Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 44: Red Coat

Chapter 44: Red Coat

The Men had no trouble setting up their tents, but we needed them to come to help us. Leash and Gloria were the only ones that had any idea what they were doing, and neither had ever set up a tent this big. Mei and Lesha had found it in one of the storerooms, and Gram had said we could use it, just not how to use it.

I got a fire going to help and Mei carried over wood, but I backed off as Kevin came over. He was one of the other bodyguards, and he brought over a tripod and hung a large pot from it over the fire. Next, he pulled out a small bottle and that's when I noticed the platter of raw meat strips, cut-up tubers, and vegetables.

I watched him pour some oil in and then wait. After the oil heated he tossed in the meat cooking it for a bit then adding the greens and tubers with some water, then finally some spice cubes. After he was done, Kevin stirred it, then put the lid on, it was already giving off a smell that promised greatness.

Mei grabbed my arm, pulling me out of my trance, and I turned to see what she was trying to get me to look at. The tent was up and it was big, maybe four paces across, and I got up with Mei to go take a look. I pulled the flap back and there were blankets laid out in a long row making me groan and then glare at Lesha.

"We are out on the road, so we should be sleeping together so we can tell if someone is trying to get close to one of us. You will have to get used to this for a while," Lesha said with a tired look that said she didn't like it any more than I did.

The stew that Kevin made was really good, and Lesha had fresh bread and butter that Leana had given us to go with it. The meal filled us all up, and after we were done we all went straight to bed, except for the guard, they were going to take shifts watching. I had offered to help, but they said it would be better if we were ready to go if something happened during the day.

I couldn't fault the logic, but I was still going to feel a bit out of it tonight. After saying going night to Tim and Corbit, the girls and I all got into bed, I kept my dress on. I was on edge about the men watching over us, and ended up staying up most of the night listening for sounds that would never come.

"K, did you not get any sleep again? Did Mei keep you up this time?" Lesha asked, looking at the bags under my eyes as we took down the tent.

I really hoped the place at the top of the mountain wasn't occupied. It would be nice to be inside for one night, or until we could get to Presab. That was one of two small towns along the way to Dyster, and we would have to stop and get supplies for us and the animals. There we could get a room for sure, just had to last one more night, and we would be there.

We got started on the road and soon were we making our way up into the mountains. We were all looking out the window, watching the cliff on one side and then switching sides to look down at the sheer drop. The path we traveled was a zig-zag all the way up, so we could track the entire trip up.

All but Gloria were darting back and forth, and I was no exception. Right now I was just one of the girls, and the rest of them treated me that way. This was an experience all on its own being raised with all boys, and always feeling like I had something to prove. Now I was heading out into the world with my own sisters.

The rest of the trip was smooth and it was just hitting the twilight and we crested the plateau of the mountaintop. The cabin was there as promised, and there were no lights on which meant that no one was there, perfect. A great way to end a long day of being cooped up in the carriage; I was hoping we wouldn't need to set up the tent, the air was thicker up here, and I didn't want to do any extra work.

We all unloaded from the carriages and started heading to the cabin, then it happened. Mark and Kevin were in the lead, and I heard the arrows fly, but could do nothing about it.

The first hit Kevin's shoulder and the second was into Mark's thigh, both non-vital strikes. I got the girls behind me and I watched silhouetted figures walk out from behind rocks. They were holding drawn bows, and I could feel Lesha pressing at my side for action, but we needed to wait.

"Thank you for bringing me all this fine cargo and beautiful women! You merchants really are the best! Too bad you're only useful for a one-time use!" A thin man in a red coat that was too big for him, and white pants too small, but this was what I was weighting for.

"K! Help! They are going to kill me!" Gastbo cried.

I drank deeply from each girl, strawberry, lemon, mint chocolate, and I could feel the violence that was about to be done in the killing intent projected from each girl.

"Kill the little fat man!" The leader yelled, but they were already dead and Gastbo was running over to me, they had knives sticking out of the eye sockets.

"Attack the...gurgle," The leader tried to say but a blade was sticking out of his throat.

"Don't worry, K, I got yeah back!" Tim called as the girls rushed past me.

They picked the wrong group to mess with.

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