Kill the Sun

Chapter 146 146 – Nick’s Advice

Chapter 146 Chapter 146 – Nick's Advice

The two women of Cycle furrowed their brows.

A twelve-year-old spy?

"I already told you that Pator wasn't a spy," Ardum said with a very dark voice. "He was simply a friend of mine, and the fact that I didn't already do something to you after you sent his head to me is more than you deserve!"

His head?!

At that moment, Kiara, Selina, and the tall man imagined the horrifying sight of a child's head appearing in front of Ardum.

And Wyntor had done that?!

It seemed like Wyntor was even worse than what everyone had believed!

"Spies get killed," Wyntor said calmly. "It's how it has always been and how it will continue to be."

"Yet, despite knowing all of this, you sent another one. It seems more like you were the one that wanted to kill your employee."

"When you send someone into a rabid dog's turf, you can't act surprised when they never return."

"Sarah was not a spy!" Ardum shouted.

"Then, what was she?" Wyntor asked.

"She was supposed to covertly help your employees recover since you are working them to death!" Ardum said with suppressed rage.

"Covertly help my employees recover," Wyntor repeated with a voice that was the epitome of not buying it.

"Yes, because you keep overworking them!" Ardum shouted.

"Let me repeat that," Wyntor said. "You sent someone to help my employees recover in secret, right?"

Ardum took a deep breath. "Yes. It was a stupid idea."

Wyntor looked at Ardum.

"After I sent the head of a 14-year-old boy, who was allegedly your friend, to your home address," Wyntor said.

"After I did that, you still wanted to help me."

"By sending someone to silently sprinkle Recovery Dust into my building during the dead of the night."

"When almost no employees are present."

"Did I get that right?" Wyntor asked.

Ardum glared at Wyntor.

"It was her idea," he said.

"And now, it's suddenly her idea," Wyntor said. "Why would she care?"

"Aside from the point that my employees are as healthy as can be, why would she want to do that?"

"Wasn't she busy with her own work?"

"Even more, we all know that my employees get more than enough rest. So, why would one of your Extractors appear in the dead of night to help my rested and healthy employees recover?"

Ardum gritted his teeth. "Because I told her how important you were to me."

"You're avoiding the question," Wyntor said.

"This is not about being right or wrong, Wyntor!" Ardum shouted. "This is about you killing someone innocent!"

"She was on my property without my consent," Wyntor said. "I am free to kill her. The guards won't care."

"Do you even hear yourself speak?!" Ardum shouted in outrage.

"Free to kill. Property. You're talking like Sarah was just a number! A tool!"

Wyntor just looked at Ardum with a deadpan expression.

"She was a stranger," he said. "Why should I care if some random stranger dies?"

"Compared to you, I don't need to fake empathy. I have plenty of that for the people I trust."

"You're avoiding the topic!" Ardum shouted. "This is about Sarah, not me or you! What are you going to do to rectify this injustice?!"

"You sent a spy. I killed a spy. That's it," Wyntor said. "Send someone else. I kill someone else."


By now, Kiara was more than furious, but Selina kept her in check.

Selina was also furious, but she also looked at the Zephyx Extractors of Dark Dream.

None of them showed any surprise about Wyntor's conduct.

Wyntor was talking about killing people as if it were the most normal thing on the planet, and none of his Extractors seemed to be surprised.

This was strange.

Were all three of Wyntor's Extractors just as monstrous as Wyntor himself?

If Ardum talked like that, everyone in Cycle would be shocked.

Was Dark Dream truly filled with psychopaths?!

The name seemed fitting…

"You're not going to do anything?" Ardum asked with a dark voice.

"No," Wyntor answered.


A moment later, Ardum looked at Wyntor's Zephyx Extractors.

"This does not concern you," he said. "This is a fight between my brother and I."

"You have all seen what kind of person he is."

"I implore you."

"Don't get involved in this."

"I don't want anything to happen to you."

Nick looked at Ardum.

"Go fuck yourself."

This took Trevor and Jenny by surprise, and they looked over at Nick.

Even Wyntor was a bit surprised.

"What?" Nick asked after seeing their expressions. "This is a fight, right? What's so bad about throwing an insult?"

In the end, Trevor just chuckled while Jenny put her hands over her eyes in embarrassment.

Wyntor looked at Nick and then at the shocked Ardum.

"Yes, that," Wyntor said.

"How dare you!" Kiara shouted as she shot up from her chair. "You told me to sit down, but now you are insulting our boss!"

"Hey, he was the one that addressed me first with that sermon," Nick said with a shrug.

"I just wanted to repay his piece of advice with an equally valuable piece of advice."

At that point, Nick stood up. "Blah, blah, blah," he said with annoyance. "We are all going to kill each other anyway. What's the point of acting all offended now?"

When Jenny and Trevor saw Nick stand up, they also stood up to show their support.

"In the end, this is all about money. Who gives a shit?"

"Anyway, I got work to do. See ya!" Nick said as he turned to walk away.

Jenny and Trevor wordlessly followed him.

Ardum's Zephyx Extractors looked with pure shock at Nick.

Wyntor just smiled, shrugged, and also stood up.

"What he said."

Then, Wyntor turned around to leave.

The Extractors from Cycle almost exploded with rage.

"Are you sure about this, Wyntor?" Ardum asked with a dark voice.

"You do know that the first victim of this will be the spy you planted in my company, right?" Ardum asked.

Wyntor shrugged.

"Go kill them then."

And then, Wyntor walked out of the restaurant behind his employees.

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