Kill the Sun

Chapter 76 76 – The Second Specter

Chapter 76 Chapter 76 – The Second Specter

The Screaming Coffin opened fully, and Nick saw a black void inside.

As soon as Nick saw the black void, he knew that he couldn't enter the coffin or he would die.

Power seemed to be irrelevant when encompassed by the Screaming Coffin.

Anything living would be turned into nourishment for the coffin.

Nick slightly moved his arms and felt that he could still use a lot of power.

For a bit, Nick let himself get pulled closer, and when they were only a bit less than two meters apart, Nick became active.


Nick immediately ripped his left and right arms free, followed by his legs.

Immediately, the other bandages loosened, and shockingly, they even cut themselves off!

The Screaming Coffin immediately let go of Nick, leaving several parts of Nick's body encased in white bandages.

The Screaming Coffin quickly closed its lid, and when it was fully closed, Nick shot forward.

In an instant, Nick surrounded the closed coffin with his arms. Luckily, it wasn't too big.

The next moment, Nick surrounded the coffin with his legs so that it couldn't run away.


After that, Nick methodically ripped out all of the white bandages that came out of the gaps.

When the last bandage was cut, the coffin stopped moving. The only bit of life or movement Nick could feel was that it was shaking a bit.

By removing all of the bandages, Nick had turned the Screaming Coffin into something akin to a spider with all of its legs ripped out.

It was alive, but it couldn't move.

Nick carefully switched his hold and looked at it for a bit.

The coffin only lightly shook in place, which meant that it couldn't move anymore.

'I guess that's it?' Nick asked himself doubtfully in his mind.

'That was easy.'

Of course, Nick still realized that this coffin could essentially kill and prey on any normal human.

If it caught one of the members of the Riker Strikers, the man would be helpless.

A normal adult male simply didn't have the power to rip the bandages apart.

But on the other hand, the Screaming Coffin was also very slow.

If the human noticed the coffin before it reached him, they could probably just run away.

However, things were different in the sewers.

No human would be able to feel the Screaming Coffin coming.

In short, it was an ambush predator.

'I guess we have a second Specter now,' Nick thought as he grabbed the bottom of the coffin before lifting it.

Next, Nick swam upward while holding the coffin, and a couple of seconds later, he reached the surface.

First, Nick felt like the coffin had become many times heavier, but that was just Nick's ability deactivating.

When Nick lifted the coffin out of the water, he had to wildly paddle with his legs to keep his head above the water.

"I got it!" Nick shouted, but he immediately regretted shouting as some of the liquid entered his mouth.

"Great work! Bring it up!" Wyntor shouted.

"Nicely done, kid," the rat shouted.

Nick slowly pushed the coffin to the rope and tied a rope around it.

Sadly, there was not a lot of rope, which meant that he couldn't really secure it completely.

"Wyntor, I need you down here to keep the coffin in the loop. I don't think you have the power to pull both of us up," Nick shouted.

Wyntor looked at the sewers with disgust and anxiety, but he just gritted his teeth before nodding.

Wyntor slowly slid down the rope until he reached the coffin.

A disgusted and almost fearful expression appeared on Wyntor's face as he got submerged up to his chest in the sewers.

"Thanks," Nick said before grabbing the rope above Wyntor and easily pulling himself up.

When Nick reached the top, he walked a bit away from the edge and pulled.

Since no one could perceive Nick's exact location right now, his ability reactivated.

On the top, Nick pulled the rope to himself like there was almost nothing connected to it.

In the sewers, Wyntor felt an extremely powerful pull and was immediately lifted out of the sewers.

The coffin wobbled below Wyntor's ass, but he quickly shifted his weight to keep it in the loop.

Some seconds later, Wyntor grabbed the ceiling of the sewers and pulled himself carefully up while still grabbing the coffin with his legs.

Luckily, Wyntor wasn't weak.

In fact, he was a Mid Newbie since he had worked quite a bit with his father's Specters when he was young.

Nick quickly went forward and pulled Wyntor and the Screaming Coffin out.

Without waiting, Nick grabbed the Screaming Coffin and walked over to the Containment Unit in the middle of the warehouse.

They had already moved the Dreamer to its new Containment Unit a couple of days ago.

With Nick, Wyntor, and Jenny present, the Dreamer didn't even attempt to escape.

The Dreamer was now in a smaller Containment Unit, but a far more expensive and advanced one.

And the Screaming Coffin would now inhabit the Dreamer's old Containment Unit.

The alarm rang through the warehouse as the main gate of the Containment Unit was slowly opened.

Nick just walked into the Containment Unit, put the Screaming Coffin on the ground, and walked out again.

After closing the gate, he was done.

The Screaming Coffin was contained, and compared to the Dreamer, this thing was way easier to keep contained.

As long as it had something to eat, it probably wouldn't even move.

"Speaking of," Nick said before going to the hole.

When he looked down, he saw the rat sniffing the corpse they had thrown in earlier to lure out the Screaming Coffin.

"No!" Nick shouted. "I'm still using that!"

"Yeah, sure," the rat said absentmindedly as it retreated from the corpse.

Nick looked at the rope and saw that it was still bound to one of the Containment Units.

The next moment, Nick grabbed the rope and jumped back into the sewers.

Nick held the rope in one hand and grabbed the corpse with the other.

After a bit of shifting his weight, Nick managed to climb the rope with the corpse.

"Thanks!" Nick shouted into the hole.

"Just business!" the rat shouted back.

Then, Nick closed the hole to the sewers.

Finally, they got their second Specter, the Screaming Coffin!

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