I Became a Witch in a World Full of Urban Legends

Chapter 150: Evil Interpretation

Chapter 150: Evil Interpretation

These corpses were dead, but the shadow of death still haunted them.

It seems that the thrilling show has not yet ended.

Corrupted flesh and blood spilt onto the rusty props and the mouldy wooden floor in the crevices.

The scavengers had long since died; their shrivelled husks, densely packed, were moving on the filthy, foul-smelling slime.

The turbid and cold wind blows from a place beyond sight, silently depicting the face of a tyrant.

On the stage, the victims body was floating, with his head down and his face obscured. His toes barely touched the ground as if he were suspended by something invisible.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the three members of Jianglis team were stunned for a few seconds before taking out various tools and charms to eliminate whatever threat might pop up.

One of them hurriedly pulled out his pistol, loading it with a copper-clad bullet engraved with a simple spell.

Jiang Li squinted her eyes slightly, staring at the corpses on stage. Suddenly, something horrid flashed in her mindthe remains of memories she wished to forget.

Fingernails on a chalkboard, plastic foam rubbing against each other, a chilling electric drill

The noises were cacophonous in her ear, filling her with the desire to destroy.

She hurriedly shook her head. The residual influence of the Eclipse Societys evil ritual still haunts her. She waved a hand around herself, dispelling all kinds of evil impulses within her.

She hurriedly raised her head towards the stage; the three members, armed with special guns, had already approached the corpses.

Stop, dont touch them! she yelled.

Hearing the shout behind them, the three members immediately stopped and looked at Jiangli before taking a closer look at the corpses.

Seeing this, their hearts almost jumped out of their chests, and they couldnt help but take several steps back in fear.

The corpses turned their heads with treacherous smiles on their faces and bloodied tears running down their gouged-out eyes.

Although they no longer had eyes, a strange sense of desire lingered within them; the team members could clearly feel the evil and dirty emotions that brewed within their minds.

At this moment, a dazzling blue stream of light pierced through the darkness like an arrow, and a great lance was nailed to the stage between the three of them and the corpse. Light gleamed from the lance, covering the stage in the cold, comforting light of an aurora.

The corpses were suspended in mid-air, and the light pierced through above them as if the invisible thread that controlled them had been cut as they were tossed to the ground.

At the same time, there was a strange noise in the hall, and the puppets placed on the seats fell to the ground one by one, making muffled noises as if the audience were leaving the stage.

Hearing the sound, Jiangli turned her head towards the audience. Her eyes darkened, and she could sense something fleeing the auditoriuma superficial existence, a newly-born urban legend.

Withdrawing her gaze, she thought that there was no need to pursue whatever lurked here. Without the nourishment of this special environment, they would most likely fade away after two or three days.

If it wasnt for Lu Yibei, it could have grown, and

The members of the Night Division sent here to perform investigations were only responsible for ensuring that the urban legends of Shihekou High School stayed there, and they rarely ventured deep into school property.

Wouldnt it take them at least a few months to discover the evil ritual that gave birth to an urban legend within the auditorium? Perhaps years?

Even if it was just ten days, these whispers without form would take on a physical, real urban legend.

The sudden appearance of thousands of tiny urban legends would be enough to cause a small-scale disaster, and Yibei prevented it.

I must reward him somehow, but not too obviously. With his character, he might just start flying with joy.

While thinking, Jiangli came to the stage. At this time, the three members of the team had initially completed the investigation of the surrounding environment and were about to start examining the corpse.

Jiangli pulled out her lance that was stuck to the stage and firmly grasped it in her hand before slicing through the corpses clothes. Sure enough, a familiar tattoo broke into sight, sending shivers down her spine.

The tattoo hidden in her own clothes throbbed uncomfortably, and she forced herself to look away from the corpse.

Dispose of the corpses. Ill let the others know something happened here.

Understood. Leave the dirty work to us, Miss.

Hearing this, she nodded, caressing the badge on her chest with distant eyes.

After sending the message to An Qing and Hua, she picked up her lance and started walking towards the 2 oclock direction of the auditorium.

Sure enough, a glass jar full of an owls eyeballs could be seen hidden in a dark corner.

With the swing of her lance, she crushed the jar and its contents into a powder. Then, she walked in the 4 oclock direction and found a bunch of dried black widow spiders on an abandoned lamp stand.

A pair of goat horns at 6 oclock.

Just as she was about to investigate the relic left behind at the 8 oclock position, the auditorium doors were pushed open, and An Qings group arrived

Before entering, An Qing could sense countless, formless whispers fleeing the auditorium and asked Du Sixian if she wanted to enter.

Before this, she would refuse, but now that shes an official Night Division member, she has nothing to be afraid of! She walked into the auditorium with great strides.

Only to run out of the auditorium with a green look on her face, vomiting all over the overgrown weeds.

An Qing hurriedly walked over to Jiangli and clasped her arm, whispering, Are you sure it was done by someone from the Eclipse Society?

Im sure.

Looking around the hall, An Qing furrowed her eyebrows. I hope its not what I think it is.

It is, she solemnly nodded. A gathering of unformed whispers and apparitions, waiting for an evil ritual to form them into a full-fledged urban legend, like yeast added to the wine. Given enough time, they might have

Although An Qing wasnt familiar with the evil rituals of the Eclipse Society, she knew how serious they were judging by Jianglis tone: Is there a way we can find whoever created this?

No. Whoever made this ritual is gone for at least a week. I can barely feel the residual psychic energies here.

What about that goat horn? An Qing pointed. Maybe I can let Gu Xiliu try with that thing in your hand?

I suppose, she reluctantly nodded.

Jiangli continued to talk with An Qing, and Hua came over after investigating the corpses.

Miss, according to the characteristics of the victims, I can confirm their identities: the first was a senior student who went missing on the 27th of last month; the second was an employee; the third was a taxi driver, and he had just recently died. The rest of the corpses are too old or rotten to be identifiable.

Du Sixian rushed out of the auditorium and emptied the contents of her stomach onto the weeds.

When she regained her composure, she looked around from the corner of her eye, stroked the porcelain plate hidden under her clothes with one hand, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

She wanted to vomit when she saw those horrible, rotten corpses, but at the same time, she took this opportunity to get out of sight to dispose of the porcelain plate.

Du Sixian tiptoed over the railing, took out the porcelain plate, and threw it straight towards the forest ahead.

The white porcelain dish drew an arc in the air and fell into the middle of the dense forest before rolling away and disappearing out of sight.

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