with healing abilities has already reached some Sovereigns. I know you're worried about Flos and the others getting wind of your whereabouts, but you don't have to. Since I got to you first, I won't let them do as they please."

Cyneah shook her head and looked at him.

"I am not worried about them," she told him. "I... There is something you need to know..."

She took a deep breath before continuing, "That day... I decided to leave the Human plane because I was afraid that I would be affected by Layla's thoughts after absorbing my essence and the mirror."

"I know."

Cyneah shook her head once more, "No. You only know half of it. I did absorb my essence and the mirror, but not Layla."

Kyran did not respond. She did not say it directly, but not absorbing Layla meant not possessing the Soul core.

Kyran was not surprised, though. He guessed as much because her sight should have returned if she did. Apart from that, there was information about Ruin traveling with a woman that had an uncanny resemblance to Cyneah's silhouette. Kyran believed that woman was Layla.

But the question now was: How did she 'leave' Haylee and find a new body to occupy if it was her? What about that body? Why did it have semblance with Cyneah's?

"I don't have the Soul core," Cyneah continued. "But I can sense her from time to time through the mirror. I am more worried about her coming for the mirror, Nar."

Kyran frowned slightly.

Layla was the one who awakened the mirror. Although she had used Haylee to do so, Layla's magic energy was the one imprinted on the mirror. That could be the reason Cyneah could sense her.

"From the memories I acquired after absorbing... Haylee... I realized how ambitious Layla is. She will not stop until she accomplishes her goal."

"What is her goal?"

"Destruction of the Higher Realm."

Kyran was surprised. He had always wondered what the previous Soul Emperor wanted by sowing discord in the Human plane. He had guessed her objective was to gather the soul of the dead and create an immortal army she would use in the upcoming War of the Sovereigns. Still, that did not answer why she wanted to win the war.

When Kyran heard from Axil that once Sovereigns lost in the war, all their planes would also be destroyed; he wondered if Layla wanted to prevent the destruction of the Human plane, which was why she wanted to win the war. Her method was inhumane, but if it would ensure her victory, her actions could be considered noble.

Of course, Kyran did not agree. Regardless of the reason, genocide was not the answer. Besides, what was the use of winning the War and preserving the Human plane if its inhabitants had to die and become her immortal army?

But not that Cyneah confirmed that Layla's objective was not even in the Lower Realm; more questions popped into Kyran's head.I think you should take a look at

Why did Layla wish for the destruction of the Higher Realm? Had she visited there before? When? How? What had happened that made her wish for its destruction?

Sensing Kyran's doubts, Cyneah sighed and said, "I'm sorry. That is all I can tell you. I am not trying to hide anything, though. It's just that it is the only thing my essence truly understood at that time."

"It's fine," Kyran assured her.

Cyneah resumed what she was doing and continued, "In any case, if word about me has already gone outside..."

"Like I said," Kyran started. "Since I got to you first, I won't let anyone else do as they please."

Cyneah fell silent.

Kyran sensed her hesitation and more or less guessed what was bothering her.

"I've only arrived here," he said. "I wanted to learn the state of affairs in this plane first since I agreed to help."

"State of affairs, huh..." Cyneah muttered with a sigh. "It is chaotic these days. Especially after a new Sovereign was born."

"You seemed knowledgeable about the Sovereigns now."

"Sister Stella taught me many things before leaving the Human plane."

"Stella did?" Kyran asked in surprise.

This was his first time learning about it. Stella never mentioned teaching Cyneah before. Then again, the 'Stella' Cyneah was talking about might not be the 'current' one but the First Time Keeper.

"Yes," Cyneah replied. "That's why I decided to leave the Human plane, because of the threat Layla posed if she succeeded in influencing my thoughts."

"She won't," Kyran assured her. He did not know how to explain that; his Void core was sealed for a long time, and he had only been exposed to it recently; thus, he was not affected by Caelan's thoughts.

Kyran believed it was the same with Cyneah. As a matter of fact, she had it better because her Soul core was taken out of her before she could even awaken.

Kyran frowned. Somehow, he felt like he was missing something. He had felt this before but had no choice but put it aside since he could not place his hand on it. Recalling it now was bothering him.

"Here," Cyneah brought the newly concocted potion to Kyran. "Drink it and rest. I'll look for Oded and have him fetch the clean clothes as soon as possible."

"There's no need—."

"Don't underestimate a magical beast's blood," Cyneah insisted. She reached out her hand and fumbled for Kyran's hand.

"If you don't treat it soon, you'll be bedridden for weeks."

Kyran sighed inwardly. He wanted to tell her that his Void magic could nullify any harmful energy and substance trying to enter his body. But he knew she would only take it as an excuse and still insist on drinking the potion.

"Fine," he finally relented and took the potion. "I'll drink this. But I don't need the spare clothes. I can just—."

"I know your clothes have 'cleaning' formula," Cyneah cut him midsentence. "But you stood out like a sore thumb wearing those."

Kyran raised his brows, "How do you know I'd stood out?"

"I may be blind, but not my hearing. Yalen said you are wearing black clothes. Don't you think that is enough to stand out in this place where everyone is mostly wearing light-colored clothes?"

"If it's the color, I can—."

"Change it? I'm sure you already know that Array is a lost technology in this plane. You stopped Yalen from taking your clothes because you didn't want others to know it had array calculations, right?"

Kyran furrowed his brows. He already knew about that. But plenty of excuses could explain the color change in his outfit.

"Can't I have a spare in white?"

"With the same design?"

"Why not?"

"Just wear the clothes Oded will bring, okay," Cyneah pleaded as she approached the door.

Kyran chuckled, "Fine."

"And also," Cyneah paused before opening the door. "There are still a lot of things I want to tell you. But it can wait."

She left on that note.

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