Hollywood What If

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

"So I guess this is our cast."

Producer Enrico Pusi read out the actors who had passed the audition. He looked at director Grey who was tapping his fingers on the table. 

To be honest, most of the important roles in the movie were taken by Kazir's acquaintances. 

Well, that was the way Hollywood worked. Directors like to hire actors they know and work with. 

Tim Burton and Johnny Depp.

David Fincher and Brad Pitt. 

Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Christopher Nolan and Michael Caine.

Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks.

And so many more.

Let's just say that directors like to work with someone they can trust. 

It was a known fact. 

Of course, producer Enrico Pusi tried to include some of his acquaintances in the film. 

Both of them understand that this is the way Hollywood works. As long as the actors and actresses fit the roles and their acting is good, they would agree to hire them. 

"Enrico, I hope the actors can sign the contract as soon as possible. I want to start filming in a month."

"I understand."

The movie didn't need serious tone. The mission of The Hangover was to make the audience laugh. 

As long as the audience laughs, the movie is half successful. 

'You just have to make that half successful into a profitable half. As long as people see the movie and make money, that's all that matters. '

"That's my job."

Producers were usually the ones who would negotiate with actors for salary. More precisely, the producer would talk to the agents. Then the day of war would officially begin. 

Fortunately, all the actors were small time. Only Ed Helms was the hardest to convince. With the success of Napoleon Dynamite, Ed Helms' agent would definitely ask for more than a million. 

"That's good to hear. Now, if you will excuse me. I have a party to go to."

Kazir was invited to Tom Cruise's party. 

To be honest, he didn't know why he was invited. He had only a few interactions with the famous actor. In fact, he was not even sure if Tom Cruise remembered him. After all, Kazir was just a crew helper at the time. 

The audition was officially over and the crew had the list of actors they wanted to hire. Of course, they also have replacement actors. 

For example, if Ed Helms didn't agree to the salary and turned the role down, producer Enrico Pusi and director Kazir Grey could hire their second choice instead. 

After all, there is no such thing as irreplaceable in Hollywood. 

People say that Robert Downey Jr. is the only Iron Man. But everyone knows that the reason he became Iron Man was because Tom Cruise turned the role down. So basically, the first choice for the role of Tony Stark was none other than Tom Cruise. 

"No one else is calling?"

Jack Black leaned back in his chair holding a bottle of beer. He had just finished his audition and decided to have a drink after a hard day. 

The audition has so many actors. It was a very stressful moment, especially for an unknown actor like him. 

"No, there's no call..."

His agent was sitting next to him. They were both nervous. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. 

Jack Black had been personally invited to the audition. So they believed his chances of getting the part were high. 

His part was one of the three main characters! Of course he was nervous. 

That was why they were drinking, to relieve their nervousness. Because the stress is killing them right now.

Suddenly, the agent's phone rang. 

They both jumped in surprise. The agent answered the phone and kept saying "yes, yes, yes". 

Jack Black listened next to him. 

When the call ended, they paused and looked at each other. 

"... You can have the part, but they can only offer you 25 thousand dollars."

"We both know the answer."

Fuck the salary. 

What they need is the opportunity. 

Besides, they didn't have the ability to negotiate the salary. 

If the agent tried to negotiate, the producer would probably choose another actor with a lower salary. It was that simple. 

"Don't worry, I already said that you agree. You can't refuse it now."

"As if I would turn it down."

"We'll go to Warner Bros tomorrow and sign the contract."

The two started laughing and ordered two more bottles of alcohol. 

Like Jack Black, the other actors who got the roles celebrated. 

Even Ed Helms sighed with relief. He knew his position was precarious. One wrong move and he could fall and his career. He received a few invitations, but decided to work with Kazir again. As the director who made him famous, Ed Helms trusts him. 

... As for the salary, his agent would be responsible for that. This was Ed Helms' first time acting in a $35 million movie. 

While dozens of actors were celebrating, Kazir arrived at Tom Cruise's party in Beverly Hills. 

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were still married that year. They were still living "happily ever after". 

"Good evening, Kazir Grey."

"Hello, Mr. Cruise. Hello, Mrs. Cruise."

As the hosts of this party, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman Cruise greeted the attendees. 

"I can't believe that the young guy I met on the set of Rain Man is now a successful director. Congratulations Kazir!"

"Tom, I can't believe you remember me."

Kazir was happy to know that a superstar like Tom Cruise remembered him. 

"To be honest, I still remember your face. We had a conversation back then. You said you wanted to become a director. I thought you had already given up. But when I heard about Napoleon Dynamite and saw your face in the newspaper, I suddenly remembered our conversation."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Kazir could tell that Tom Cruise was not lying. 

Kazir Grey was a helper on the crew of Rain Man. It was his first job after leaving his father's house. 

It was then that Kazir had a conversation with Tom Cruise. After the success of Top Gun, Tom Cruise became one of the most famous actors in Hollywood. 

But Tom Cruise had the patience to listen to Kazir, a young delusional. 

A young man who believed that he would become a famous director without knowing anything about the industry was delusional. Even Tom Cruise believed it. 

But who would have thought that the man he talked to in 1988 would actually make his dream come true? 

So Tom Cruise decided to invite Kazir Grey to his party. He was interested in the man.  /Puji_maki

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