Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 80: Snot Wads

Chapter 80: Snot Wads

I jumped over the rail and dove into the water with the white nylon-like rope trailing behind me. I pierced the water, but the air made swimming a bit awkward, but I would be okay. I could see the wrecks of ships everywhere, this was really a graveyard for the ones that didn't get away.

I swam back up to the surface and grabbed fresh air and then dropped down to catch up with the other three that were already swimming down. I would be interested to go take a look at them one day, who knows what could have been left behind!

I caught up to Gloria and we swam to the glowing coral reef. The reef itself wasn't glowing, and as we got closer I could see that it was bell-shaped crystals that were glowing different colors.

I had never seen gems so beautiful. The way the gems were shaped like bells made them look like crystallized roses. Time for my plan, hopefully, these would be the same as the crystals that we found in the dungeon.

'Gobby, can you hear me?'

"Yeah, K, I'm here. The saltwater has me all wrinkled like a raisin and I look worse than normal so I have been staying hidden! But hurrah on getting some of the memories back! You can swim! Again! Woo!" Gobby said from my arm as a smaller version of his eye rolled down it.

Gobby and walked back up my arm and then up to my back, but he looked wrinkled like a raisin and he was a light muddy red. His feet were sticking to me and the water current didn't seem to bother him.

'How many of those gems do you think you can fit in you?'

"Nope, they are just crystallized booger spit with phosphorescent bugs trapped inside. They are just like really fancy pearls, so if I eat it, it will just become a snack," Gobby said from behind me. "But, I can eat one of the snot wads, or they might eat me. Either way, I will prove to be some sort of distraction!"

That was something, but we didn't want to kill the Flexil or there would be fewer Gems Hearts created. I had to wonder what the uses there were for them, but we were getting close now so I needed to concentrate on the task at hand.

I unhooked my air bottle and took in a deep breath of air, but it was gross. I would have to figure out something in the future for the others, but this would work for now.

The Flexil Fish above all float on the top of the water above, and I could see that some had Gem Hearts growing slowly inside of them. I looked over at the other three and they all nodded and we all quickly went and found some.

They were spaced out so it wasn't wise to grab more than one, but I had been putting my eyes to work while thinking. I had found a group of three and there was the size of a tropical grapefruit that was one of the ingredients to the flavor of Candi's blood.

I grabbed the three and hugged them in and took another stale breath of air. I shook the line and looked up to see the Flexil was already descending on me and the others, but they were already being pulled back.

I felt the jerk and leaned back to reach my free hand up and grabbed the line. That helped me stay straight and I started to pick up speed. We all were keeping ahead of them and now we were slowly pulling away.

Suddenly, some of the Flexil Fish started to streak at Tim, but he threw two daggers into the closest one. The daggers were more like thrown rock and they only disintegrated, but they did slow the speed and that was what mattered.

I looked up and I could see the boat getting closer, but I could also see that the sky was starting to get very dark and we had to sail straight into it. Tim had thrown a couple more knives to stop the ones that were getting too close, but they had mostly given up.

I could no longer see the ocean floor and the water was getting very dark as we were finally pulled up and out of the water. There was a rope net that was dropped off the side and once the four of us grabbed on, another winch could be heard clicking as we were finally pulled up onto the deck.

Lesha was the first over to me, taking the gem from me and running them over to a large tub. I got up and walked over as I felt the rain only just start, but it was not playing around.

The tub was filled with a thick green jelly-like substance, and I watched Lesha gently drop the crystals in. Then there to the ones the other brought over and came to stand by me, but she was looking on my back.

"K, there is something gross on your back!" Lesha exclaimed poking Gobby's wrinkled body that was stuck to my back.

"No that is just Gobby," I said.

"Yeah, it is!" Gobby shouted out, and I felt him lifting from my back.


"Sorry!" Lesha said from behind me.

I could no longer feel him on my back and I turned to find Lesha staring at her now bloody hand. I looked around, but Gooby was gone, just what happened?

"I am sorry K, he jumped out as my and I slapped him off the boat!" Lesha said with tears in her eyes, but I smiled at her.

"Probably for the best, I will summon him again when we need him. Cheer up love, if he gets too far from me he will auto unsummon. Then I can just call him back whenever we want, but he can have a break right now or whatever it is he does when he isn't here."

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