I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 6: Chapter 2: Part 2

Book 6: Chapter 2: Part 2

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Part 2

Oh, its so crowded.


I wonder if we can find a spot?

Ryo, Shingo-kun, and I arrived at the beach ahead of the others, carrying parasols in our hands and looking for a vacant spot. But since the temperature was high and it was a perfect day for swimming, there were a lot of people.

Hmm Oh, its a bit far, but wouldnt that be a good place?

The place Ryo pointed to was indeed a little far from the crowd, and there was a space available.

Well then, Yuuya. Its a little far, but its a good place.

Eh? Sure, but do you need help?

Shingo and I can set this up ourselves.

Y-yeah. So, Yuuya-kun, why dont you go and call Kaede-san and the others?


Ryo and Shingo-kun asked me to go and bring Kaede and the others.

Even so Do I look weird?

When I said that, I looked down at my appearance. The only swimwear Ive ever owned was the one I use for school classes.

When I talked to Ryo and the others about it, they said that I should have a swimsuit for having fun, so I decided to go a little overboard and buy one Thanks to the materials I got in the other world, I earned some money when I exchanged them for cash. Its a bit of a luxury.

As I was checking my appearance, I suddenly noticed that people around me were looking at me.

Isnt that guy really cool? Shall we go talk to him?

Yeah. But I think Ive seen him somewhere before Ah! Isnt that the guy who was in a magazine before?

Thats right! Whoa I thought the photos were edited, but he looks really cool

I mean, look at those abs! Isnt it amazing? Theyre so tight!

Hmm, those are really nice muscles. Theyre really well-trained.

Those abs are like chocolate bars! You could grate daikon with those oblique muscles!

I hear some unusual voices, but its probably just my imagination.

While feeling strangely uncomfortable and waiting for Kaede to arrive, I suddenly heard a voice calling out to me.



When I turned my gaze toward the voice, I saw several unfamiliar women standing there.

C-can I help you?

When I asked them, I was so nervous that I was at a loss for words, and they looked at each other.

I knew it!

Yes! Um, youre the one who was in the magazine with Miu-chan before, arent you?

Eh? Ah yes. Thats right, but

U-um! Can I take a photo with you?


Why do they want my photo?

As I panicked, the women closed the distance between us and took out their phones to snap a picture with me.

Um, thank you!

Eh, no, its

After taking the pictures, the women left looking happy, although I had no idea why. Oh, I guess this is what people call coming in like a storm and leaving like a storm

As I watched them leave in a daze, I heard Kaoris voice.


Eh? Ah, Kaori!

Then I saw Kaoris figure and was transfixed. She was wearing a cute white swimsuit and a hoodie, and when she noticed me, she shyly averted her gaze.

U-um My swimsuit Isnt it weird?

Huh? N-no! Not at all! It looks good on you! It suits you well!

I was so nervous that I didnt know what I was saying, but Kaori smiled happily at my words.

I-is that so Im so glad that Yuuya-san said that.


This is not good. Until I came here, I was completely unaware of the fact that playing on the beach means that everyone will be wearing a swimsuit! Thats right! They said they were going to change their clothes, right?

Because of the school lessons, I didnt think anything of it, but after thinking about it, I realized that this is how women get into their beautiful swimsuits.

Huh? This means that.

Ah, Yuuya-kun! Oooii!

Fuh Its so hot outside!

I feel like Im melting.

After Kaori, Kaede, and the others came to me, despite my nervousness and stiffness.

Kaede wore a cute frilly swimsuit and hot pants, Rin wore a black sporty swimsuit, and Yukine wore a salopette swimsuit and carried a floating ring.

Each of them looked great W-what should I do? Im not sure where to put my eyes. They are all very attractive, so I had trouble finding a place to look.

H-hey, look over there

Whoa! Their level is too high!

Can we talk to them?

No, theyre that guys friends, arent they?

I-Im so jealous!

The men around me were admiring Kaori and the others in their swimsuits. When I looked closely, I saw that some of the women were also admiring them. They are beautiful even from a womans perspective

The sight of Kaori and the others made me feel unrealistic, and I couldnt help but think that while having a faraway look in my eyes.

Then, Kaede peeped into my face curiously at my situation.

