Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 71: The Guarding Watch Light

Chapter 71: The Guarding Watch Light

It was every bit as bad as it looked, and only Lesha tipping the cup up made me finish, but I scowled at her after. There were no immediate changes to me, but it was a cup of sewage, I didn't hold many expectations.

After I finished, we headed to the back of the hall to a set of stairs that led down. Even as I started to walk, I could feel the difference, and it was like a wave of relief washed most of the fatigue away.

The hall we all walked down into was made of stones and mortar, and there were five doors. Two on each side and one at the end, and that was the one that Lesha knocked on.

"Come in," called a rough male voice.

Lesha opened the door and we all walked inside. The place was a lot nicer than I thought it was going to be; there were wooden walls with pictures on them, but they were of only one person.

I turned away from them and looked at the man standing at the end of the room. He was sitting in front of a fireplace in a comfy-looking red chair, and there were two other couches. There was also another chair similar to the one he sat on beside him, with a simple wooden end table between them.

There was a bed in the corner, and that was where the heaviest concentration of pictures was. We walked forward to join the man, and then I noticed that there was a lantern that was like the ones used to signal other ships at sea.

This was one of the few things I did know about; my father had gotten one from a man for fixing some weapons. It had a cover and you could use it to direct light or open and close it for signals.

It was like using the Calling Drums, but at short range. Still, I wasn't sure why it was on the table, but it did look ornamental and nice, so I wasn't sure what to make of it.

"It's good to see that you have finally woken up, it has only been a day, but the sooner you are up and going the better. My name is Jester for all Guild things, but you can call me Milo while we are here. Please, sit down, you must still be tired," Milo said, gesturing to the couches.

I turned to Lesha and gave her a kiss before going to sit down in the vacant red chair beside Milo. My party took the whole place up, but then that made me think about the boys.

"Where is Tim, and Corbit?" I asked turning to Lesha, but Milo was the one that answered.

"I have them working with Hersal and another member, Braum. Those two will help get them into better fighting shape. I know you are probably wondering, why?" Milo said with a smile as I turned back to him.

"Yes, that is a very good question, but I expect that you already have the answer for me. So, Milo, Leader of The Laughing Ravens Guild, what can I do for you that would make you want to help me so much?"

"Unlike you, I haven't been bestowed a great power, more of a great item. Not useless, but by no means does it increase my physical or even magical aptitudes. I have one purpose left while I remain in this world. I will see Dyster pay for the people he took from me and so many others with his games and powers. We fought wars, and people died, but it was always one nation trying to climb to the top to rule. These Gods don't care about us or the world, we are just toys in their rise to the top."

Only the crackle of the burning logs on the fire filled the room until I broke the silence.

"So, you think that I can kill him? A god that can level an entire city block, just by being there?" I asked with incredulity.

"Not yet, but all the reports of you coming from my trusted sources can't be wrong. You are more than just a person that got something from the Dungeon Core. The level of Mind Control you used on so many men is astounding, even if it puts you in bed for three days! Kal said that all the men had just crawled onto the fire and only two of them were wounded," Milo praised me.

I didn't know if that was something I wanted to be praised for, but they had crossed a line, and I would do it again if anyone touched the girls again. I still didn't understand what he meant by more; was he talking about Lishtani?

"So, you think that I can become strong enough to kill a god?" I asked.

"I believe with the right training and enough experience, you would definitely have a fighting chance, but that brings me to the next topic. What you did to the Ground Pounders is sung with praise, but I am sure that you know just as well as I do that Granvel isn't going to just leave you alone after wiping out half his guild, and the members are hot for your blood," Milo explained.

"Yes, I figured as much, but they will get another round of cleaning if they interfere with what I have come to do. You do know why I am here don't you?" I asked.

"Yes, I don't like the gods, but Healia, doesn't sound that bad, and she is the one that told me to come to get you. I have a Waystone that you can use to communicate with her, but it is upstairs. It isn't like the small amulets you have seen, but we will go thereafter. I have a few questions I would like to ask you with this," Milo said pointing to the Lantern.

"You're going to ask me questions with that?" I asked in confusion, looking at the lantern again thinking I had missed something.

"This is the Item I got from the Dungeon Core, The Guarding Watch Light."

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