Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 268 Just Some Flies

POV Vesuvius:

A bright blue light flared up in the black sky as a massive beam of fire shot out of the dragon's mouth, its heat igniting the air around it.

The dragon was flapping his wings, sending ripples through the clouds, with the massive beam of fire emitting out of his mouth, its pulsing blue light passing through the clouds.

The beam cut through the sky like a massive laser cutter, its diameter easly rivalling the width of a tennis court.

It passed through the small humanoid flapping their wings of light, their bodies vanishing under the onslaught of fire.

[+1020 XP]

[+1010 XP]

[+990 XP]


Blue and red lights flashed across the sky around him like tiny stars. The thin rays of energy drew lines across the sky, heading towards the massive black dragon.

Each of the beams was so bright and thick that they would instantly evaporate a human, but to a dragon, they were just like a toothpick.

Vesuvius didn't even flinch, the thin rays burning only small holes into his armour before fizzling out of existence.

'What am I even doing here? I should just smite them down. I have better things to do than play with some flies.'

Vesuvius pumped mana into his horns, the mass of black clouds above and around him stirring and rotating.

Blue lights flashed in them, sparking with electricity and with snake-like blue arcs slithering between the black vapour.

The small glowing silhouettes flapped their wings of light, flying straight towards the dragon, the tips of their weapons glowing and the shiny surfaces of the armours reflecting the electrical storm.

The dragon just looked at them with ridicule, the air moving towards them, ramming against them and throwing them back before they could even get closer to him.

They flapped their small wings in desperation. Their bodies were thrown around with the powerful winds as if they were in a blender.

A loud bang sent waves through the clouds as a massive wave of lightning and water descended, directed straight towards the upcoming armored people.

The electrical arcs crackled between the water droplets carried by the wind passed through the players captured in the wind currents.

Barriers formed around their bodies, glowing like a bubble made of light.

The lightning and electricity danced around the barriers, cracks spreading through their translucent surface.

The players couldn't even attack; the blue arcs and sparks of electricity whirling around them slowly eating upon their barriers.

Vesuvius didn't even take it seriously, taking care not to destroy the whole environment, knowing that such a small group had no chance against him, 'There would have to be a whole army of them to threaten me.'

Sound of shattering rang through the sky, the barriers shattering with the blue arcs descending upon the players.

Their armours sparked, their bodies uncontrollably shaking with the electricity flowing through them.

Immediately one player vanished out of nowhere. Vesuvius immediately noticed it, his sharp senses finding a winger figure far behind him, aiming his glowing red spear right at the dragon.

'I felt no mana out of that, so it was not a space spell.'

[+1030 XP]

[+1000 XP]

[+980 XP]


In the meantime, the players died, their smouldering bodies in semi-molten armours falling from the sky like leaves from a tree.

All the lightning bolts immediately dispersed and dissipated back into the black clouds.

'One still survived. How annoying. Prolonging the inevitable.'

The dragon turned his golden eyes, locking upon the annoying player right as the red ray of corrupted, evil energy of hell smashed against his armour, drilling a shallow hole before dissipating into nothingness.

His eyes stopped at the blue, glowing dagger and black spear, something deep within his mind shaking as he realized they were familiar to him, 'Where have I seen you? It had to be in my past life as I would have already remembered if it was from this one.'

Vesuvius opened his mouth, fire and lava gathering in the depth of his throat, brightly glowing.

A stream of blue fire exploded out, flooding the whole sky, passing through the clouds and rushing towards the player like a tidal wave.

The dagger in the player's hand flashed in a blue light, the annoying player vanishing again, the sea of fire hitting nothing but thin air.

'Ohh, I remember now. This is a build that I once sold. Who would have thought that it would be annoying me now.' The dragon stopped his attacks, feeling nostalgia waking up deep within him.

Vesuvius immediately grinned, a light escaping from the gaps between his long crystalline teeth.

'Above level one hundred, you have reached far.' He couldn't help but feel kinda proud, knowing that the weird build thay made on whim was likely at such a high-level thanks to him, 'One could say that he is my old customer. But now, he will have to die.'

The player appeared again, another red ray of energy cutting through the sky and smashing against the dragon.

'Sadly for you, I know how to deal with you.'

Immediately, the black sky stirred, droplets of water dispersing everywhere, lightning falling down, forming a giant net of blue electrical tendrils, leaving only two large bubbles with no lightning.

Vesuvius opened his mouth, more and more fire gathering inside, the blue light mixing with the light of the lightning web.

His shiny horns flashed in bright light. Lightning was gathering up between the dark clouds, loudly rumbling and crackling.

The dragon opened his mouth, and another wave of flames erupted.

The player immediately vanished with the flames harmless, passing by his last position.

Vesuvius turned straight towards the only safe spot in the sky around him. Soon the last remaining player materialized out of nowhere as if he just came into existence.

Instantly a massive blue pillar of lightning descended at the player just as he materialized, and before he could even react, the lightning shattered the bubble-like barrier of light and struck him down as if he was just a fly.

[+ 1050 XP]

Vesuvius glanced one last time at the group of his collaborators on the ground before he flapped his wings, flying back towards this lair, 'More will come. I would bet that these were just scouts. They will keep coming back and annoy me to learn all my powers.'

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