I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 4: Epilogue

Book 4: Epilogue

And finally, we have come to the end of volume 4. Thanks for the fun journey in volume 4 too. We will start with volume 5, possibly in the next week. Stay tuned and stay healthy. And heres the epilogue. Enjoy~


A dense negative atmosphere is wafting around the [Worlds Disposal Ground]. There is no sign of plants or animals there, and a wilderness spreads out all around. However, in such a dead land, there are three shadows of persons that appear.

Their bodies were covered with an unrecognizable black haze, and it was impossible to distinguish their voices, ages, or even genders.

One of those shadows opens the mouth.

It seems that one of the Pieces has disappeared.

He~h? Thats amazing. She was also a disciple of one of those Holy, right? Did they kill her?

No idea. But any sign of the power I gave her has been completely obliterated.

I see would it be because the world purifying itself? Its troublesome, isnt it?

Eeh? I doubt it. Maybe that girl was just too weak?

Well I cant say anything about that. At the very least, she had the Holy technique and a piece of our power. And also, she had developed enough negative emotions to accept my power. In that case, she wouldnt give up her power on her own.

Then I guess shes either been knocked down by one of the Holy or erased by another self-purification process.

This kind of pisses me off. Were here because this world exists after all.

Dont be so sulky. Besides, our [Poison] is steadily consuming this world. Some of the Holy have fallen to us, too.

Ahahahahaha! Its funny when I think about it! The existence that was created to protect the world from us is now the enemy of the world! Thats great!

Well, theyre just the Holy after all. I have no idea what theyre capable of, but its better than nothing.

Dont be so careless, okay? Although the power of the individual Holy is frail, it is still a bit troublesome when they are in groups. And above all, we, the so-called Evil ones, have been defeated many times by the hands of the Holy ones.

You dont have to worry about it so much, do you? Its been a long time since any other Evil was eliminated. And I heard that at that time, there was only one terribly strong person and that such a person was not born very often.

Yes. And that person is just a human being, after all. Hes not even alive anymore.

Well, I guess thats true Speaking of which, what happened with the other fellows?

Hmm? Everyone else is doing the same as you, corrupting the Holy or some kind of Dark Guild in human society? Im sure they are playing around by instigating people there.

Sigh I dont want them to make too many flashy moves. If they move too much, those Holy guys that havent fallen on us yet will start moving.

That would be impossible. Were always on a quest to destroy the world, after all. Its rare that youre so careful.

Well, thats true too. Now, I think its time for me to go away. Its a hassle, but Id like to check the Piece just in case.

Eeh? Why dont you just leave it alone? She could be dead by now, right?

Yeah, but Its just in case. That will be good if shes alive. Even if shes dead, her body might be useful for something else. Its a valuable sample, after all. It is definitely worth retrieving.

Hmm Well, thats okay. Im going to take a nap then.

Yes. Since Im not so interested in the Holy guys, I guess Ill take a break too.

Then the three shadows that had gathered together, one by one, left behind a black haze and disappeared as if they were melting into the air.

The [Worlds Disposal Ground] was once again enveloped in silence.

I wonder if shes really alright now?



A few days have passed since I was forced to bring the unconscious Yuti to my house and put her to bed. And when I see Yuti still not waking up, I cant help but ask Night and Akatsuki that.

Night is twisting his head the same way I am, but Akatsuki is extremely confident. Thats how powerful the [Sanctuary] skill is.

Im worried about this because when the girl who sleeps in front of me wakes up, she might attack me again. I know shes fine because of Akatsukis [Sanctuary], but

Still, Im a bit worried about it, so I had her weapon, the bow, evacuated to the Earths house. In order to get to the Earths house, you have to pass through the [Door to Another World], and since that requires my permission, Yuti cant collect it on her own.

As I watched her continue to sleep for a while, she woke up!

Ngh ah where is?

Ah! You wake up.



The moment I called out to the awakened Yuti, she got up with a speed that made it hard to believe that she had been unconscious just a moment ago and took a posture to hold the bow.

However, Yuti noticed that her important bow was missing.

Huh! My, bow!

Eh, it looks like shes attacking me even without a bow!?

Surprisingly, Yuti made the only arrow appear in her hand, and when she held it in her other hand, she attacked me. But without that black haze and because she just woke up after being knocked out, I succeeded in avoiding the attack without difficulty.

When the black haze was present, she was evenly matched with master, but in this way, she seemed to be not very good at close combat.

For now, it would be unavoidable if she continued to attack me like this, so I immediately restrained both of Yutis arms. However, Yuti tried to escape from the restraints and started to react violently.

