I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1473 - Above the Statue of Freedom, the Xin Flag Waved High

Chapter 1473: Above the Statue of Freedom, the Xin Flag Waved High

Many years later, when Luo Zheng recalled and reminisced that day, he would still feel the same eagerness and emotions.

That was definitely the craziest thing he had ever done in his life.

After Celestial Trade Marines landed on Freedom Island, they climbed to the top of the Statue of Freedom and used thermite to blast the flame made from copper. The fire of freedom that shone on the East Coast was extinguished and it was replaced by a Xin flag that blew in the sea breeze of Nouveau York.

Luo Zheng gazed at the crowds fleeing in Battery Park and watched the congested traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge. He then stepped on the control terminal of the bridge with one foot and started to fire out of the window.


Major Admiral Hogg had already squatted under the table with his hands around his head. He was roaring in despair in his mind.

This guy has gone crazy!

The Ford aircraft carrier that maintained the maximum speed smashed into Battery Park with its bow, just like a machete that chopped through a bamboo stick, it crushed the fence of the park and landed on Manhattan Island. The violent impact caused the sailor who was controlling the aircraft carrier to smash his head towards the terminal, then he immediately fell and rolled to the side.

Luo Zheng, in his power armor, shook his body. Then he threw out a punch with his powerful steel arm and broke through the bulletproof glass of the bridge. He then grabbed onto the twisted steel bars, jumped out of the bridge, and landed heavily on the deck.


The sound of metal creaking squeaked.

The Ford aircraft carrier, which accelerated onto Manhattan Island, broke in two. The second half stayed in Battery Park while the first half ran rampant under inertia, broke through the National Archives of Nouveau York, crushed into the streets of Broadway, and knocked down the Wall Street Bull...




Inside the Nouveau York Stock Exchange, the people gathered here seemed to all go insane as they desperately tried to escape. Whether it was a professional trader, a CEO of a listed company, or a financial mogul with billions of dollars under management, all of them shared the same thought at this moment.

Celestial Trade chose to land from Manhattan Island, and all of them were pushed to the forefront of the war.

Although since World War I, they had participated to some extent in the many wars that happened in this world, they had never imagined this day.

“These savages! How dare they...” A man in a suit stood in the middle of the trading floor as he stared at the door blankly, occasionally, someone running would bump into his shoulder, but he would just shake it off and had no reaction at all.

Behind him was the Dow Jones Index plummeting, and a sea of red tickers.

It started from the explosion in W State. He tried to recover his investment by using banknotes to stabilize investors’ panic while he quietly dumped his holdings; he desperately tried to withdraw his assets from the stock market... but all his efforts could not stop the aircraft carrier that crashed into Manhattan Island.

Just a minute ago, he went bankrupt.


There was no need for a landing ship.

This degree of impact was nothing for the Celestial Trade soldiers who could carry out orbital airdrop missions.

From the middle of the fractured aircraft carrier, the Viper drones that swarmed out formed an arrow-shaped attack formation towards the National Guard that just arrived as reinforcement. The prosperous blocks and elites on the streets of Manhattan made the use of First Calvary’s 155mm self-propelled howitzer battalion and M270 multi-barreled rocket launchers extremely difficult. Even if the weapons could effectively suppress targets within a depth of 30 kilometers, they did not dare to fire a shot. They could only send highly mobile armor units such as the M3 Bradley to cooperate with the M1A2 main battle tank to launch an attack.

But soon, they met the real opponent of this war.

The main force of Celestial Trade landed from Manhattan, and the force that attacked Long Island was just a feint attack by amphibious light armor units.

It was not a light armor unit like the Crocodile amphibious assault vehicle that followed the Viper drones, but rather, it was the true overlord on the land, the crystallization of Pan-Asia’s army technology – the Wanderer tank.

A particle cannon shot was fired out from the smoke of the explosion and it directly melted through the front armor that was the pride of M1A2. Regardless if the armor was made out of high-hard ceramic lining or depleted uranium alloy, they were equally as fragile as tofu in front of the high-energy particles freed from magnetic confinement. The high-energy particles that penetrated the front armor would instantly diffuse behind the armor, and directly raise the temperature inside the tank to thousands of degrees. Even if the tank did not immediately explode, the occupants inside could not be more died.

“Warrior-1 is destroyed... target hit... SH*T! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!” The gunner sitting in an M1A2 main battle tank pressed the firing button, then as he watched the smoke diffuse in front of him, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Everything that happened before his eyes was beyond his comprehension of common sense.

He saw with his own eyes that at least five armor-piercing depleted uranium ammunition hit the tank he was aiming at. However, after the dust settled, that tank was unscathed.

The barrel that was aiming at him seemed to be laughing at their incompetence.

To destroy the Wanderer’s Meissner effect armor without the particle cannon, it would take at least a tactical nuclear bomb with power in the tens of thousands of tons range.


Another particle cannon shot was fired, this time, it hit the ammunition rack and sent the top cover of an M1A2 more than ten meters in the air.

Two tanks almost suppressed the entire tank battalion.

Behind the two Wanderer’s tanks, a reinforced battalion composed of 31 Tiger-2s and 12 Spider tanks emerged from the broken hull of the ship. The former’s type-50 electromagnetic pulse cannon was well-deserved of the name as tank killer, while the latter’s mobility to traverse in the city would make even give an agile infantry force a headache.

The heavy armor penetrated the tank battalion of the UA 1st Calvary from the front, and soldiers in kinetic skeleton and power armor quickly advanced toward the streets of Manhattan. A force made up of more than two divisions landed directly on Manhattan Island with the help of the Ford aircraft carrier and two supply ships that went ashore.

Half of the force headed straight to the JFK International Airport and Long Island Beach where the amphibious force was fighting. They were paving the way for reinforcement to arrive while they annihilated the coastal defense set up by National Guard and First Calvary Division. The other half of the force pushed through the busiest neighborhoods in the city. As they took control of the entire Manhattan, they were heading into Jersey City across the bank.

According to the air force’s intelligence, the supporting firepower of First Cavalry was all concentrated there.

Not only that, but the National Guard of Nouveau Jersey was also stationed there.


20,000 Celestial Trade Army set off from District of Tumaco, embarked from Port of Turbo, crossed the Caribbean Sea and Bermuda, then landed on the beach of Nouveau York City. This completely caught the UA military off-guard. Admiral Felton, who was in charge of commanding the NATO Coalition Force, finally understood.

From the very beginning, Celestial Trade’s focus was on UA’s mainland.

He decided to blow up the highway to Monteria, but Celestial Trade had never intended to capture Monteria. Perhaps only he knew the feeling of defeat at this moment.

Counting the reinforcements that subsequently arrived, more than 150,000 UA soldiers were trapped in the mess known as Colombia.

Before this war ended, they would never be able to get further reinforcements, and they would never be able to return to their mainland from Colombia to join the comrades defending the country.

Just when Wall Street and the Statue of Freedom were occupied, the battle in Capital was also gradually coming to an end.

Before the battle on the ground was decided, the outcome in the air started to become clear.

F-22 squadrons continued to turn into falling fireballs in Wings of Freedoms’ game of chicken. Subsequently, the orbital airborne brigade and power armor brigade, with the support of air supremacy, quickly penetrated the defense.

Xin’s flag was placed at the highest point of the Lincoln Memorial.

With the collapse of this defense line, they had lost all vantage points from the Arlington Memorial Bridge to the Rainbow House.

The 7th Orbital Airborne Brigade followed the retreating National Guard and advanced towards the Rainbow House. Finally, this war burned into the back garden of the President of the UA...

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