I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 5: Chapter 5: Part 1

Book 5: Chapter 5: Part 1

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Chapter 5 The Power of Evil

Part 1

Now, lets start training seriously today.



About a week after Yuti started school, I decided to intensify my training, as the situation had finally started settling down. The reason for this was that with the fight with Yuti, I realized I was not strong enough. I knew that if I kept things as they were, I wouldnt be able to feel safe in the other world.

Its not that Im interested in having great power, but Ive been caught up in the battle between the Holy and the Evil, and gotten involved with Yutis case

Sigh I wish I could be in peace in the other world, but not everything goes the way I wanted.


Buhi, buhi.

Night and Akatsuki put their paws on each of my legs as if to comfort me in my depression. They are adorable.

Just as their appearance began to soothe me, I suddenly realized.

Huh? Speaking of which, where is Ouma-san?

To be honest, another reason I decided to train this time was because of the appearance of a super-powerful entity in my vicinity, Ouma-san.

Although Master Usagi is also powerful, he would come over and teach us about kicking, then take a magic lesson from me and go away again. For this reason, Im very thankful to have a super-strong presence who is always present

Answer. Ouma-san, hes sleeping.


When I turned around, I saw Yuti standing there.

Whats wrong? Earlier I heard that youre going to study

Thats right, although Yuti was able to perform well in physical education classes at school, she couldnt keep up with the other classes. Now she not only prepares and reviews for the classes at home but also studies the contents from elementary school.

Luckily, the act of learning itself seems to be fun for her, and Yuti is constantly absorbing more and more knowledge.

Ive always hated studying, but thats about the only thing that I could reflect on through my efforts I do study properly now

Although I had properly tried dieting and doing muscle training all my life, I never lost any weight nor gained any muscle until I leveled up.

To my question, Yuti told me with a straight face.

Training. Im going to be Yuuyas partner.


Discomfort. Since yesterday, Ive been feeling strangely unwell. Thats why I move around.

So you want to take a break from studying?!

How did she jump to the conclusion to move her body?

Negative. I feel restless when Im not moving. My chest is all buzzing

Even though you say its buzzing, its just

I had been a disciple of the Bow Saint before Yuuya learned about it. Seniority. Thats why Im going to take care of Yuuya, too.

H-huh? I appreciate that, and its good if you want to move around and maintain your body condition during your break By the way, is Ouma-san really sleeping?

Affirmative. After lunch, he said he felt sleepy and went to sleep.

He really does as he pleases

Ever since Ouma-san arrived at my house, he has been lazing around at home, eating and sleeping all the time. Although, he has always praised all the food I cook for him as being delicious.

If it were up to me, Id take him outside the house, but that would cause a big commotion, so I had no choice but to ask him to endure.

This is why its difficult for me to complain about Ouma-san slothenly life of eating and sleeping. To begin with, he is a strong legendary dragon, so there is no need to train him.

Well, if thats the reason, then it cant be helped So is Yuti going to help us?

Affirmative. There are the reasons I mentioned earlier. But I want to practice, too. Even now, the buzzing in my chest is getting stronger and stronger

Eh? What does it mean.

At the moment I was about to say that.



Suddenly, Yuti was in pain and collapsed in place. When I held her in my arms, her eyes opened widely. And her eyes werecompletely bright red.


It took a long time, but I recovered and finally got out.

I hear two overlapping voices coming from Yutis mouth. Night steps in between Yuti and me to separate me away from her.



Fugo, fugofugo.

Then, not only Night but also Akatsuki showed signs of alertness, so I turned my gaze once again to Yuti.

Then Yuti stood up unsteadily and looked at me with her red eyes.

Hey, hey, dont stare at me like that. Im your precious friend, arent I?

What are you talking about? Who the hell are you to begin with? Youre not Yuti!

The body and appearance were completely that of Yuti, but the Night and Akatsukis reaction made me realize that the person inside was entirely different.

In response to my question, Someone in Yutis appearance grinned and said

Is this vessel really that important to you? Then Ill give it back to you!


In the next moment, a black haze erupted forcefully from Yutis body, and it gradually took shape. The black haze that escaped from Yutis body took a form which looked exactly like Yutis becoming a Black Yuti, so to speak, in contrast to the characteristically white Yuti.

Eh, Yuti!

Nay? Im Evil. Well, Im just a piece of it

Whereas Yuti had characteristic white hair and white eyes, the black haze that escaped from Yutis body was similar to Yuti in shape, but the hair was black, and the eyes were red.

When the black hazethe Evilhad escaped from Yutis body, Yuti suddenly lost her strength and collapsed on the spot.


Oops, it makes me sad that you are ignoring me.

With a grin, the Evil in Yutis appearance produced a bow from its body and shot an arrow at me.



I-Im fine.

That blow was comparable to Yuti, the disciple of the Bow Saint, and if I had continued to stand there in a daze, I would have been killed.

However, the Evil looked down at its own hand bitterly.

Tsk Its already made me so exhausted with just one attack. Ive got to find the next host as soon as possible.

A new host?

My guess is that this black haze is the Evil power in Yutis body. As for why it came out of Yutis body, I suppose

Why are you coming out of Yutis body now?

Oh? Of course, thats because shes no longer useful, you know?

No longer useful?