My bow, give it back!

If I return it, you will attack me!

If you dont return it to me, Ill attack you!

No, you cant!

Indeed, shes still attacking me like this even though I dont give her the bow. However, no matter how bad she is at close combat, shes an existence with a master who is crowned with the same Holy like me. Furthermore, her strength is powerful, so her status is probably higher than mine.

Thats why I seriously try to hold her back, but shes also very violent, so a desperate battle ensues.

As I was desperately resisting and thinking that I would surely lose in this situation, the door to the room was suddenly opened.

(Sorry for the intrusion.)


Ah, master! Help me, please!

Master Usagi came over, and I immediately asked him to help me, but he just snorted.

(Hmph. Just hold her down.)

Dont say something unreasonable.

That composure, it wont last forever. Im going to kill him, and then Im going to kill you.

Then Yuti, who was desperately wrestling with me, stared at Master Usagi with a tremendous look on her face.


(Hou? The Evil has tricked you, and you want to kill me?)


At Master Usagis words, Yutis strength suddenly left her. Master Usagi stared straight at such Yuti.

(Since that time, Ive looked into a lot of things. About your master, the Bow Saint, and the resurrected Evil. And about the people who killed your master.)

Huh! Yeah. Then you should understand. I am not fooled by Evil. It was all because of humans who betrayed us 

(That betrayal was the work of Evil in the first place, you know?)


Yuti was stunned by Master Usagis words.

I dont know, is this something Im allowed to hear?

Despite my thoughts, Master Usagi continued.

(The Evil instigated the people that the Bow Saint has been protecting and had the Bow Saint killed.)

What did you

(The people that the Bow Saint had been protecting were taken hostage. And the Evil forced the Bow Saint to die or the people she had been protecting would die.)



Master Usagis face twisted as he was speechless at what Evil had done.

(Bow Saint chose the lives of the humans she had been protecting. And she accepted to be killed by the humans hands.)

No, way

While Yuti is even more shocked and stunned than I am, Master Usagi continues further.

(But the Evils wickedness doesnt end there. After having the humans kill the Bow Saint, the Evil then killed those humans.)


Eh The person called Bow Saint laid down her life to protect those people, right?

T-then, master was for what


Master Usagi did not answer Yutis question. No, he couldnt answer it.

Then Yuti began to speak faintly.

Master master has been protecting humans all along. Even before she became the Holy protector of the world, she has been protecting humans. I was proud of such a master. But one day, the humans we had been protecting suddenly attacked us. They said they were going to take master somewhere. And the master was taken somewhere. I tried to stop them. But my master wouldnt let me. I tried to stop them from taking my master, even if I had to kill them, the person who was taking my master. But she stopped me. She said its okay. Master didnt come back. She was brutally murdered. The gentle master didnt hurt a human until the end. Thats because shes the Holy. No, its not that. Master is kind. But Im not kind. I dont forgive the humans who killed my master. But if you say that its not just the fault of the humans, but that Evil is also involved, then

Yuti stared at her palms in silence, then turned her face down and muttered quietly.

Im sorry. I want you to leave me alone.


As expected, I couldnt refuse Yutis request now that Id heard this story. We left Yuti in the room and went out into the garden, where Master Usagi stared straight at me.

(Bow Saint is also an existence that greatly exceeds the limits of her species, even if its not as great as Evil. There is no way a mere human could easily kill such an existence. Perhaps while the Bow Saint was slowly dying off, the Evil was killing humans right in front of the Bow Saint)

No way!?

(Thats what the Evil is. After all, they are the lump of maliciousness and other negativity that exists on this planet. It would be best if you remembered that.)

R-remember it, you said

Even if you say so, I cant do anything about it. The only thing I can do is to quietly continue my training in the [Great Devils Nest].

As I was thinking about that, Master Usagi said with a dumbfounded look on his face.

(Hey, why are you holding yourself up as if its a simple matter?)


(The Evil might come to retrieve Yuti. After all, shes a precious existence that has inherited the Holy technique but hasnt become a Holy. Thats probably why she was targeted by the Evil this time And Yuya. You also fall into this category. Thats why, regardless of your intentions, you will be caught up in the battle with Evil.)


Master Usagis unpleasant words surprised me.

(Anyway, keep that in mind. Also, Yuti is still very young. Youll take care of her. Okay?)


Apparently, I had no veto power. And before I realized it, I seemed to have been caught up in a battle between the ridiculous beings of Holy and Evil.

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