Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 743: Colonel's Adjutant!

Chapter 743: Colonel's Adjutant!

"Shut up!"

Even if the old man spoke the truth, the vicious demons found it hard to accept such a reality. How could it be that the most despised and effeminate fox had conquered the unassailable, untouchable Colonel—a goddess in their eyes?

"Colonel's muscles alone could crush this wimpy fox to death!"

"You better be talking about her arms..."

"Agh, enough already!"

Irritable, direct, savage, crude, and hasty... these traits defined the beasts within the lower ranks of the Desolation Corps. They bubbled and seethed like the cauldron below, roaring as if to spur on the two main actors in this spectacle.

Who would have thought? The Colonel, notoriously indifferent to men, had dragged the soft fox right beside the Soul Refining Cauldron, ripped off his attire without a second word, and then pounced with a ferocity and wildness that rivaled her demonic beast form.

Faced with such brute force, lesser men would crumble in fear. Not this fox. Under this overwhelming pressure, far from cowering, he reversed the Colonel's advance. Since escape was impossible, he took the offensive! And from that moment, the Colonel's ferocious roars softened to a woman's whimpers.

This formidable Colonel, so easily provoked into tender murmurs by a mere fox, shattered the pride of the beasts in the Desolation Corps.

And these two had been going at it for almost half a day already! Didn't they get tired at all?

Moon Fairy wished to, but the Divine Desolation Physique was indeed formidable, allowing him to retain his dignity against this domineering woman.

At first, he was hesitant. In human form, the Colonel was cold yet alluring, her curves breathtaking, the very epitome of feminine allure… But she was still a bear...

And while the Phoenix Empress might've been a bird, she represented a beautiful, desirable creature.

A bear, however, was brutish and crude!

But at that moment, the Colonel gave Moon Fairy no chance to resist. Pinned down as if by a mountain, he could not move a finger as she took what she wanted.

Once victorious, Moon Fairy suddenly realized that life was like a certain something—if resistance was futile, and the die was already cast, then one might as well enjoy it.

With a shift in perspective, the Colonel instantly became a marvel to behold… She had cultivated her physical body to match the might of the Divine Desolation Physique, allowing Moon Fairy to revel in unrestrained pleasure, his heart alight with beastial desire.

Apart from Thunder Emissary Cao, gifted with the allure of a seductress, few ordinary humans could match the wildness of female demons.

Even if it was the feared Colonel of the Desolation Corps, Moon Fairy had no trouble toppling her with ease!

After a long time, the tumult finally subsided. Moon Fairy lay nestled in the Colonel's embrace, his expression slightly bewildered.

"Who would have thought..." The Colonel, her cheeks flushed, gently pinched his fox ear and whispered, "In all aspects, you're truly exceptional, little fox."

"To serve you, Colonel, is my unshakable duty," Moon Fairy declared earnestly.

"Heh…" The Colonel chuckled, then asked, "What is your name?"

"Moon Fairy."

"Oh?" The Colonel nodded in approval, remarking, "A fox true to name, a fairy of the moon indeed."

Moon Fairy laughed softly.

Suddenly, the Colonel, grasping his ear earnestly, declared, "I've grown tired of those foul-smelling male demons; I prefer beautiful maidens, but they don't quench my thirst. Your arrival hits the mark. From now on, do well."

"I won't disappoint you, Colonel," Moon Fairy vowed.

His eagerness delighted the Colonel, who laughed heartily, drawing envious glances from other demons.

"Rise." The Colonel lifted him by the nape of his neck like a kitten from her embrace, then donned her black armored dress, restoring her valiant and dashing demeanor.

However, her previously pale skin now blushed a bit, and her shapely, long legs trembled slightly, clearly having relished the encounter.

"She's a Black Brute Bear, transformed into human form. How can her skin be so white?!" the Nian grumbled, finally released by Moon Fairy, somewhat bewildered.

"Idiot, it's the fur that's black, not the skin," the Yaksha Ancestor contemptuously replied.

The Nian paused, then understanding dawned upon seeing the Colonel's black hair.