Yeah. She was pure and full of dreadful negative emotions. You guys have ruined it, you know. Thats why I waited to recover my powers and came to seek out a new host like this.

The Evil laughed and stared at Yuti, then produced an arrow in its hand and aimed it at Yuti.

Well lets get rid of the unnecessary stuff quickly!

Huh! I wont let you!

I instantly equipped my [Bloody War Demon Series] with the effect of [Bracelet of Replacement] in an instant. While at it, I also took out my [Omni-Sword] and immediately activated my [Magic Attire]. I was able to instantly move between Yuti and the Evil.

Then, after catching the blow from the Evil, I cut at it immediately.

That attack was easily avoided. But Akatsuki was waiting for it and activated his [Sanctuary] skill.


Ha! You succeeded when I was still inside that immature host, but its not strong enough to deal with me, a pure piece of Evil, pig!



Whats more, as Akatsuki was shocked that [Sanctuary] didnt work, the Evil shot an arrow at Akatsuki. As such an attack is unavoidable for Akatsuki, I hurriedly tried to rush over to him, but Night, who was waiting nearby, instantly took Akatsuki in his mouth and left the spot.


Fugo. Buhii

Woof woof.

Akatsuki, who was now somehow safe, thanked Night, But he was depressed that his [Sanctuary] didnt work. Thus Night comforted him.

I was also surprised to find that Akatsukis [Sanctuary] failed But, from the word of the Evil, it seems to be related to the host or something.

If the immature host it described was Yuti I think Akatsukis power could keep it in check when its inside a host, similar to the time when it was in Yuti. If so, the Evil in front of me now couldnt be suppressed unless it is inside someones body?

As I was thinking about this and that, and the Evil glared at Yuti again.

Tsk I thought about destroying this useless vessel as soon as possible, but it would be a waste of my energy to do so. Then I guess I should get out of here quickly.

What? Do you think Ill let you go?

Hey, hey, are you trying to beat me?


To be honest I mean, its pretty tough.

I have already used the [Magic Attire] technique a while ago, so there is no other way to catch it off guard. Besides, if its true that it has stayed in Yutis body, it should have some idea of my moves

I couldnt answer its question, and as it had implied, this was the only answer. Its smile deepened.

Hmph. Then, I will quickly get out of here and seek out a more suitable host.


At this rate, the power of the Evil is really going to escape. There will be more people like Yuti who will be corrupted and run amok

That has to be stopped at all costs!

As soon as I thought of this, I naturally replied.

Then use me!




At my suggestion, the Evil gave a wicked smile that lived up to its name.

Sure, I was watching from inside Yuti, but youre that rabbits apprentice, arent you? You looked pretty strong and. The stronger the host, the better. Well, whether you can fit in or not is another matter

As the Evil stared at me to observe me, Night and Akatsuki seemed agitated at my suggestion, but I did not say that without a plan.

If a host is greatly affected by this Evil power while it is in the host, I thought that by putting it in my body, it could be suppressed by Akatsukis [Sanctuary]. But my plan seemed to be noticed by the Evil as well, and the Evil deepened its smile.

By putting me in your body, youre planning to suppress my power with you But, you know, even Yuti couldnt hold me down. Nevertheless

As soon as it said that, the Evil eye was blazingly bright and the dark haze came into my body at once.

You will regret how naive your idea was!




Night and Akatsuki tried to prevent the Evil from entering my body, but the process was over in an instant. Then, a somehow unpleasant force swirled around inside my body, as if trying to invade my body from the inside.

What a stupid guy. How dumb of him to give himself up!

The Evil power that jumped into Yuuyas body made a vicious smile inside Yuuya.

The idea of containing me inside his own body wasnt a bad one, but how could he think that I dont have any countermeasures after all this time?

Not only was the Evil power restored while inside Yutis body, it also took measures to avoid repeating the same mistake the next time.

Well, there is a limit as to what I can do if his very soul is dyed black he might die.

As the Evil power said, if Yuuyas soul itself had become pitch black due to the influence of the Evil power, then purifying it with Akatsukis [Sanctuary] would end up erasing Yuuyas heart itself.

Now, lets dye this guys soul black right away

While licking its own lips, the power of the Evil reached out to Yuuyas soul.


Ah? W-whats this?

The power of the Evil couldnt help but shout.


W-what the hell is this Ive never seen a soul like this its all white! There is not a single black stain! What am I supposed to do with this?

Its also unexpected for the Evil. There was not a single black stain in Yuuyas soul that could be used as a catalyst to influence it.

No way I cant do anything with this!

In order for the Evil power to corrode the heart of the other party, the soul of the host needs to contain dark factors. In order to turn the soul dark, negative emotions are required in order to instigate corruption. But Yuuya, who is gentle in nature, has no negative emotions. So to speak, he has no factors for the Evil to manipulate.

Therefore, the Evil cant touch Yuuyas soul devoid of any dark elements.

This cant be happening I have to get out of here quickly!

The Evil power desperately tried to escape from Yuuya, but the surroundings were as blank as Yuuyas soul, and it found itself trapped without a way out.

Oh, hey, are you fucking serious?

The Evil was dumbfounded and realized that its power was nearing the limits.

I cant do anything about this Haha, how can there be such a person

The Evil was unable to do anything inside of Yuuya and gave up powerlessly.

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