I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 688: Bargaining Chips

Chapter 688: Bargaining Chips

What I hate the most is when people force me to do things that I don’t want to do.

For example, doing homework, doing winter vacation homework, doing summer vacation homework, eating fennel dumplings, or eating mixed nut moon cakes.

For example, making peace with Ai ShuQiao.

Ren HongDe, what gives you the right to make decisions for me? It’s true that you’re Xiao Qin’s uncle, it’s also true you’re the gramps’ son, but I don’t think we have a direct relationship.

Even if you only said this to me because you’re taking Auntie Ren’s safety into account, I think you’re being too harsh.

Why do you have to “agree” in order for Auntie Ren to marry my father? Why do you need to “agree” for how my future relationship with Xiao Qin will develop?

I think you’ve been a principal and chairman for so long that you think everything has to be approved by you, right?

Auntie Ren is only your sister, not your daughter! Even if she was your daughter, you don’t have the right to get involved with every aspect of her life. Auntie Ren is always angry with you because of your patriarchal style.

Also, it seems like you’re saying that as long as I make peace with Ai ShuQiao, you will approve everything including the marriage of Auntie Ren and my father and my relationship with Xiao Qin.

Principal, I think you forgot something. You forget something important, right? If Auntie Ren and my dad gets married, then Xiao Qin and I would be siblings. Would a relationship between siblings also get your approval?

Also, when gramps Ren talked to me earlier, it didn’t feel like he thought my father and Xiao Qin’s mother getting married would have any effect on my relationship with Xiao Qin.

I suddenly remembered that around Xiao Qin’s birthday, Huo ZhenBang had talked to me about the tradition of cousin marriages that prevailed in the countryside where gramps Ren and Ren HongDe used to live. It seems that gramps Ren’s wife was his distant cousin.

So for Ren HongDe, since he’s seen more cousin marriages as a child, he doesn’t think my dad getting with his sister would affect me and Xiao Qin’s relationship.

He added resistance in an unexpected area, yet gave me the green light in another unexpected place.

In other words, while I still don’t know Auntie Ren’s stance, but for gramps Ren and Ren HongDe, even if Xiao Qin becomes my step-sister, it’s still fair game?

Huh, why am I getting a bit excited? I just removed her as my girlfriend a few hours ago. What kind of sick hobby is this, why must Xiao Qin be my sister before it feels good to hit on her.

A certain part of my body, inappropriately, rose up slightly out of my control.

I’m a pervert! I was thinking about Xiao Qin as my sister, then I pitched a tent in front of Xiao Qin’s uncle!

I quickly pulled my sweater as far down as possible to cover up so that Ren HongDe could not see the suspicious protrusion in my pants.

Also, I refused Ren HongDe without much confidence and said: “Don’t, don’t look down on me because of my age. I am a… determined person. I don’t need you to worry about what’s going on between me and Ai ShuQiao.”

“I’m afraid I have to intervene.” Although my tone was rude, Ren HongDe did not seem offended, “Ai Shu Qiao’s daughter attends my school, and her ex-husband is marrying my sister… as her son, your every word and action will affect many people, do you understand?”

“Then should I just get down on my knees and beg for mercy?!” I said angrily, “Ai ShuQiao did a lot of illegal things in the United States. She also encouraged me to rape my female classmates.”

“Ye Lin, are you worried that after you reconcile with your mother, she will continue to make you do illegal things?”

“Of course, if I practice martial arts with gramps Ren during the day, then forced to listen to Ai ShuQiao’s orders to rape female students at night, how will my body be able to handle it?”

In fact, I don’t even need to practice martial arts with gramps Ren. Now that I have heart problems, I can’t even be a rapist, even if it is a victim like Gong CaiCai who won’t even resist, I can only rape for 5 seconds at most, then die from being overly excited.

“Stop joking.” Ren HongDe said with a cold face, “If you had the kind of guts to do that kind of thing, my father would have already took care of you even without police involvement.”

“It’s just an example. Then you tell me, principal, if Ai ShuQiao raised me to be a mafia member, would it be better for Xiao Qin and Auntie Ren?”

“Why would she want her son to do something so dangerous…”

Principal Ren, you still do not understand Ai ShuQiao! She even plans to give her own daughter to a promising pervert politician as a gift! A son is nothing to her, it doesn’t matter if I live or die… I think it’s already good enough she’s sending me to join the mafia.

