Isekai’d Shoggoth

Interlude 8. Elves React: Divine Revelations

Interlude 8. Elves React: Divine Revelations

(Out of mercy for the casual reader, the original dialogue in haitian creole patois had been replaced by english translation.)

Dweezil straightened his ceremonial robes and sighed. They had arrived to Evergreens late in the evening, and were spared from the necessity of saying anything beyond "yes we succeeded". However, now he was to make a full report of what he saw and learned in Parsee. Next to him, Sparrow Jack fidgeted in his own robes. While Dweezil's set was well worn in, Sparrow Jack had used his all of three times, two of which were his own naming ceremony and soul aria recital. This was literally the first time he was involved in a situation warranting the attention of the whole Counsel to hear him out. Admittedly, as far as reasons for reporting to the whole conclave go, "I have been entrusted with sacred knowledges" is hardly the worst.

"Nervous, bud?" - he offered casually, swatting Jack's back lightly - "Relax, I will be there right next to you. Don't panic, think through the question before you answer and if you're unsure, I'm right next to you, you're allowed to ask me to clarify or confirm something you're not sure of."

'As you say." - he replied quietly - "And... I'm honestly more worried about revealing the world tree name. Are you sure it's fine for me to do so? Shouldn't you be one to..."

At Dweezil's gesture, he trailed off. "When all is said and done, it was your comment that garnered us the knowledge. It is only fair that you announce it first." - Dweezil told him - "Now come along, the meeting's about to start."


As he stepped into the chamber, Sparrow Jack looked around apprehensively. He was standing next to Dweezil in front of a crescent-shaped table, sitting the members of Counsel. Today's attendance was quite dense, he noticed with a bit of surprise.

"Ah. Greetings, Dweezil, Sparrow Jack." - the current head of conclave, the eldest Tamaya smiles at them - "You have managed the task very well. The cure is already being distributed as needed. Now, we have some questions. First of all - flour. Where did you find a merchant who sells already ground grain?"

"Ah, it's a recent development in the kingdom, actually." - Dweezil replies casually - "We were shown a building they called windmill. It is like a grindstone but much bigger, and instead of a handle to turn it by hand, the millstone is attached to a sail of clever shape that makes it rotate. So now there are barrels of flour available at the market at nice prices. We were told that the barrel of flour requires almost three barrels of grain to create, so we opted for barreled flour to get as much of it as our wagon could fit."

"Even so?" - she hums - "That is good news. Now, I understand there is a number of news you desire to report?"

Dweezil nudges Sparrow Jack forward. He swallows and starts talking - "Members of the Counsel. I wish to report that we, by a chance meeting, ended up conversing with the inventor of the cure for cold, one lady Alyssa Gillespie." Jack takes a breath and continues - "She had offered to teach me how to compound the cure on condition that I am to pass the teaching to everyone with an inclination to alchemy."

Several of the conclave members doubletake. Eldest Tamaya doesn't, but even she quirks a brow. "Pardon me?" - she asks mildly - "Did I hear that right? You were given a secret on condition that you spread it?"

Sparrow Jack winces. "It's... not a secret, eldest." - he admits - "As we found out, Lady Gillespie put in an effort to disseminate the recipe and methodology among the temple acolytes and given them a direct request of the same nature - to spread the knowledge on how to prepare it far and wide. Lady Gillespie expressed a belief that since the colds are a common problem, the cure should be common knowledge."

Murmurs arise from the table. Eldest listens in for a while, then nods - "While the gesture is overly generous, we have gotten other reports about lady Gillespie, and by the sound of it she lacks not for the gold. I suppose she does not really need the income from the cure, if her incomes from other venues are of any indication. We obviously accept such a gift, and endeavor to fulfill our obligations at the soonest. Sparrow Jack, starting tomorrow, you will be giving instruction to our alchemists until every glade has at least two persons capable of mixing it."

"As you say, eldest." - he agrees - "However, that is not all. Lady Gillespie had given us more information of interest to the Counsel and elves, but first, I'd like to give the floor back to Dweezil to explain the relationship."

Dweezil shoots him a dirty look and steps forward hastily - "Not MY relationship, I hasten to clarify. As we found out, lady Gillespie is attending Academy with my younger sister Moon Unit." He pauses, takes a deep breath, and plunges in - "Moon Unit admitted that she had willingly joined lady Gillespie's harem. Yes, lady Gillespie has harem. No, it is comprised solely of women. No, entirely consensual and willing. No, lady Gillespie had explicitly mentioned that any of her wives may leave her at any time at their own will. It is unusually permissive and even-footed, when compared to a typical Sultanate harem, but matches well to the enlightened and generous character of lady Gillespie. Who else? Lady Gillespie's maid, princess of Champagne and a former wife of Sultan she stole out of his seraglio. No, I'm not jesting or being flippant, lady Gillespie seems to be the kind of person that serves as inspiration for bards for centuries upon centuries past her time. Also... Moon Unit believes Lady Gillespie to be Tool of Gods."

The murmur is much louder now. After the conversation settles down, eldest Tamaya gestures towards Dweezil - "Tool of Gods? Were you offered any proof?"

"Lady Gillespie had demonstrated the speech that matches well to our descriptions of Tools of Gods - a sound of deep profundity and meaning that brings unprepared to their knees." - Dweezil offered, his voice getting dull as he recalls the event - "Additionally, Lady Gillespie and Moon Unit each had revealed a piece of profound knowledge, Moon Unit admitting she learned hers from lady Gillespie. According to Moon Unit, the word Tools of Gods use to refer to their own kind is 'SHOGGOTH'." He blinks and clamps his hands over his mouth as an odd sound bubbles forth, making everyone perk up and take vivid notice.

Sparrow Jack steps forward as Dweezil backs off. The attention is well and truly on them, time to reveal the most important bit of news. "During the conversation, which turned to Thread of Creation after we expressed an opinion spinners might be interested to listen to Moon Unit's story, I have offhandedly exulted about the possibility of maybe learning of some new clues about World Tree's name with Lady Gillespie's help. She asked me, what is so important about YGGDRASIL."

And that's when the meeting devolves well and truly into pandemonium.

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