I Regressed But The World DidnT Fall Apart

Chapter 15

I Regressed But The World Didn’T Fall Apart 15

Rises! (2) – [It Kills Two]


“Oppa! Amazing! How on earth did you do it? How are you so good at handling the Twin Axes?”

As soon as the broadcast program ended, Jian asked Lee Dohyuk.

She still had a flushed face, as if the excitement hadn’t subsided.

“Um… I just did it?”

Lee Dohyuk’s response to that.

He couldn’t tell her the truth.

Especially since his younger sister had already misunderstood and thought he had fallen for some cult.

“Well, that talent talk? But, well… you’re my brother after all.”

Hence, the response he chose: it worked when he just tried it.

Still, Jian accepted Lee Dohyuk’s words more easily than expected.

She knew him well in many ways, being like siblings.

“Oppa has always been good at everything.”

He was at a decent level in studying, just enough to get into a university in Seoul, but when it came to physical activities, Lee Dohyuk was more talented than anyone Jian knew.

He had been scouted several times by sports teams during his school days.

There were coaches who came to his parents, almost like a protest, insisting that he must be made to do sports.

“If he had pursued sports back then, wouldn’t he have won at least an Olympic medal?”

Of course, becoming an Olympic medalist is no easy feat, but even knowing that, Lee Dohyuk couldn’t help but think about it during his [It Kills Two] play.

Jian may be clumsy at games, but does that mean she lacks an eye for detail?

Each move Lee Dohyuk demonstrated with the Twin Axes today was reminiscent of the mad movies of streamers or pro gamers with extraordinary skills.

And it was his first game play today.

Naturally, a thought arose.

“Oppa, how about starting a broadcast properly once?”

“A broadcast? Me?”


If her brother, Lee Dohyuk, were to start a personal broadcast, wouldn’t it be a huge hit?

Jian, being a broadcaster herself, knew this very well.

How being good at games was such a crucial weapon for streamers.

“Of course, just being skilled doesn’t guarantee success for everyone…”

Ultimately, what mattered most was the entertainment value of the broadcast.

No matter how skilled a streamer was, in the cruel world of online broadcasting, if they were boring, viewers wouldn’t tune in.

Even on Tworc, there were many streamers who were skilled but dull, unable to break out of their shells.

“But my brother is an exception.”

Even if someone is exceptionally skilled, if they lack entertainment, their broadcast will fail?

That’s a valid point.

However, a valid point at an average level.

What if it wasn’t just exceptional, but at a mind-blowing level that purified the eyes just by watching?

“Have you seen the viewers’ reactions today? If you just play games without saying a word like today, you’d be incredibly popular, wouldn’t you?”

At that moment, the typical broadcast entertainment wasn’t necessary.

Just watching the gameplay itself was enjoyable; what other entertainment was needed?


Dohyuk also pondered on Jian’s words.

In reality, he felt something as he did the broadcast today.

“This is something I haven’t experienced in a long time.”

Originally, it had been several months since the outbreak happened until now.

During that time, Dohyuk had been tormented by a few things.

The futility that the world didn’t collapse at all despite coming to save it.

The relentless pressure from creditors as persistent as the extraterrestrial beings.

The discrepancy between the world he left on the brink of destruction and the world now.

But if he had to pick the most unbearable thing among them…

“It was just too boring.”

Undoubtedly, it was an endlessly monotonous routine.

Before his regression, Dohyuk had spent over ten years in battles.

Killing and being killed, a life where if he didn’t kill the extraterrestrial beings in front of him, he would die in combat.

Cutting them, slashing them, thrusting a knife into their throats; that was the majority of his daily life.

There was never a moment where the stench peculiar to them left his body.

Dohyuk had lived like that for almost a decade, ten years.

And now, he had to repeat only work and chores without any excitement.

Living was so boring that it was almost deadly.

“I don’t miss those days.”

Of course, that didn’t mean Dohyuk couldn’t stand being a crazy warrior without seeing blood.

Naturally, the current peaceful world was better than those times.

However, the past few months had been so unbearably boring for him.


