Isekai’d Shoggoth

Chapter 41: Revelation At The End Of Day

Chapter 41: Revelation At The End Of Day

In the end, while the overall confidence had increased, my personal one continues to drop. I keep worrying if I'm coercing Roxolane, and it puts me off the mood. And girls notice. And take it personally. Lily-Anne is huffing about me being "wishy-washy", Roxolane is sulking over "causing problems", Bridgit is worrying about everyone, and Moon Unit... is being rational at me. Which, I have to admit, is calming me down. Now if only she elected to be rational in a less crazy direction...

"I understand your points, but are you sure it is not too soon?" - I ask, as Moon Unit lays out some rational points. She insists that for the good of us all, it would be best if I explained and showed Lily-Anne and Roxolane the entirety of what they want to sign up for. I intended to do that much, but later on. Moon Unit, on the other hand, posits that doing this as soon as possible will improve the overall situation and give me back some confidence regarding Roxolane. Admittedly, she IS right. If she won't run away screaming after seeing all that I am, then she's a keeper. But damn it, I so don't want to risk her going insane because of that... And that is a worry.

"If you wait too long they will be wondering why didn't you trust them. If you try to tell only Lily-Anne, Roxolane will assume you don't trust her and leave." - she explains - "I honestly don't know why you'd want to tell Roxolane but not Lily-Anne, that makes no sense at all. Ergo, your only option is to tell both of them at the same time."

I sigh. "You drive a hard bargain. Very well. But, we're all going to the roof first. I want everyone to be as mellow and relaxed as possible before doing any revelations." - I tell her, and she grins at me. On one hand, it is nice to have a smart wife. On the other, I have a feeling any irrational indulgence is going to be a hard won luxury from now on. Oh well.

Let's see. The weather is fine and doesn't look like it's going to go weird. There is no lack of sweets. Hookah is washed and dried and ready to use. There are enough blankets and tarps and pillows (Thanks due to Bridgit for buying extras, totally slipped my mind.) to bed everyone three times over. But... let's set things up in advance. First, eyespiders... Well, hello. Now what are you doing on the roof, dude with the knife and distinctly southern features? On one hand, I want you gone. On the other, I want to know who the fuck is responsible for this. Unfortunately, if I swing out right now, Moon Unit will notice and worry... But do I really need to go in person, so to speak? More eyespiders make their way up top, clumping up into a bigger mass. On a lark, the mass shapes itself like a big leathery egg with a cross-like impression on the top end. And then... it squeaks.

The guy in question stiffens up and rolls over. And wow, that was nifty. Some sort of chameleon-like masking... Huh. The way I made it look seems like someone had tried to hide the "egg" in the gazebo. Wonder what the dude will do... Apparently, wait. And wait. And wait some more. I keep jotting down my homework in the meanwhile, while Moon Unit next to me studies the history book. it takes almost half-hour for the dude to feel safe and go investigate the squeaking. But then he DOES. And oh joy, he even puts the knife away to examine the "egg". I wonder if he thinks about stealing it?

As he leans in close to examine the "egg" up close in the dimness of the gazebo, I trigger it. Sorry, dude. You definitely didn't see Aliens, so you can't appreciate the facehugging you got. Ooh, that's some impressive struggling and... ah, yes, pierce through the nasal cavity, into the brain, branch out, scan the available... Darn. I can't get proper memories out of him. Some knife skills are pretty automatic, I can see how his body reacts to the imprinted stimuli with reflex movement. Might be a good idea to copy that down. OK, so... Let me see. Ah, yes. The examination of my new subject. Some magical enhancement, including a bunch of stuff tattooed on his skin, nifty trick that. No documents. Vague notions that he's here to kill me, though his ideas on how to achieve that are eminently laughable. He intended to slip into the window at night and cut my throat. Moron.

My suspicions are on Salaadin, but without good proof, I'm going to bide my time and make it seem to him like his assassins just ain't that reliable. Now, I... OH yeah, I totally can consume his mass with just a facehugger worth of... Actually. Converting, converting, converting. OK. Alright... Oh fucking hell YES. Multiple presence, get! Good grief, this is beyond cheating. Roof me drops a bunch of tentacles down and very quietly snags traps and blankets one by one, setting down the gazebo to be a cozy snuggle pit. And fetching stuff. Fuck it, I'm not going to bother Bridgit right now, let's go raid the bazaar. I should invent something new to treat them anyway. How about icecream? That should go over really good. Or, well, not bona fide icecream, but rather chilled whipped cream with fruit slices. I can't handle proper icecream in half-hour, flash-freezing it alters the texture too much.

Alright. So. The roof nest is as prepared as it can be, the roof me is pretending to be a blanket and will merge with my primary when we get there, most of the stuff is in place, all I need right now is to gather the girls. Bridgit and Moon Unit are right here. Lily-Anne and Roxolane... Oh, they're finishing up their studies in Moon Unit's room. Well, Roxolane is. Lily-Anne is fiddling around with lavender, creating whorls of colored lights in the air. Practicing magic, huh? Cool, cool.

"Ladies. I do believe we've put in a good deal of work just now and deserve some rest and relaxation." - I announce, standing up and stretching languidly - "I propose an evening out in the roof gazebo. Treats, drinks, smokes and pleasant company all around. If anyone has suggestions or alternatives, do tell."

Apparently, they don't. Also, apparently, they find my grandiose announcement to be funny.

"But how are we getting to the roof?" - Lily-Anne quips curiously - "I mean, where's the staircase? I was curious about it in the morning, but I couldn't find it."

