Inevitable Road To Divinity

Chapter 155 Divine Moon Tigress abilities

Chapter 155 Divine Moon Tigress abilities

Eleonora was, of course, first to arrive. Hiding her true self with mask like Xue Ren, she quickly approached him and followed Xue Ren's gaze. With her awareness, she still couldn't notice the formation meaning that those from Corrum Continent had done their work well.

"Eleonora, can you endure the corruption?"

It was important question... Xue Ren also already had changed the dragon hiding in Eleonora clothes to divine fire attribute. If they both stayed in close distance, he could keep the dragon in divinity form.

"I am fine."

She had experienced the utmost pleasure and warmth. The protection as well as how he held her during the fighting... Eleonora knew she isn't alone and it was enough...

"All good."

She nodded and the duo went deeper into the forest. Soon enough, they got welcomed by the slim man who had his annoying smile. Leisurely sitting on tree's branch, he spoke.

"Oh, good job Endrun. You had saved your wife~~ But... you just saved her and now brought to this dangerous place?"

The trees hadn't attacked them, thus, it was already known the demons got control over them. When the slim one was talking, Xue Ren and Eleonora noticed another one, which was complete opposite. He was robust and was sitting quite nervously as he kept hitting another thick branch...


"Truly waste~~ Anyway, I am sure you have notified those old shits, so let's start-"

The slim one raised his hand.

"-By killing you."

The black trees' released their vines covered by hell's energy. Although faster and stronger, they didn't hurt them as Eleonora already waved her hand freezing everything around them. Releasing her aura is akin to revealing her identity, thus, the mask naturally fell.

"Fuck! So the woman is stronger! That's lame, Endrun! No.. it should be Xue Ren, right, Mr. Butler?"

"Fuck you."

Their information about Cursus Empire was quite good. While the man was leisurely talking as even coldness couldn't froze over him, Eleonora narrowed her eyes. She obviously aimed at those two as well yet even tinge of coldness didn't appear on them...

Summoning her frozen sword, Eleonora bent her body to go against the most annoying one, but before she could jump, the robust man already jumped off, stopping here.

He knew, that Xue Ren is weaker, thus, it was fine to let him go against his partner who is the brain of this operation. The control over formation was in his hands, and in order to let him activate without any major problems, he had to endure for enough time!

He wasn't as strong as Eleonora. The Violae Empire wouldn't send their black rank ones to such sneaky mission, thus, with strength on High Purple Rank, all he could do was endure!

"That's what I am good at. It also means that I am good at this too."

He pointed at his D with made Eleonora to scoff at him.

Mere demon comparing at this aspect with Sex God...

But he was aroused as he saw change of expression in usual expressionless snow princess... So he charged forward...


"Come here, you fucker!"

"Don't wanna~~"

The slim demon answered briefly with tease. The ice on the trees didn't bother him enough to slower his movement, meaning that he could keep running from Xue Ren leisurely.

The Sex God already released his armor and coiled the golden dragon around himself. Living magic wasn't used here, thus, the dragon was big showing its pride... But such pride didn't allow Xue Ren to catch the man.

"Wow, that coldness sure is strong~~ At least low black rank, how cool~~"

And he kept complementing Eleonora instulting Xue Ren, who was her man even more in this way. Soon, Xue Ren got angry enough to use Divinity of Sho Yue. The moon appeared in the sky hiding itself before everyone in the clouds.

He had used her aura mostly to boost his already weak magic or other abilities. But now, it was technique coming from her divinity itself. As the moon light descended on the demonic man, he became slower.

It was pale grey light barely visible which the demonic man didn't even notice. Of course, he had already realized he became slower, a little slower than Xue Ren...

"Fall! You motherfucker!"

Boom! Xue Ren smashed the head of the demonic man sending him down from the tree's branch. Following quickly after him, the living dragons of violet and black appeared around his fist. They were small, but they had their own minds.

It was similar to multi-tasking. Those dragon gathered the power on their own, and focused in one point sending huge pressure on the man below.

The man himself gathered the hell's aura around him, still smiling leisurely. As if nothing could destroy this good mood of his...

"Life sure is easy, don't you think so, Xue Ren?"

No answer. Xue Ren focused most of his power into this fist, going straight at him without even thinking about talking with the demonic man. Soon, the fist connected creating loud explosion shattering the coldness around black tree's.

Holding his fist, the man began speaking...

"You see, life is about killing. Mostly, one attack is enough."


"So why hadn't we already released everything we have got?"


"Because we aren't sure whether we win or not. Someone might help us from afar, or one of our partner's might already won battle, thus, we aren't sure. But don't worry, your snow princess is going to win for sure. As for you..."

The hell's aura went rampant around the demonic man body. Then, the tree's that got free from shattered ice went towards... the demonic man. He had let those vines dug into him. And Xue Ren quickly knew why...

He was sucking the vitality of the black tree's converting it into his power. Those tree's were obviously connected, thus, the power that was gathering inside this man was tremendous...

"You can't win against me."

The man smiled. He knew Xue Ren was angry at him because of Eleonora. With such power gathered around him, it was normal for him to have such cheeky smile leisurely looking at Xue Ren...

"One attack is mostly enough. huh..."

Xue Ren clicked his tongue as the limit of living dragons on himself was two. When it comes to giving little dragons to others, he cuts his connections making them independent, but when it comes to fighting, he obviously stays linked.

Two little dragon's aren't enough... so what he can do? How he can win by himself? Does he have to really on Eleonora or others again?

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