How to Live as a Wandering Knight

Chapter 121.1: 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐆𝐨𝐝 (4)

Chapter 121.1: 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐆𝐨𝐝 (4)


Johan said that with his eyes. Rewards and punishments are essential for the vassals.

There were several advantages to having vassals subdue other vassals.

First, it was possible to use the vassals soldiers instead of Johans soldiers. Gerdolf or Achladda only had to lead the soldiers and monitor them from behind.

Also, the resentment of the vassals who had lost their fiefdom or had their titles revoked was directed elsewhere. They would first resent other vassals, not Johan.

To defy the lords will, several vassals would have to unite first, but if they were to be forced to fight each other, they would only start to suspect each other instead of uniting.

The only thing that the divided vassals could do was to be even more loyal.

The punishment of having their titles revoked for some vassals, and the rewards given to those who were loyal, would only make the bonds of loyalty even stronger.

The vassals who were quick-witted realized this and made a disappointed expression. They knew that the new count was an extraordinary knight, but they didnt think he would be so skillful.

Although he was young, he ruled the vassals and gave orders as if he were a seasoned feudal lord who had ruled the fiefdom for decades.

Depart! I look forward to your performance, knights.

As he led the army away, Baron Ginobansi sighed. It seemed that other castellans and feudal lords were also in a similar mood.


If a capable lord appeared, the vassals under him had to be very tense. They had to be careful with their every move and read the lords intentions.

Sir. Isnt this a bit too much?

What do you mean?

Lets go together and talk to His Excellency. Its not right to receive such treatment for being a little late. . .


You thought so too, didnt you?

No. I was wondering who you were trying to catch with this.

The feudal lord was much older than the count, but he was still young. He was also quite close to the barons family, so he would often hear various advice from him.

No. You wouldnt actually do that just because of a straightforward suggestion, would you? I have connections with Blueas court, after all. . .

Even if it goes over in this place, there is a high possibility that it will cause resentment. To be honest, even having this conversation is noticeable.

No way. . .

No way is what. Look behind you.

The feudal lord felt a chill run down his spine at the stares of the warriors who were staring at him from behind. Those were not the eyes of allies fighting together, but the eyes of suspicion of possible betrayal.

I dont want to say this, but the good old days are over. If you act like the former count or acting count, youll be in danger too.

I. . . I will keep that in mind. Thank you for your advice.

Thats right. Dont be too sad. Winter has its own kind of fun, doesnt it?

Ha ha. . .


Vassals who did not understand the situation were dragged in and pleaded in tears. There were no ones who resisted inside.

To resist while holding on is something you do when it makes sense, but there was no fool who would do it when there was no one to help him.

Johan forgave some of them by withdrawing their titles and some by extorting their property. He wanted to withdraw them all, but he was restraining himself as much as possible.

, .

Johan himself didnt know that he could govern his fiefdom so hard and well.

When he was a child, he had planned over 50 times how to govern his fiefdom while rolling around in his familys land.

Until autumn, Johan was only focused on completing administrative work. The system of the counts territory was still like a messy puzzle that made people angry.

He bundled together the various customary laws within his fiefdom, finished organizing the taxes, and requested a scribe who was good at numbers from the Katana Merchant Guild or the Alarhim family.

At the same time, he didnt forget to appease the church. He extorted the bishops wealth and donated it to the temple of his fiefdom, and called priests to pray regularly. It was very boring, but Johan had been trained for it since he was a child.

, . - .

-, . , . . . . . .

. .

. . . . . .

By the time the ripe grains were swaying, the counts domain had become somewhat presentable, and the vassals had also come to understand what kind of person the new count was and finished adapting.

And then, an unexpected proposal came flying from the west.


Youre asking for help??

Yes, Your Grace! As brothers in the same faith, please do not turn away the hand of your master who is begging so desperately!


Johan looked at the envoy in disbelief. The envoy was sent from Baron Monrado, who was not Johans vassal, but Marquis Cruchos vassal.

I have made no oath to your master, so what are you talking about?

I know! But! As brothers who believe in the same faith

The envoy pleaded with tears in his eyes. His fiefdom was in ruins thanks to the rampaging mercenaries and pagan pirates.

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