Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 38: Need A Kick Or Something

Chapter 38: Need A Kick Or Something

Boss Room already? This was only the third room, last time it had been in the sixth room that the group of lizard men and the huge leader type had appeared with them. I was starting to get chills thinking about what happened, and then the feeling intensified when I looked at Lesha and Mei.

I took a deep breath in and walked forward down the hall, going to see wasn't going to get the party killed. Maybe Tim was overestimating the monster's power, but as the rest of us got closer to him and Gobby, I could see why he didn't want to go on.

Four two-headed dogs that could spit fire and acid surround and massive three-headed Cerberus. That was a Diamond-ranked monster that had Fire, Gas, and Ice breath, and a ridiculous amount of health. Suicide is what that would be, there was no way possible that we could defeat this.

"We have to turn back and try to re-enter the dungeon to see if we can get more stuff," I said, waving everyone back.

"Yeah, That's going to be the best bet. Wow, one of those things! That's crazy, and we are so close to a core! We just got to get these others whipped into shape! Let's go before it starts getting too dark!" Tim cheered, jiggling in his black outfit.

For a man with only one eye showing, and covered in black, he was awfully cheerful. You could never judge a book by its cover, but I still barely knew him, so I wasn't about to pass judgment yet.

We all headed back out the way we came in and exited the dungeon since it wasn't that far of a walk. Once outside we waited, I don't think anyone really knew how dungeons worked or how they changed every time we entered them, but we decided that five mins should be enough. Our group took hands and walked into the dungeon again, passing through the barrier, but we were met by a familiar sight.

We were in the same room as the one we had just left. I sent Gobby to do a thorough search for traps, but there was nothing. I turned back to Tim, just he shrugged his shoulders.

"To tell you the truth, I never wait to come back into the dungeons. I just turn back and re-enter and it's a new dungeon, but I have never seen the same place ever, maybe it just looks the same."

He had a point, but I was pretty sure this was the same place we had just come from. Our group slowly made our way down the hall with the same white stone. Once we got to the first room, I knew something was wrong.

"Nope, never seen anything like this before. We should try going out and I will try going in myself. Something must be wrong with the dungeon," Tim said while looking around the empty first room.

I was starting to get worried; what if the dungeon was stuck here for everyone?! I hurried back out with everyone and Tim turned back around and went in, but then came right back out. He was shaking his head and talking to himself, then he looked up at me.

"I think we had better go back and talk to Healia about this. She is the only one that knows anything about this. I have never even heard of something like this ever happening, so we need to talk to the only person with a clue to what might be going on."

"Do you think we broke it?" I asked, trying to sound calm.

"I don't know, all I do know is that we are stuck until we can beat something that our part stands no chance against, even with your blood super stuff. Even if you could do it for me and the boy, it still wouldn't be close to defeating four Hell Beasts, the Cerberus is just a certified impossible stamp. It should go back by tomorrow, don't worry yourself. Plus, you got that gold crystal, never seen one of those, come on."

Tim was right, but I hated to rely on him for support when I was supposed to be the leader, but I was lost in the dark to what was going on. Lesha and Mei both came and grabbed my hands and pulled me along, back to town. Corbit walked ahead with Tim and they talked quietly, while I was left thinking about what happened.

"This wasn't your fault, K" Lesha tried to console me as we walked.

"I know, I am just worried about what will happen for everyone else."

"We will all figure it out, I am sure it's no big deal and Healia will be able to fix everything no problem. The dungeon probably just needs a kick or something," Mei said, giving a mock kick as we walked.

They were right and we were getting back into the city now, and it was starting to move into the twilight just as the sun was disappearing over the ridge. We walked past my old house, and it felt weird to be continuing on by. A new part of my life had started and I was not doing very good, but there was no point in beating myself up about something I was just learning, I would just have to move forward and work with Healia from now on.

I walked past the bakery and then The Forge where Gastbo looked at me with a plain face. I was surprised by that, everyone else smiled and greeted us as we passed with nods and waves. It was a bit to get used to, but I smiled at the people and the girls waved back with her free hands.

Finally, we reached the Guild and opened the door to find Gram and Healia sitting at the single table. Healia had a blank look on her face, and Gram was unreadable as a ball of fur ever was. I walked in with the group and started to explain what happened but Healia put up a hand to stop me.

"I can't help you."

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