Hollywood What If

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

[I'll be honest, I'm too lazy to write a summary of The Hangover. I would rather write my own story than write summaries. So I decided to use ChatGPT to summarize the movie. Many readers recommend ChatGPT to me and I can see why. I still edited and added some parts because I feel that ChatGPT is getting sillier and sillier. (I heard that OpenAI makes it stupid on purpose by filtering and blocking.) You can comment below if you want me to write my own summaries for the next movies.]

After greeting Tom Cruise and many others, Kazir took his seat and waited for the movie to start. 

[The story revolves around four friends - Phil Wenneck, Stu Price, Alan Garner and Doug Billings - who go on a bachelor party trip to Las Vegas to celebrate Doug's upcoming wedding. Their adventure in Las Vegas was eventful and something they would never forget.]

[The first sequence of the movie was about Doug and Alan changing their clothes...]

Alan's (Jack Black) white briefs made the audience laugh. Even Doug's (Pedro Pascal) acting was on point. 

[The four took a trip to Les Vegas and their first night in Las Vegas was crazy.]

The audience was curious about what happened. Because after the four drank the liquor, the next scene was the next day where the hotel suite was trashed.

It was the beginning of endless laughs from the audience. After all, The Hangover was one of the most successful comedy films of all time.

[The group wakes up in their hotel suite after a wild night of partying.]

"What do you think happened?"

"I think it's probably something to do with the woman who left the hotel suite."

There was little conversation in the theater, but everyone was interested in the movie. 

[The three quickly realize they have no memory of the previous night and find themselves in a chaotic and trashed room.]

[Doug is missing and they have no memory of what happened to him].

The audience wanted to know what happened to Doug. They also wanted to know why there was a tiger. 

Even Tom Cruise laughed when he saw Jack Black's reaction after meeting the tiger for the first time. 

"This is a funny movie. It's different from Napoleon Dynamite, but it's funny."

"I guess Kazir Grey knows how to make a funny movie, despite his serious expression."

[As they try to piece together the events of the previous night, they encounter various clues and unusual situations.]

[They find a tiger in their hotel room and a baby in their closet, and Stu discovers that he has married an escort named Jade].

[Desperate to find Doug and make it back in time for the wedding, the trio retrace their steps from the night before, encountering eccentric characters and hilarious misadventures along the way].

[They visit a chapel, a hospital, and a police station in an attempt to uncover the truth about their wild night and Doug's whereabouts.]


[They also meet a Chinese mobster named Mr. Chow, who reveals that they stole his valuables.]

The audience burst out laughing when a young naked Korean came out of the trunk. The Korean starts beating the three of them with his taekwondo. 

[Eventually, they piece together their actions from photos and videos and discover that they had had a wild night of excessive drinking, gambling, and encounters with dangerous people.]

"Wow! Even the champ Mike Tyson had a cameo-- Oh shit! He punched Jack Black! Hahaha! He fell to the ground! Haha!"

That's right, the tiger was actually legendary boxer Mike Tyson's pet.

[Through their hilarious and often outrageous escapades, they manage to locate Doug on the roof of their hotel.]

[With Doug safely recovered, the group returns to their normal lives, but not before forming a bond and reflecting on the unforgettable experiences they shared during their unexpected and unforgettable adventure in Las Vegas].

The wedding was a success despite the outrageous things they experienced. 

The audience began to clap after the film.

"It's funny! Very funny! Haha! I will watch it again, but I will invite my friends."

"I know, right? It's just sad that it's rated R because of the profanity."

"Yeah, that was the only downside of the movie. I just hope it makes a lot of money because I want to see the sequel!"

"Haha, I'm thinking the same thing."

Kazir and the cast of The Hangover walked onto the stage and bowed their heads. This was the premiere night and many reporters want to interview the crew. 

To be honest, all the attention was on Kazir Grey because of what had happened recently. The reporters asked him so many questions.

"Hey, let's not forget the actors. They are the real heroes of the movie. I want to thank Ed Helms, Pedro Pascal, Jack Black, Bradley Cooper and Reese Witherspoon. They work hard for this movie. Of course, we can't forget the crew that worked behind the scenes. I love you guys. I also want to give a shout out to Mike Tyson, good luck with your fight champ!"

With that, Kazir turned the attention to the cast. 

Since the cast didn't have a strong actor except for Ed Helms, the reporters focused their attention on Ed Helms instead. They began to ask Ed Helms about his next project.

"Of course, if possible, I want to work with director Grey on Napoleon Dynamite II."

That was his answer.

Despite the successful release of The Hangover, Warner Bros was still walking on eggshells. 

Kazir went to the Warner Bros office after the premier night just to get the news quickly. With him was Salvatore Barlowe. 

When midnight ended, the fax machine received the stats. These papers were just calculations and it was not the exact result. But it is very close to the possible results. 

"7.86 million dollars! Is that correct?"

Terry Semel was stunned. 

"Yes, Mr. CEO, these results could be even higher. The Cinema Alliance hasn't calculated the other regions yet."

"... That means this amount can still increase?"

Everyone was shocked. Was this the result of hyping Kazir's scandal? 

"G- Good! Hahaha good!"

Terry Semel laughed happily.  /Puji_maki

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