Amidst the mundane routine, an unexpected virtual reality battle ensued.

Though virtual, the battle felt almost real.

Thanks to it, a sense of fulfillment shook up the monotonous everyday life, leaving a mark.

Thus, even Ido Hyuk had such thoughts.

“Should I give it a proper try?”

It was entertaining.

And besides, what else was there to do anyway?

Unless he wanted to continue wandering around the construction site as he was now.

Ido Hyuk wore a contemplative expression.

“Huh? Are you tempted too, oppa?”

Looking at Ido Hyuk beside her, Jian’s eyes sparkled.

“If you say you’re not tempted, that’s a lie.”

“Really? You’re thinking well.”

“Well, I haven’t decided yet. Just considering it. Trying a few more times wouldn’t hurt, I guess.”

Hearing this, Jian’s eyes shone even brighter.

She knew her brother well.

Despite the bouncing words, he was practically on board.

Moreover, Jian had a secret weapon to persuade her brother.

“Really? You’re thinking well. We received a lot of donations today.”

The Donation Punch.

“Excluding the mission amount, it’s close to 3 million won. If it weren’t for you, half of it wouldn’t have come.”

Upon hearing Jian’s words, Ido Hyuk’s heart was shaken once more.

Donations had been pouring in non-stop during the broadcast.

He had suspected, but hearing it firsthand was even more surprising.

“Wow… 3 million won?”

“Yeah. It’s my first time seeing this much.”

Having broadcasted for only 10 hours, over 3 million won had poured in.

He knew donations came in frequently, but seeing it all add up was a shock.

And this was just the amount from donations.

“Adding the mission success amount… plus the guest fee I promised last time…”

The mission success amount, nearing a million won, was an uncalculated sum.

There was also the guest fee of 50 that Jian had promised.

If all these were added up…

“My share is over 200?”

“It’s even more than that.”

“More than that?”

“Yeah. Since BlonD’s shots are all for you. Doing the mission alone is pretty much the same. I feel a bit awkward taking it.”


Looking at Jian with a face that seemed to say his younger sibling had done well, Ido Hyuk was at ease with the fact that a mission reward of 1 million won wasn’t that big of a deal.

He knew very well where it came from.

As he saw today, if the broadcast goes well, isn’t it possible to earn an ordinary person’s monthly salary in just one day?

“It seems worth a try.”

Thinking about it made his heart flutter even more.

It was a special case, a joint broadcast, but earning 3 million won in just one day was a significant income that could take weeks on a construction site.

How could one not find it intriguing?

“I guarantee you, Hyuk, it’s going to be a huge hit. No, it’s going to be chaotic starting tomorrow, isn’t it?”

Jian looked at Hyuk with a confident smile.

In reality, as some viewers suggested, continuing to play until the end of “Epic Kills 2” once started was more in line with the flow of the broadcast.

Since the game volume of “Epic Kills 2” wasn’t that large.

If they gave up on sleep, they could have made it to the end even as night owls.

“But that’s not the way to go!”

Yet, why did they insist on playing and have a break in the day?

Jian had her reasons for playing the long game.

[Highest viewership: 1,238 viewers]

The highest number of viewers recorded today was a mere 1,200 people.

It was the first time in her broadcast history to hit a four-digit number.

However, there was still a thought lingering.

“…Just 1,200 people?”

If she had crossed a thousand viewers on her own broadcast, she would have been ecstatic.

But where did today’s viewership come from?

The 1,200 viewers were mostly thanks to Hyuk’s play and the influx of Black Oak viewers who tuned in.

Considering that, the number 1,200 felt too small.

“It’s too little to be satisfied with just a thousand viewers for Hyuk’s play!”

Not a thousand, but thousands.

No, a crazy physique that suited tens of thousands more.

She had witnessed Hyuk’s play up close with her own eyes.

She couldn’t be content with just 1,200.

“Look, look. See the chat here? The viewers still can’t get over it, can they?”

Jian pointed to the chat.

-“Wow, today’s broadcast was seriously awesome.”