"What were you guys doing just now for you to be so flushed and out of breath? " the Yaksha Ancestor asked coldly.

"Ahem, the Colonel was eager to learn; I was teaching her to compose poetry," Moon Fairy replied calmly.

"Wow, first time I've heard of poetry being taught that way." The Nian chuckled.

Moon Fairy chose to press the two loudmouths back down.

At that moment, the Colonel smiled at Moon Fairy and beckoned, "Come with me."

"Yes, Colonel."

In the perilous, brutal, and lawless world of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Yun Xiao was all too eager to cling to this powerful ally.

Before he could even grasp what was happening, the Colonel had hoisted him onto her shoulder...

"It's just a body double. For the sake of my future, I'll endure!" Moon Fairy gritted his teeth.

The Colonel carried him to the Soul Refining Cauldron and, as she set him down, commanded in a deep voice, "Gather!"

Her call to assemble boomed with authority, its ear-splitting force sweeping over the crowd, instilling in Moon Fairy a profound sense of the matriarchal bear's terror.

Thousands from the Desolation Corps, along with a select few demons who had passed the earlier test, gathered before the Colonel.

Upon their arrival, the demons bowed to the Colonel. However, it was clear they could barely contain their impatience and seething rage, their eyes flickering with brutal fury upon glimpsing Moon Fairy.

Yet, the Colonel paid no heed to their emotions. In full view of the demons, she patted Moon Fairy on the shoulder and announced, "His name is Moon Fairy. I'm provisionally rating him as a Tier 5 talent! His specific assessment will follow back at camp. But from on, he's going to be my adjutant."

"Yes!" The demons growled, their faces contorted, unable to hide their fury in such a world—nor needing to.

"The Colonel's adjutant, huh?" Moon Fairy was unsure of the precise nature of the position, but it placed him above these savage troops.

Having won over their untouchable goddess and risen above them, it was hard for these demons not to feel enraged.

"Back to camp!"

With this, the Colonel set Moon Fairy down and transformed into a Black Brute Bear, charging into the distance.

Demon after demon returned to their true forms, following the massive Black Brute Bear, crashing into the mist as they ran.

"Wow." Moon Fairy also transformed into a silver, six-tailed demon fox, sprinting at full speed with the Desolation Corps.

The crimson eyes around him seemed almost to devour him.

"Adjutant, mind if I catch a ride?"

Just then, an ancient crimson tree landed on top of Moon Fairy.

"Who are you?" Moon Fairy looked up at the old tree above his head, somewhat speechless.

Did this tree always catch a ride on people's heads?

"Just call me Old Kapok. I'm a kapok tree turned demon. In this land of eternal life, I've lived far too long, so long I've lost track of the years!" Old Kapok explained.

"All your comrades seem eager to devour me. Is it a smart idea for you to be hanging so close to me?" Moon Fairy asked with a smile.

Old Kapok laughed heartily and replied, "I've lived enough; death means little to me, and that makes me carefree."

The longer one lived, the more easily they could discern the truth!

This friend, Moon Fairy decided, was a keeper.

"Old Kapok, are we headed back to camp?" Moon Fairy asked.

"Yes, indeed!"

"And where is this camp?" Moon Fairy inquired further.

"In the infamous Beastly Peaks!" Old Kapok chuckled.

"Why such a name?" Moon Fairy asked, puzzled.

"Because we're in the Beast Path!" Old Kapok laughed again.

"Alright." Moon Fairy nodded and then asked, "Will my demon talent be tested once we arrive?"

"If the Colonel said it'll be tested, then it surely will be. Who knows, you might be a supreme talent," Old Kapok said.

"Oh..." Moon Fairy took a deep breath. He was immensely looking forward to everything in the world of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.


Back in the Great Dao Celestial Realm, Yun Xiao was still observing the Taiji Double Fish Gate.

Just then, a languid voice rang out behind him!

"Yo, I'm back for round two."

Yun Xiao turned around calmly. Behind him appeared a black and gold lotus flower.

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