Kill the Sun

Chapter 154 154 – Peddler Storage Token

Chapter 154 Chapter 154 – Peddler Storage Token

"Turn around," Nick said.

"Why?" Kiara asked, taking a more defensive stance.

"I will create a staircase for you with my ability, but I don't want you to see my ability," Nick explained.

Kiara furrowed her brows, but a couple of seconds later, she turned around.

Since Jonathan also wasn't looking at Nick, Nick's ability reactivated.


Nick threw his three spears rapidly at one of the buildings, creating a stairway.

"Turn around and come up," Nick commanded.

Kiara looked back and saw the three spears stuck in the building at different heights.

Without waiting, she jumped onto the first one.

When she felt how heavy and durable the spear was, her eyes opened wide in shock.

These spears were way heavier than she had expected!

And he had thrown them this accurately and quickly?!

How powerful was his ability?!

After a couple of jumps, Kiara arrived at the rooftop of Nick's neighboring building.


Nick pulled his three spears back with his Ghost Wire and pocketed them.

Kiara once more became shocked.

As a Newbie who had never truly fought another Extractor, she had no idea that something like this was possible.

She knew exactly what that meant.

Nick had infinite ammo!

Kiara moved closer to Nick while completely ignoring Jonathan.

When she arrived, Nick nodded.

"Follow me," Nick said as he turned around.

Jonathan complied without any resistance.

When Kiara saw Jonathan so compliant, she couldn't help gritting her teeth.

She was so disgusted with this coward!

After a bit of walking, the three of them climbed onto the building where Stephen's corpse lay.

When they saw Stephen's decapitated corpse, reality once more hit them.

Kiara's fear increased a lot.

This was not someone she could mess with!

"Search his body," Nick commanded.

Kiara gritted her teeth while Jonathan's face became even whiter.

"I don't know if there is a kind of trap that Cycle has planted on his body, and I'm not the one that's going to find out," Nick said.

Kiara glared at Jonathan while Jonathan gulped.

Jonathan slowly moved towards the corpse with a shaking body.


Suddenly, something heavy hit Kiara's back, and she fell onto the fat man's corpse.

Kiara couldn't breathe for a long time, and she was in strong pain.

"I said, search his body!" Nick shouted.

Just now, Nick had punched Kiara's back.

Jonathan just looked with terror at Kiara, and his shaking hands moved to the fat man's corpse, quickly rummaging through his pockets.

When Kiara could finally breathe again, she turned to look at Nick and glared at him.

Nick's eyes narrowed.

Kiara could only grit her teeth and search the fat man's corpse.

The two of them found a couple of credits, a bank card, some tools, his Barrier…

"Wait, give me that," Nick said suddenly.

Kiara and Jonathan turned to look at what Nick was pointing at.

It was some kind of coin or emblem.

Jonathan grabbed it and held it out to Nick.

Nick looked at it and furrowed his brows.

"A Peddler Storage Token?" Nick said.

The two didn't know what Nick meant.

They were not from the Dregs.

When Nick saw their confused expressions, he held the token up. "The Peddlers are one of the four gangs that run the Dregs. They deal in all kinds of trade."

"Now, my question is, why would a level two Extractor have a token from the Peddlers? If he wanted to, he could just store his stuff in a more secure storage. As a level two Extractor, he could even enter the Inner City."

"Why store his things in the Dregs?"

"Unless it's something that he can't store anywhere else," Nick said.

"Do you know what this could be?" he asked as he looked at the two of them.

Both of them shook their heads.

"Seems like it's not only Ardum that has you two fooled," Nick said.

Jonathan looked with worry at Nick while Kiara narrowed her eyes.

However, Kiara didn't dare to complain.

"Why don't we take a look?" Nick asked with a confident smirk.

Next, Nick moved forward and grabbed the fat man's head before stuffing it into a sack that was hanging from the fat man's belt.

Then, Nick just lifted his corpse.

"Let's go. It's not far from here," Nick said before jumping from one building to the next.

The fat man was extremely heavy, but Nick still managed to move with confidence.

Additionally, the silence with which he moved made him even more terrifying for the two people accompanying him.

Jonathan just followed Nick, while Kiara took a deep breath before doing the same.

After a bit of jumping, the three of them reached the part of the Dregs that actually had humans.

When the people of the Dregs saw Nick pass them with a huge corpse, they stepped to the side in fear.

Ironically, they were more afraid of his uniform than the corpse he was carrying.

Eventually, the three of them reached a tall building with two people standing in front.

When they saw Nick approaching them, one of them quickly ran to the side.

"Stop!" Nick commanded.

The second guard immediately froze in fear.

"Is there something you need, sir?" the first guard asked.

"I'm going to ask you a couple of questions," Nick said to the guard, "and you better not lie."

"I'm from the Dregs myself, and I know how these things work."

"I've already harvested a couple of corpses from the Riker Strikers some months ago for one of my Specters. If you try something on me, I might decide to go for the Peddlers next."

"Got it?" Nick asked.

The two immediately knew what Nick was talking about.

After all, the Riker Strikers had taken a brutal hit when a Zephyx Extractor had entered their headquarters and killed almost ten people!

The amount of people who wanted to join them dropped significantly after that event.

The guards looked at each other.

Then, one of them looked with worry at Nick before looking at his colleague again.

Lastly, they looked at the headless corpse.

"What do you want to know, sir?" one of them asked.

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