She gets her answer when I grab her and Roxolane and swing out of the window with them in tow, depositing them on the roof in short order. Then immediately drop down to grab Moon Unit and Bridgit, swinging back up. Tentacles do make lots of things easier, and I even managed to pull it off quickly enough to avoid letting Lily-Anne and Roxolane see anything. Actually, the pair are.... hyperventilating, apparently. Golly, that was unexpected.

I am being subjected to numerous little punches from Lily-Anne in short order, accompanied by Roxolane complaining about the utter terror of the second-long swing to the roof. Honestly, girls.

"Could you at least warn us you're going to jump out of the window while dragging us with you next time, you reckless tearaway!?" - Lily-Anne screeches - "Goodness, you're infuriating sometimes!"

I tilt my head. "I could, but then you two would be even more scared than now." - I tell them, and they fume at me. Bridgit and Moon Unit look on this with expressions of commiserating bemusement. Oh come on.

Thankfully, the siren lure of treats and pillows manages to overwhelm their righteous indignation soon enough. It does help that Lily-Anne is intensely curious about hookah. Roxolane is not, and I think it's mainly due to having seen it in action many times. Bridgit pulls away, while Moon Unit moves in closer. Huh, go figure. I guess Bridgit didn't quite like it as well as Moon Unit did. Indeed, she refuses mouthpiece when I offer her a turn. Moon Unit, on the other hand, is quite happily surrounding herself with smoke. I wonder... oh, that's an interesting trick. Basically a very slow whirlwind that keeps the smoke whirling around her in wisps, rather than dissipate outside. Roxolane is notably startled when I offer her a turn.

"Me, but, isn't that just for.... ooh." - she begins voicing her objection when the difference finally sinks in. Yep, in this setup you're on the level with everyone else. Forget the previous misfortunes. While she manages a few puffs, it soon becomes obvious that the prestige of taking a part as equal is far more important to her than actual smoking, and she passes over the mouthpiece to Lily-Anne soon enough. Good timing, too, I was afraid she'll start coughing. Lily-Anne, on other hand, is taking her cue from me. Which means she inhales as hard and as much as she can... And coughs up smoke rings in all directions, much like Bridgit did. Bridgit and Roxolane come to her rescue and pat her back while she gets the last of smoke out of her lungs.

"Gah! How can you enjoy this? It tastes like the inside of a chimney!" - she complains, sticking out her tongue. Moon Unit smiles at her gently.

"The trick is not to overdo it, you see." - she explains, taking a small puff - "Just like anything else, hookah is best if enjoyed in moderation. Draw in too much, too hard, too fast? And you won't like the results."

In the end, me and Moon Unit remain the smokers, while the rest of the girls decides to just pig out on treats instead. Good, I like that. It took a while to get Bridgit inured to the ideas of casual equality. Roxy is still a work in progress, but thankfully Bridgit is right next to her to provide cues. Good, good.

Bringing out creamy fruit smoothies is welcomed by everyone, who are by that time stuffed and lethargic, lounging around the gazebo amongst the pillows. Chilled drinks do perk up everyone enough for a talk to start. And then... Moon Unit nudges me. Yes, yes, I remember.

"Girls?" - I ask, and the attention snaps to me - "I have something to show you. As you may or may not have surmised already, I'm more than just a human."

Lily-Anne and Roxolane are notably wary now, though not quite to the point of it being worrisome. I think they expect something low-key but odd. Guess surprise it is, then. I also notice Moon Unit and Bridgit moving closer to respectively Lily-Anne and Roxolane, probably to provide support and stability. Good thinking, girls. I set the hookah aside carefully, making sure it's well out of the way, and then...




And the girls are utterly terrified. Squeaking.


They calm down, marginally. And when I calm down, I mean "no longer struggling against their respective helper trying to run away and hide". Geez. A little colder reception than the previous two times. Then again, they had less time to get used to me being ME.

"...What is this? What is going on!?" - Lily-Anne demands hoarsely, while Roxy just hiccups and shivers.

"Our mistress of harem, of course." - Moon Unit explains unflappably - "Alyssa was never human to begin with, you see? She is an ancient being, the SHOGGOTH. The Thread of Creation calls them Tools of Gods. It's an apt moniker, I assure you. Alyssa's kind had been given the mandate to help us grow. To thrive. To advance."

"But, please remember that mistress is still mistress. She might have a form that bends your mind when she relaxes, but her benevolence remains the same." - Bridgit adds softly, as I compact myself back into human shape.

Amusingly enough, it's Roxolane who approaches me first. "Alyssa...?" - she croaks - "The COVENANT..." She cuts herself off, her hand over her mouth as a strange sound slips out. Visibly steeling herself, she resumes - "Will I be PROTECTED/LOVED?"

"Of course. I made the offer before, did I not?" - I tell her, carefully keeping things stabilized within human range. She nods, shudders, then promptly leans in and hugs me. I just pat her back awkwardly. She's... complicated. Here's hoping things will improve as she gets used to the idea of safety.

Now, what about Lily-Anne? Oh, she is already looking better. And discussing something in furious whispers with Moon Unit. While looking furtively in my direction.

"Alyssa, I have one thing to say to you!" - she begins with a scowl - "TEKELI-LI!"

NNngh. MUST. NOT. TENTACLE... YET, at leas... Ah fuck it. I wrap a tentacle around her midsection and pull her in for a searing kiss, leaving her sputtering and wiggling. "THE FUCK DID I SAY!?" - she demands of Moon Unit with wide eyes. Who promptly doubles over laughing. Well played, Moon Unit. Well played.

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