Yuuya-kun? Whats wrong?

Huh? Ah, no, its nothing!

Really? So, um what do you think of me?

Uee? It looks good on you! Y-yeah!

When Kaede asked me that, my cheeks flushed red, I replied in a hoarse voice.

Is that right? I see Ehehehe


I didnt know what the right response would be, as I had only recently been able to have a proper conversation with the opposite sex. However, there was no indication that Kaede was unhappy with the answer, so I think I didnt make a fatal mistake.

Yuuya. What about me?

I didnt know anything about this topic, but as if chasing after me, Yukine continued the conversation by asking me something like that!


Im not sure what to say in this situation. Is it enough to say that she looks good as well? What does Yukine want from me in the first place?

When I was confused about how to answer, Yukine put her hand on her chest and looked at Kaede for some reason.

As expected, its the breasts.

How did you come to that conclusion?

I didnt think of anything in particular, and I didnt say anything, but Yukine glared at Kaedes breasts with resentment and then looked at me with a frustrated gaze. I didnt even think about the breasts one bit, you know? Its a false accusation!

While I was puzzled about the opinions of Kaede and Yukine regarding their swimsuits following Kaoris, I was so flustered and I didnt notice that Kaoris cheeks were puffed up. But seeing my continued fumbling, Rin came up to me with a grin and poked me with her elbow.

Oya? Oyaoya? Yuuya. Are you nervous seeing Kaede and the others in their swimsuits?

Uh, t-thats of course it is

Ahahahaha! Thats surprising. You look like youre already being used to this kind of situation, though.

My answer made Rin laugh out loud.

She said that Im used to it Theres no way. Where does that come from anyway? I dont know

Well, unlike me, Kaede has a great style, Kaori is beautiful, and Yukine is cute.

Eh? No, Rin is also very beautiful, though


Because she said something strange, I couldnt help but tell her what I was thinking, and she raised her voice in an unusually indifferent way.

In response to Rins reaction, I realized that I had just said something embarrassing.

No, it was because Rin said something weird that I reflexively replied! Im not the kind of guy who can say something like that without hesitation. I want to be able to say that out loud one day, though!

I mean, Kaori, Yukine, Kaede are all beautiful, but Rin is also very slender, like a model, and looks great in a mature swimsuit. I wasnt sure why she was saying that.

Its just that Im so nervous when people approach me so openly

I-is that so? Ahahahaha

Rin said and quickly walked away from me.

On closer look, its unusual to find that Rins cheeks are dyed red, and shes averting her gaze awkwardly. I-it makes me more embarrassed when she reacted like that

W-well then, lets get going! Ryo and Shingo-kun have already gone ahead and saved a spot for us.

I see If thats the case, we should get there quickly and thank them

Youre right!

I was not too fond of the situation, so I told everyone about Ryo and Shingo-kun. The atmosphere returned to normal, so I took a breath. T-thank goodness its too stimulating for me to deal with everyone by myself

As soon as we met up with Ryo and Shingo-kun, we did some careful warm up exercises and then all headed to the beach to start playing. Ryo seemed to be able to do just about anything, and he showed off his athleticism on the beach as well, swimming far and wide.

Shingo-kun was not so good at swimming, so he played in the shallows with a beach ball that Kaori and I had brought with us.

Then, when Ryo came back from the long swim, Kaede suggested.

Hey! Lets all play beach volleyball together!

Oh, that sounds good!

We all agreed to Kaedes suggestion, and when it came time to divide the teams, Shingo-kun volunteered to be the referee.

So, we decided to make three teams: Kaori and I, Ryo and Yukine, and Rin and Kaede.

Yuuya-san, lets do our best!

Yes, lets do our best.

The moment I nodded to Kaoris words, I remembered the ball game tournament the other day. On that day, due to some trouble, Kaori and I were paired up to play tennis That was where I found out that I should not let Kaori play sports.

However, by the time I remembered that, the match was about to start, and our opponents were Kaede and Rin.

We immediately get to face Yuuya-kun and Kaori, huh Can we win this?

I dont know. Please go easy on us, okay?


I think I would have to work harder rather than being soft, though.

As I thought about it, the match began with Kaoris serve

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