Hollywood What If

Chapter 167

Chapter 167


Kazir made funny faces in front his baby niece, who kicked her feet in the air and giggled innocently.

The baby was cute and Kazir obviously liked his niece. He was happy to see an innocent baby, untainted by the world.

He felt as if all the stress of the past few days had disappeared as he played with his niece.

"How is Alissa?"

Aaron appeared and checked on them.

"She's cute."

"Of course, she's a baby. What do you expect? A gremlin?"

Aaron handed him a bottle of beer.

"Something like that."

"You bastard..."

Aaron's wife looked at him as he cursed. It would be bad for the baby girl to hear bad words at such a young age.

"Aaron, help me with the turkey."

"Okay, honey~"

Like a bee serving its queen, Aaron got up and went into the kitchen.

"Goo Goo, ga ga."

Kazir looked at his niece lying on her crib. The baby waved her hands at the door. She was smiling, very cute.

"Oh, you want this teddy bear?" Kazir thought.

Kazir held a teddy bear and gave it to the little baby. Allisa bit the toy's ear before throwing it on the floor. The baby waved her hands at the door again.

Kazir giggled at her cuteness.

Kazir smiled at her. He had a chance to be a father, but fate was cruel to him.

Yet now that he was a successful director, Kazir was still afraid to start a family. He knew that he was a busy person and he was not sure if he could make his family happy.

In the first place, the reason why Cassandra cheated on him was because he was always busy.

After all, he was not sure about that part of his life. Well, he was living happily, and having a baby might bring him another source of stress.

He felt that looking at a cute baby and taking care of a baby were two different things.

Suddenly, baby Alissa burped and white saliva flew onto her baby dress.

"Um, guys, I think your baby spit up on her dress."

"Is that so? Kazir, can you help her burp?"

"I don't know how to do that," Kazir replied honestly.

"Sigh, you insignificant guy who only knows how to make movies! You don't even know how to help a baby burp?"

"Yes." Kazir nodded. To be honest, he was afraid to carry the baby.

"Honey, just do it yourself."

Aaron stopped what he was doing after his wife looked at him. He approached the baby and held her in his arms, against his chest. Then he gently patted the baby's back.

A few seconds later, the baby burped, and both her mother and father celebrated because she burped... Even Kazir was happy. In a way, Alissa was like an animal adored by large adult monkeys.

While in her father's arms, Alissa waved her hands at the door for the third time.

Just then, someone knocked on the door. The three adults paused.

Kazir was the least busy, so he got up and opened the door. He found his father standing in the doorway.



The two hugged each other. Then his father put his things down. Most of the things he brought were toys for the little girl. He obviously loves his granddaughter very much.

This Christmas was simple but healthy.

Kazir spent the whole week in New York. He was interested in buying some real estate there, but decided to wait until the dot-com bubble burst.

He was not a heartless man and the employees of Grey Pictures had a holiday just like him. The company was working at a minimum state to keep it going since most of the employees were on vacation.

On New Year's Eve, Kazir decided to talk about his meeting with his mother.

"I see... So your mother really showed up."

Their father grew quiet and sighed. Perhaps he blamed himself for what had happened to his family.

"Dad, it's not your fault," Aaron tried to make things better, but Kazir's father, Victor Grey, shook his head.

"No, it's my fault too. I was busy at the time... Your mother was very depressed when she was pregnant with Kazir. When she was about to give birth, I was at a business meeting overseas, and when I returned, it was already too late. Maybe that was the beginning of the breakdown of our relationship..."

He could not help smiling bitterly. In truth, he wanted to keep his family, but Eliza Cohen thought it was over.

"I'm just trying to give you a better future..."


His two sons grew quiet. They were under the influence of alcohol and very emotional.

"I don't blame you for hating your mother. But just remember that she is the one who gave birth to you. You should be grateful, just like I'm grateful to have you as my children."

The fireworks began to explode in the sky, signaling the arrival of the New Year.

The three Greys watched the fireworks in the sky, hoping that this year would be a prosperous year for everyone.

Just like that, 1999 arrived.

Kazir returned to Los Angeles to continue the project. The crew had to fly to France to shoot the first part of the film. In fact, Renner Hector and his team were already there, scouting the locations they were going to use. Some of them collected some background shots and sent them to Kazir for him to choose from.

Before leaving for France, Kazir had one more thing to do - watch the premiere of Meet The Parents. The movie will be released in the 3rd week of January.

Not only Paramount, but also other movie companies were interested in this movie. Disney tried to buy this particular film and everyone knew it. The outcome of this film would determine Kazir's future as a screenwriter.

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