Constable Ma, your wish came true! In the near future, once I inherit Ai ShuQiao and Huo ZhenBang’s criminal skills and become the leader, I will be a complete criminal.

Once the class leader sees my international wanted posters plastered all over the world, she would burst with rage.

I’m sure she will practice her sniping skills and sneak into the United States, aim at me who’s in a skyscraper drinking with my sisters, then shoot me in the head to end my criminal life.

“Hmph, that’s what you get for not keeping your promise with me.”

After getting rid of the cancer in the world, the class leader would sling the Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle over her back and walk away without looking back.

Only Ai Mi, who was still drunk, would kick me with her bare feet and wonder, “How come the manservant just stopped moving…”

As for Xiao Qin, who has always followed me regardless if I was good or evil, whether she immediately followed after me or went after the class leader for revenge would be another story…

“Ye Lin, Ye Lin.” Ren HongDe waved his hand in front of my eyes, “What are you thinking about?”

Ah, I forgot time in the outside world was not stopped when I was letting my imagination run wild.

“I, I was thinking, when Ai ShuQiao tells me to intimidate, kidnap, assassinate competitors, will you have a guilty conscience for telling me to make peace with Ai ShuQiao?”

“Do you really think your mother would make you do those things?”

I shrugged and asked, “Otherwise, Principal Ren, why do you think those people who went against Ai ShuQiao give up? Why do you think they suddenly disappeared? Someone has to take care of this aspect of the business.”

Ren HongDe was silent for a few minutes without speaking, his face was grim as if he was making an important decision.

“Ye Lin, if you are worried that you will be forced to get involved in criminal actions, so you don’t want to make peace with Ai ShuQiao, then I understand…”

“It’s not just that.” I said, “She also wants to give my sister Ai Mi to… basically, she wants to do very bad things to Ai Mi.”

“Ai Mi.” Ren HongDe paused, “Oh, you’re talking about Ai Mi’er, right? Does Ai ShuQiao also force her daughter to do things she doesn’t like against her will?”

“That’s right.” I said in a loud voice, “Ai Mi doesn’t even like singing, dancing, acting, and being an idol or whatever. Ai ShuQiao treats her own children as playthings, so how can I make peace with her?”

I’m not sure if my concern for my sister touched him (damn lolicon), Ren HongDe said, “Don’t rush, maybe there’s room for negotiation.”

“Negotiation?” I doubted, “What can we use to negotiate?”

I was planning to use the blue butterfly to open negotiations with Ai ShuQiao before I fell into the bear trap. I also wanted to join Huo ZhenBang’s Triad group, but now it seems so childish.

Ai ShuQiao already put out a bounty for the butterfly in Armenia, so the one in China isn’t that important, not to mention I already ate it.

“If Ai ShuQiao is really as outrageous as you say, where she has jeopardized your sister….”

Ren HongDe paused.

“I might be able to discuss with Ai ShuQiao and use a portion of Qing Zi Education Group’s shares in exchange for her to give up custody of the two of you.”


I was deeply shocked by Ren HongDe’s proposal, regardless of the feasibility, Qing Zi Education Group is his life’s work! Ai ShuQiao, who has a big appetite, will never be satisfied with a few shares, she would definitely ask for an outrageous amount.

“Principal Ren, you’re joking, right? Giving out your company’s stock…”

Ren HongDe smiled, “Didn’t my father rush me and tell me to prepare a dowry for my sister? We’re not born with money and we can’t take it with us when we die. If giving up some shares can prevent Hong Li from encountering future problems, then this deal would be very cost-effective.”

I, I’m so touched. Ren HongDe is going to give out a very expensive dowry even when his sister has no idea, worthy of being a siscon. It’s because he can see the concern I have for Ai Mi in my eyes, so he wants to help the two of us while also saving his own sister from future problems, right?

“Of course, all of Ai Mi’er’s previous copyright-related income will still belong to Ai ShuQiao in the future, and they can still keep their mother and daughter relationship in name…” Ren HongDe continued, “Ai ShuQiao may also ask Ai Mi’er to remain in the show business until she vents out her anger… but I think, in the long run, Ai ShuQiao will choose the company shares and give the two of you freedom…”

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