Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 41: What Is This?

Chapter 41: What Is This?

The next morning, Chen Wentian didn't stay in the sect. Instead, he took Zhou Ziyun out to train. He had spent a little too much time with the five new disciples thought he was quite satisfied with the payoff. He imagined how the other four would react when they found out about Song Wushuang. Maybe they will be eager to try it themselves? Regardless, Song Wushuang needed two days to recover before she could withstand the netherworld yin energy again.

Chen Wentian headed to Moonlight City with Zhou Ziyun. The city had a large library from centuries of acc.u.mulation. One aspect of the Mind Focusing Realm is that different people could unlock different abilities of the mind. Dulling the senses was a common one. He thought she might have something unique. The best way to find out was to train the mind by learning.

Zhou Ziyun had no complaints and she was quite eager to continue cultivating. After leaving her at the library with a stern warning to the librarian, he when to find Lin Qingcheng. He hadn't seen her in almost a week. He couldn't fly to the brothel she set up since he had a reputation to uphold. Therefore, he stopped by the Zhou branch office to see Zhou You.

Zhou You greeted him respectfully and reported recently events. He explained that Lin Qingcheng had taken down another small prostitution ring in the poor districts.

"She directly charged into their base of operations? How much property damage?" Chen Wentian felt like slapping a certain someone's behind.

"Master Chen, the building was half destroyed and had to be demolished. We paid the rebuilding cost."

"How many women?"

"Twenty seven in total, ten left. The seventeen that remained are all working for Mistress Lin."

"So many of them stayed?" Chen Wentian was surprised.

"Indeed, Mistress Lin's name has been spreading quickly among the poor masses. They call her the Golden Madam..."

"Uncle Zhou! Don't call me that." a bashful voice sounded from the doorway. Lin Qingcheng walked into the room, her face a little red with embarrassment. She bowed to Chen Wentian before sitting down next to him.

"So how many women do we have now?" Chen Wentian looked at Zhou You again.

"We now have one hundred and thirty. Mistress Lin has been pushing us to buy directly from the slave auction. But that is difficult because the beautiful ones are bought by brothels owned by nobles. If we compete with them, they will investigate. Eventually, Master Chen's involvement will be revealed..." Zhou You looked at Chen Wentian.

Chen Wentian could only look at Lin Qingcheng.

"I'm sorry master," Lin Qingcheng hung her head, "I really wish I could save all the women."

Chen Wentian chuckled, "Step by step, Qingcheng. You are still young. Cultivation is still the most important. When you get to the Spirit Initiate Realm, you can do what you want."

"Keep up the good work, Zhou You." Chen Wentian handed him a small bag of gold as small bonus for having to deal with Lin Qingcheng.

Zhou You hurriedly got up and bowed. He retreated from the room, leaving the master and disciple alone.

Lin Qingcheng was happy to see her beloved master again. She excitedly told him about her latest battle, describing in detail how she had wielded the 3rd palm of the Nineteen Demon Subduing Palms. Chen Wentian nodded and smiled as he listened. As his first disciple, seeing Lin Qingcheng happy filled him with a special joy.

Chen Wentian also told her about happenings at the valley, especially the five new disciples. He recounted the battles with the ice fiend and the old immortal. At some point, servants came in and served tea and snacks. The atmosphere was warm and comfortable. They continued to chat about random things and catch up.

As they talked, Chen Wentian noticed that occasionally Lin Qingcheng's heart rate would spike up and her body temperature would also rise. It would last for about ten or fifteen seconds. She also didn't show any facial reaction all the way through.

After several instances of this, he sensed something else. Her cultivation seemed to have increased! Was she masturbating while they talked? How is that possible... Her hands are on the table... Chen Wentian finally couldn't hold back his curiosity as he used his spiritual force to send Lin Qingcheng onto his lap. At the same time he silently put up a spiritual barrier around the room.

"Master!" Lin Qingcheng squeaked as her face blushed red and she looked scandalized.

"My dearest disciple. Hmm..." He looked into her eyes intently, "What are hiding from master?"

His hands began to roam across her body teasingly. She glared back at him. "Master! There are people around!" She whispered unhappily.

"Oh? Is my naughty disciple worried about propriety?" Chen Wentian rubbed her butt, reveling in its suppleness. "Aren't you daring? Doing naughty things in broad daylight. Come, tell me what's your secret?"

"What? No... no secret..." Lin Qingcheng squirmed in his arms.

Of course Chen Wentian didn't believe her. He was dying to know and he wanted to punish her for hiding it from him. He traced soft kisses up her neck and nibbled on her earlobe. "You're being naughty... I think you're due... for a spanking!"

"Wait!" Lin Qingcheng suddenly found herself laying across her master's lap. Her pants were pulled down and her behind was exposed. "Master! Let me go!"


Lin Qingcheng was stunned! She felt a stinging pain across her right butt cheek. That really hurt!

Chen Wentian reveled in the feeling in his hand. The way it impacted her soft flesh, the way her round butt rippled after the slap, it was very exciting. He couldn't help himself. Left cheek this time, slap!

"Oww!" Lin Qingcheng let out a cry. She felt the pain radiating from poor butt.


"Master!" She squealed. This time, she felt a different sensation. The vibrations from the slap reached into to her core and the soft folds of her v.a.g.i.n.a seemed to shake pleasurably with the vibrations.


"Oohh!" She felt the same pain but also the same pleasure. Her mind seemed unlock as she entered a trance. It was inexplicable. Laying across her master's lap, she was completely helpless. At the same time she was safe and with the person she trusted the most. She didn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

Her mind flashed with a million thoughts at once. Numerous s.e.x.u.a.l fantasies and scenarios made her wetter and wetter. She had a sudden inspiration and she activated a runic inscription. It was attached to a ring that she wore and controlled the 'secret' that was nestled deep in her p.u.s.s.y.


"Oooohhhhh!" Lin Qingcheng let out a sensual wail. The vibrations from the slap melded perfectly with the vibrations already going on inside her. It seemed to multiply in force, driving her crazy.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

Chen Wentian continued to work hard at her 'punishment'. He eventually noticed her p.u.s.s.y was overflowing with arousal. What? His felt his worldview being shattered. Women can get pleasure from pain?

"You minx!" Chen Wentian growled, he could only put more strength into it.


"Ahhhhh!" Lin Qingcheng really screamed. It felt like nothing else. Pain and pleasure mixed together in a searing hot wave, scorching every nerve within her lower regions. She felt a familiar sensation, it was close! Slap me again, master, she begged silently in her mind, hurry!




That was it, the last one shook her to her bones. Everything seemed to explode at once. "Oooohhh!!" The orgasm arrived like a firestorm and raged through her. The mixing of sensations drove her over the edge. The dull aching pain of her butt cheeks combined with the vibrations that seemed to shake every nerve with pleasure and sent her into a new realm of ecstasy.

Chen Wentian could only look in wonder as she bucked and writhed on his lap. He watched her p.u.s.s.y quiver and shake as she rode through what must be a powerful orgasm. His attention caught on something strange that appeared from within her folds. An oblong white object was being pushed out by the contractions of her walls. He grabbed the wet and glistening thing and examined it. It was made of marble and egg shaped and it was vibrating!

"What is this?"

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