-“So what time is the broadcast tomorrow?”

-“Earlier, but how did he dodge the attack coming from behind?”

-“It’s like he has eyes on his back lol.”

The broadcast may have ended, but the chat was still active.

Many had left, but there were still viewers lingering.

People lost in Hyuk and Jian’s impromptu broadcast.

“After seeing something like this today, can anyone just sit still?”

As Jian smiled while having such thoughts, none of them would head to bed just because her broadcast was over, thinking, “Ah, it’s time to sleep now.”

It was already the late hour of 1 a.m., a time when most people were in dreamland, but for gamers like them, 1 a.m. was prime time for activities.

– Hey guys, what’s the next coordinates?

– Let’s go to Black Oak.

– Black On is about to finish soon…

– I’ll be back tomorrow.

– Let’s rush to the coordinates.

In other words, it meant that most of the twelve hundred viewers would soon leave to find another broadcast.

From Noble mtl dot com

And I can assure you,


[User ‘xx’ has donated 5,000 won.]

– Hey, guys, did you see this? (Video)


[User ‘xx’ has donated 5,000 won.]

– The insane double axe play today, wow! (Video)


[User ‘DohyukChu’ has donated 5,000 won.]

– You’ll regret it if you don’t watch. (Video)

Most of them wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight without boasting about what they had seen today.


Although the broadcast was over, Dohyuk’s day was far from finished.

Dohyuk had a routine that he never skipped.

Meditation and physical training.

Not a single day had been missed since his return.

Of course, knowing that an outbreak was unlikely, he reduced the hours spent on training, investing every waking moment in it.

But that didn’t mean he stopped.

A habit deeply ingrained in his body from living as a hunter.


Dohyuk finished his training with a deep breath.

His body drenched in sweat.

Was it from jumping around in virtual reality?

Dohyuk felt refreshed after finishing training after a long time.

The thought that it was not reality, just virtual reality, didn’t bother him much.

A feeling like engaging in real combat.

There was a unique thrill that could only be felt when giving it your all.



Dohyuk, done with his shower, entered his room.

Checking his phone, he saw a message from Jian.

– Jeean: Oppa! Look at this.

– Jeean: Am I right?

Jeean sent over some internet links.

Clicking on the links revealed a community familiar to Yido Hyuk as well.

Korea’s largest online community site, buzzing with discussions on various topics.

Its [It Kills to My Nerves Gallery].

[Who’s causing chaos in the Ax Murderer Gallery?]


ㄴLook at this

ㄴI know, damn

ㄴThis guy with the bad spelling in the chat window, looks like a villain hahahaha

-What’s that? Is it real?

-(Info) It’s in reality mode;

[I think the video comments are completely manipulated]

(Sinking ship photo)

That ship has sunk

[(Video comment analysis) The reason for the Ax Murderer’s double axe play is insane]


-What’s 1 divided by 1? Anyone know?

-What’s his streamer name then?

The gallery was filled with discussions entirely about Yido Hyuk.

Overall reactions praised Yido Hyuk’s insane physical abilities.

Additionally, there were occasional speculations about his identity.

Speculations like him being a newly discharged special forces agent, a mercenary who had served in overseas PMCs, an obscure medalist in an unpopular sport, or a newcomer planning to debut on a streamer entertainment company.

Of course, none of these speculations seemed close to the truth.

[The guy in the comments is actually a returned hunter]


-Web comments

-Rainy season gallery

Or perhaps some speculations were there but went unnoticed or buried without attention.


And at that moment.

“Oppa! You won’t believe this!”

Jeean burst in while opening the door.

She rushed over to Yido Hyuk, shaking my smartphone at him.

Then she showed me a message.

[Hello, this is Black Oak.]

– Starting with this title, a Tworc message.

The content was simple.

Admiration for Yido Hyuk’s play, inquiries about using the video for YouTube, and so on.

If we cut out all the unnecessary details and focus on the main point…

[Let’s collaborate!]

A proposal to collaborate.

Or to be more precise…

[Could you please collaborate with me? Pretty please?]

It was a village close to -.

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