Hollywood What If

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

While the other companies were busy contacting Kazir, the man in question was facing a reporter.

"So, Director Grey. I heard that you don't give your actors any explanation when they audition. You just give them a portion of the script for them to act on." 

"Yes," Kazir replied in the middle. 

"Can you explain why that is?"

"Well, when we audition, we already have an idea of which actors we are going to hire. So when I found Ed Helms and Pedro Pascal, I knew they would pass the audition. So I decided to give them the part of the script, especially the lines that will make the audience laugh."

"Is that why you asked Ed Helms to say idiot so many times?"

"Yes, that's right. If you have seen the movie, Napoleon Dynamite says idiot more than five days."


Because Napoleon Dynamite had been a success in North America, Fox Searchlight Pictures began to promote it heavily. The company invited Kazir and the cast to promote the film in various regions of North America. 

This was all part of the contract Kazir signed when he accepted the $2.3 million. 

Naturally, the cast of Napoleon Dynamite jumped at the chance to further their fame. 

Unfortunately, Reese Witherspoon was in Texas while Kazir was in New York. They didn't have a 'connection' these days. 

"Thank you for the interview, Director Grey."

"The honor is mine."

The reporter giggled. She was just a small reporter, but Kazir showed her respect. He was a good man. Perhaps he was not yet affected by the so-called 'celebrity mentality'. 

"Salvatore, how's my schedule for today?"

"Everything is fine Kazir, you can rest now. We will return to Los Angeles next week." 

As his biggest client to date, Salvatore Barlowe took Kazir's schedule seriously. Especially now that so many people were looking for him. 

"Yes. Keep in touch with the film companies. If they are interested in my script, you can set up a meeting with them."

"I understand."

"Then I'll say goodbye."

"Have a good trip."

Kazir chose New York specifically to promote Napoleon Dynamite. Because he wanted to see his brother. 

Aaron was going to propose to his girlfriend tomorrow, and he invited his friends to a formal party.

Tonight, Aaron invited him to his apartment to talk about life. 

It was already December 22, 1995, and Napoleon Dynamite had already grossed $117 million at the box office. 

Like other movies, Napoleon Dynamite lost its freshness after a few months. In 14 days, it made only $11 million. 

But Kazir was not bitter. In his opinion, Napoleon Dynamite didn't have to prove itself to anyone, not anymore. 

Very few movies made $100 million in North America that year, and Napoleon Dynamite was one of them. That was a huge achievement. 

"They are probably going to ask me about the distribution rights and sequels..."

Kazir was talking to Fox Searchlight Pictures. They were interested in the overseas and videotape distribution rights to Napoleon Dynamite. Hell, they want it all. 

If a movie does well in North America, it usually does well overseas. Even though Napoleon Dynamite has American humor, foreigners would still appreciate it.  

Fox Searchlight Pictures' main goal was to distribute Napoleon Dynamite on videotape and to make sequels. 



The two brothers greeted each other with a big hug. They smiled and laughed like little children. 

"It's great to see you again! Brother, I can't believe you're going to multiply my money, haha!"

Since Aaron was the sole investor in Napoleon Dynamite, Kazir promised him 50% of the profits. 

This kind of contract was really outrageous. Only a crazy person would agree to it. 

According to others, Kazir lost a lot of money by signing such a contract. 

But Kazir had the opposite opinion. That 50% was his sincerity. He would never cheat his brother. He deserved half. 

"Brother, I still have the 5% box office share, so don't celebrate yet."

"Haha, that's right."

Right now, Napoleon Dynamite has earned $117 million. 5% of that would be $5.85 million. A big amount of money, and Aaron would get half of it! 

Of course he was happy. 

"Film companies usually pay when the movie is about to be dropped from cinemas."

"I understand, I understand."

The two brothers entered the house. Housing in New York was expensive, and Aaron's house was of a normal size. However, this kind of house was very expensive in New York. 

While they were talking, the two brothers heard the sound of the doorbell. 

"Aaron, do you have a visitor tonight?" Kazir was clueless. 

"Actually, Kazir... I want you to meet someone." 

Aaron scratched his head. He did not know when Kazir would meet their father, so he decided to plan this meeting. 


Kazir didn't know what to say when he saw his brother fidgeting. 

Aaron opened the door. 

"... Dad."


Victor Grey, Kazir's father, was confused when he saw his youngest son. He hadn't expected to see him tonight. 



The two men had an awkward first meeting after so many years. They didn't know what to say to each other.

Victor sighed and walked over to Kazir. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'm proud of you, son. Napoleon Dynamite is a masterpiece."

Victor regretted not supporting his son. As a father, he should have been there for him. Maybe he was too immature at the time. He wanted Kazir to take over the family business and help his brother. 

But now Victor was happy as long as his sons were happy. They are his pride. 

In fact, he wanted to contact Kazir, but he was afraid. He didn't know what would happen if he showed himself. 

But this meeting was once in a lifetime and Victor didn't miss it. 

They are family. 

"Dad... I'm sorry..."

Hearing this simple acknowledgment, Kazir burst into tears and hugged his father. 

He was usually a quiet man. He rarely cried, but Kazir was showing manly tears right now. 

Even Aaron cried the whole time. 

The whole family was reunited and their first night together was healing. Victor began to talk about business. Kazir and Aaron also talked about their lives. 

The next day Aaron proposed to his longtime girlfriend and she said yes. They celebrated to the point of being drunk. 

Even their Christmas was celebrated with alcohol. They were dead drunk on those days. 

After reconciling with his family, Kazir returned to Los Angeles in a good mood. 

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