Hollywood What If

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

[The group went to the location. As expected, they found nothing. Someone like Marcus was certainly meticulous.]

[Wesley decided to look for clues alone... Only to find Marcus waiting for him in an alley].

[Wesley immediately drew his gun and fired at Marcus. Marcus fired back at the same time, deflecting the bullet.]

[Marcus tried to talk to Wesley, but the man had no intention of talking to him. The commotion attracted the attention of the others.]

[The first person to arrive on the scene was The Exterminator, the one who taught Wesley about explosive rats.]

[Marcus took the opportunity to escape. He shot The Exterminator, killing him].

[Wesley awoke in the ice sauna. He realized that The Exterminator died and his hatred of Marcus had grown even stronger. He treats everyone in the Fraternity as family. He didn't know who he was until the Fraternity took him in.]

"This is the bullet Marcus used to kill the Exterminator. Unlike last time, this bullet is traceable. I found the man who made that bullet. Sloan, I want this mission."

[Wesley placed the bullet that killed The Exterminator on the table. Sloan examined the bullet, then turned to Fox].

"Wesley, you are not ready."

"No, I am ready. You trained me for this, to kill Marcus. He killed a member of our family, he must die. He killed my father, I have to kill him."

[Sloan stared at Wesley and nodded, agreeing with his decision].

"Okay Wesley, the mission is yours. Find the manufacturer of these bullets and ask him about Marcus."

[Wesley left immediately after that. He wasted no time].

"Are you sure you want to leave him alone?"

[Fox asked Sloan]

"Fox, this is your next mission."

[Sloan handed Fox the documents on her next target. In the picture was Wesley Gibson]

"After he kills Marcus, I want you to kill him."




[Wesley found the bullet maker. The old man tried to attack Wesley, but Fox showed up and helped Wesley take the man down.]

"I don't know where Marcus is... But I can help you arrange a meeting."

[The bullet maker called Marcus and announced that they would meet at the train station].

[Wesley and Fox wait for the meeting. Watching the area, waiting for Marcus to show up. To finally end this.]

[But this was actually a trap for Wesley and Fox. Marcus deliberately used a traceable bullet so that Wesley and the others would locate him. He used that moment to get a chance to talk to Wesley.]

[The old bullet maker began to run. Fox and Wesley followed.]

[Suddenly, Wesley realized that Marcus was actually on the train, looking at him.]

[Wesley stopped on the tracks and entered the train. Their target was Marcus, there was no need to go after the old man.]

[Fox realized that Wesley had entered the train, but the train was already moving. To follow the train, she used a car and chased after it.]

[Wesley and Marcus had a fight on the train. Wesley noticed that Marcus kept dodging his bullets. But he never intended to hurt Wesley. Too bad, Wesley was so consumed with revenge that he didn't think about it].

"Wesley, listen to me."

[Marcus tried to talk to Wesley, but Fox almost shot him from outside. The woman was beside the train, her gun pointed at Marcus.]

[Fox crashed her car into the train, causing the train to fall into a steep ravine.]

[Half of the train fell into the canyon and Wesley almost fell as well. But Marcus grabbed him and tried his best to save Wesley.]

[Wesley Gibson was drowning in revenge, he didn't hesitate to shoot Marcus even though he was trying to save him].

[With the last of his strength, Marcus pulled Wesley up and saved him.]


[Marcus knelt and coughed blood. Then Wesley punched him in the face and pointed his gun at him.]

"Sloan is... lying to you."

"You bastard, you killed my father."

"No Wesley... You're my son."

"What? Huh? What the hell are you talking about? Answer me!?"

[Wesley was stunned and asked the man, but Marcus was already dead. His last breath ended after saving his son.]

[A few seconds later, Fox appeared. Her head was bleeding, but she seemed fine, at least better than Wesley, who was confused and shocked.]

"Is it true? That Marcus is my father?"



"We're using you. Because you're the only one he'll never kill."

[Wesley realized that Fox would kill him. He shot out the window and escaped with his father's body. Fox shot at them, but Wesley had already escaped.]

[Wesley and Marcus fell into the canyon and fell into the flowing river.]




[Sloan waited for the results. When Fox returned to the textile factory smirking, he knew the problem was not over.]

"We taught him so well."

[Fox said and left Sloan thinking]





[Wesley gasped as he sat up in the ice-filled tub. He gasped for air as he looked around. He didn't recognize this place.]

[He weakly stood and left the tub. He found the old bullet maker, but he was talking to someone. It was a person with shoulder-length black hair and a beard.]

"What... What is going on?"

[He asked, looking at the two of them].

"I'm John Wick, I'm your father's friend."

[Wesley was still processing the situation, so he just nodded.]

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