Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 69: Trimmings

Chapter 69: Trimmings

I could smell the salty breeze of the ocean, and there was a warm body beside me. I opened my eyes to look directly into Lesha's sky blue eyes, and she had a smile on her face.

I leaned in and pressed my lips into hers, the feeling was like pure bliss. It felt like I had been sleeping forever, and now Lesha's kisses were bringing me back to life.

I held her in my arms, and I didn't want to let her go, ever. The fact that someone had taken her from me and there was nothing I could do until I found her. I didn't want to go through that again, and from now on the girls would be staying close to me.

I pulled away from her and looked into her eyes again. I just wanted to keep on kissing her, but I needed to know what happened after I passed out.

"What happened?" I asked, brushing the blonde hair out of her eyes, and then running my hand down the side of her face.

"You passed out and the men went back and got the wagon and carriages, and we all slept in the wagons. The next two days we spent on the road with you asleep. No one bothered us after that either, but now that you are awake, Kal and Jester will want to talk to you." Lesha said leaning in for another kiss while sliding her hand down my stomach.

"K! Are you awake? I hear you in there!" Called who I was pretty sure was Candi.

Lesha pulled her hand back and I groaned.

"Yes, I am"


The door slammed open, and all the girls came rushing in, except Gloria, because she wasn't a savage. The other three leaped on me like wolves pouncing on prey.

"Oof! Hey! What were you doing kicking you little monsters!" I growled at the ball of girls.

They were all short, so they looked like a bunch of children climbing on top of me. Mei I could understand her acting like this, but the other two were supposed to be a werewolf and vampire.

I wasn't sure exactly what those things were, but the vampire in me and the massive beast I had seen Trinity turn into, did not match these two. Then again, the description I had got about Lishtani was way off as well, so I will be having a talk about that with you real soon.

"I am not a monster, I am a princess of the night! This mutt of mine is the real monster with that smell!" Candi said while turning up her nose at Trinity.

In response, Trinity tried to crawl under the sheets with me, but I held them down. So, instead, she just cuddled into my arm while looking up at a glaring Candi.

"K thinks I smell like ice cream, and I don't know what it is, but she likes it! Maybe I'll just stay close to her from now on since I'm such a stink mutt!" Trinity said while sticking her tongue out.

"Alright, enough of this, everyone, but the person that belongs in my bed out! Mei, it is nice to see you, but I will be out when I am dressed, okay?"

No one moved.

"NOW!" I said forcing my eyes to light up, and that made the girls scurry and slam the door behind them.

Lesha was giggling, so I grabbed her side and started to tickle her more, until she made cute little noises, asking me to stop. She was laying under me and neither of us had any cloth on, and I leaned down and softly kissed her before getting up and out of bed.

I immediately put my hand out and Lesha caught me and leaned my head on her shoulder. I was spinning and it took a moment before I could even see straight.

"Are you okay?" Lesha asked with a worried tone.

"I think using the ability took a lot more out of me than I thought," I said while lifting my head off her shoulder.

"No, you need to lay back down, I will tell them to wait," Lesha said, trying to pull me back to bed, but I was already up.

"No, I need to get up and move around, and maybe get some food into me. Then we can go see Jester, I need to talk to him about the Ground Pounders Guild, and what I or Lishtani did. I think I started a fight that is far from over, but I need help getting dressed. No dress today, I want some pants, and if I try to put on my underwear, I think I might just tip right over," I said with a weak smile.

"Only if you're sure. I will help you get dressed, and later we can take a nice long bath. I will help you get cleaned up, everywhere," Lesha said with a devilish smile.

"What do you mean get cleaned up everywhere? I wash down there! You are not saying that I don't taste" I tried to protest, but Lesha cut me off laughing.

"No, it's not that. I don't really know what it's supposed to be like, but I don't think it's bad. You just need a haircut," Lesha said while not looking at me and trying to help me with my pants.

My face heated and I almost put my hand between my legs to feel as I pulled my pants up. This was beyond embarrassing, I had never thought about cutting it! And I hadn't really been paying attention to it, gods, I didn't have words to say, I was just stunned silent.

"Oh, don't be like that! Later I will help you, but for now, just get going and get you something to eat!" Lesha said, trying to placate me after telling me that I was growing a beard in my pants.

She helped me up and I got my shit on and we headed for the door. When Lesha opened it, the three girls fell into the room. Then the three stood back up, trying to look as innocent as possible, but then Candi broke the silence.

"K, don't you know how to shave your bush?"

I almost threw her out of the room.

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