Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 89: Don't You Dare

Chapter 89: Don't You Dare

I drank two full cups as we laughed and talked, my tiredness was forgotten. I even ended up getting a little rowdy to the point where Lesha had to pull me away.

I was about to get up from the table and start to show off covered scars, but Lesha pulled me to the stairs. There was still most of the Guild awake, and they started to hoot and holler as I was dragged to the stairs.

I tried to turn back and grin at them, but I almost tripped on my feet. My legs seemed to have a mind of their own, and I was having a hard time making them walk a straight line.

"Baby, just put your arms over my shoulder so you don't fall. You don't handle your booze very well, do you?" She asked with a small grin.

"I don't drink! I mean, I did yeah! With you remember? Then, we" I was having a hard time trying to keep my thoughts together.

"Just watch where you are going, the room is up ahead," Lesha said as we neared the room.

"And then? Do we get to do that thing with our tongues again? I REALLY liked that!" I said far louder than I intended.

"Sssh! Yes, but I need to go to the bathroom and get cleaned up. Here," Lesha said opening our room door, and guiding me in.

The room was starting to twist, and walking was becoming increasingly difficult. It was like I was carrying a heavy load of something, but Lesha gilded me to the bed.

Once, I was sitting, nothing was better and the heaviness just got worse. The world spun and swan as Lesha helped me out of all my clothes.

She pulled the covers back and ordered me under, and I compiled. The bed was so warm and inviting like it had been waiting for me to return.

"I will be right back, don't fall out of bed. Maybe you should just move over, I'll be right back. You had better not have fallen asleep when I get back or I will spank you awake! " Lesha said after she rolled me over, and gave my tush a smack.

After Lesha left, the room was still spinning, and I had to close my eyes. I was getting sleepy, and that was a no-no.

'Can't I stop this?'

'Activating Monocyte, cure sickness, and infection,' -Drania.

Suddenly, I felt the warm tingly burning feeling start in my chest. Suddenly, the fog was pulled back, and I wasn't drunk, but I was still a bit tired.

I sat up in the bed, and let myself feel a bit of shame for a moment, but then shrugged it off. Nothing truly embarrassing had happened, but that was only thanks to Lesha for dragging me away.

I decided to pretend that I had already fallen asleep to get a rise out of her. This would be my little lesson for treating me like a child on the dock, but I was having a hard time pretending to be asleep.

'Thank you.'

'It's more than okay, but when I have to use the services you don't have yet it takes a lot more blood to do it if you had the other girls. This time it is okay, but if you were to ask me when you have low blood, and you are drunk, I can't refuse you.' -Drania.

[She is telling the truth. In that sense, she is no different than your other servants. Also, I am not a pretty eater when I am drunk, and I am not picky. So, letting me loose on a city like this would not help any of us.]

If I had been even the slightest bit intoxicated, I was stone-cold sober now. I looked into myself, and they were telling the truth.

Over one-third of my blood was gone, but then I remember that Gloria and I had an arm-wrestling match. I had taken some of her blood but was already one mug in, and I cheated, but Gloria was a beast.

I had burnt red blood cells, and she still almost beat me! I suspect now that I could think straight that she had let me win to save face for myself.

I needed to control myself more when I did things like that, and always make sure I had a full tank. If I had the Monocyte Service I could just burn a small amount of blood to control my levels of toxicity.

What the hell was taking this woman so long? I was wide awake now, and I was ready for her to come in.

Finally, after about ten minutes of waiting, I decided to go check on her.

I had seen the bathroom door open right beside the spiraling stairs that led up to the Waystone. I got dressed quickly and then headed for the door into the hall.

It was closed, so that was a good sign, but when I knocked lightly there was no answer. I was worried, so I put my ear to the door, and had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

After getting myself under control, I slowly opened the door that the fool hadn't even locked. Lesha was inside there, sitting on the toilet with her pants and underwear around her ankles.

The toilet was in the left-hand corner of the room and Lesha had her face plastered to the wall. It was actually remarkable that she could fall asleep like that.

I would have just fallen to the floor, then there would have been no surprises halfway through. Like going to scratch my nose and face planting.

I slowly closed the door most of the way and turned to her. She was so goddamn adorable, and it was nice to be able to take care of her for once.

As I pulled up her undergarments, I let her lean forward onto my shoulder. She was mumbling something about the price of water being too high for a planet covered in it.

I smiled and scooped her up into my arms after getting her pants back up. I would just be talking them off her when we got back to the room.

Maybe we would have to look at renting a house in town while we were here. That would be another thing for the list of things to do tomorrow.

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