Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 1320

Episode 1320. Oh oh! Thelema! Immortal power! Adversary of the gods!

The day finally dawned.

Raja Kotra, chieftain of the Buraqui tribe, ate breakfast at the lord’s side.

“What is that?”

Elio pointed to something like a stick in Raja Kotra’s hand.

It was because he was curious because he refused to eat the food he was given and bit off the stick.

“It dried Kentius’s tail. Would you like some?”

“are you okay. Is that delicious?”

“I can’t eat because there are no Buraqui and Bali people. You have to catch one Kentius to get one.”

“Is that what Kentius is?”

Elio pointed to a monster resembling a water buffalo that was full of basins.

It had a body that looked like it was clad in iron armor, and three one-meter-long horns were embedded in its head.

Its horns stretched out straight like spear points, and looked quite menacing.

“That’s right. It’s a monster that is difficult for low-ranking demons to catch alone.”

“If you get stabbed by the horns, will you die?”

“It is very dangerous. That’s why there are demons who make weapons with those horns.”

“Do the Buraqui tribe hunt that?”

“Yes, if you stick to them, you can manage to catch them.”

Elio nodded and asked.

“What do Kentius eat?”

“I’m an omnivore, so I eat everything that goes into my mouth. Right now, they quietly graze like that, but when they get excited and start rampaging, they will eat other monsters as well.”


“Even if it looks like that, it’s a high-ranking monster.”

“That’s right, it’s the demons’ food.”

“It is.”

“There are so many demons, so why don’t they run away?”

“If you gather in groups like that, even the lower demons can’t touch them. You know that, and you do that.”


Elio carefully examined the basin.

Come to think of it, all the demons that came in were low-ranking demons.

“Are temples only built by low-ranking demons?”

“Because even low-level demons are full of them. Also, demons of middle rank or higher may prey on lower-ranking demons.

“Do demons often catch and eat each other?”

“Because there is nothing better than demons to replenish the lost power of Chaos.”

“You mean you eat them to steal Chaos, not for taste?”

“Usually yes. Don’t you know if there is a god to worship like a satyr? If there is no god to look after them, they are easily eaten.”

“If I kill a satyr, will the god Antar take revenge?”

“I heard that they take back the Chaos absorbed by the Satyr or even kill it in the worst case.”

“The god Antar himself?”

“Yes, directly.”

“Wow. Are satyrs worth serving?”

“There is no reason to serve unless it is of practical help.”

“It is certain that there is exchange between the gods and the demons.”

“Shaitin-nim’s law is like that.”


Elio nodded.

It was strange to think that Shaitin, known as an evil god, was also doing good things for her side.

After a while, Elio and his party went down the mound, Raja Kotra, the chieftain of the Buraqui tribe.

As they entered the basin, the Centius who were grazing raised their heads.

However, the Centiuses buried their heads in the grass again, probably believing the numbers.

Frightened by the Centius horns, Fabian Howard Crea did not breathe.

There were demons who saw a small number of Buraqui tribes and approached them.

But when they saw Warchief Raja Kotra, they immediately went back.

He was frightened by the unique aura of a transcendent.

Thanks to being accompanied by Raja Kotra, Elio and his party were able to advance to the temple without causing a fight with the other demons.

As Elio and his party entered the main entrance of the temple, two men from the Satyr tribe—who were torso human and whose lower body resembled a goat—blocked their way.

Judging by the short spear in his hand, he is a Satyr warrior.

Warchief Raja Kotra said with a displeased face.


“The chieftain told us not to let the Burakki and Balinese enter.”

“Is Karel Mount?”


“Did you mean to block access to this Raja Kotra?”


The Satyr warriors looked at each other with ambiguous faces.

This is why it is difficult to call Raja Kotra a transcendent and Buraqui tribe.

The Satyr warriors took a step back as Raja Kotra glared at them with prey eyes.

“Warchief may enter. But other Buraqui tribes are not.”

“They are my companions.”

“It doesn’t work though. He told us not to let the Buraqui and Balinese inside.”

“Then where are the other Buraqui and Balinese?”

“They’re out there hauling stone and lumber.”

“Either call the chief or let us in.”

One of the hesitant Satyr warriors rushed inside.

The sound of clattering hooves faded away.

The Satyr warrior who was left alone blocked the entrance to the temple while watching Raja Kotra’s notice.

Raja Kotra could beat a satyr warrior to death with one punch and get inside, but he didn’t.

It was because behind them was the god Antar, who was like a beacon to the transcendentalists.

After a while, dozens of Satyr warriors appeared with the sound of hooves.

An old satyr emerged from behind the satyr warriors and greeted Raja Kotra.

“Laja Kotra. long time no see.”

“Karel. Are you old and senile? What is the reason for blocking the entry of the Buraqui and the Balinese?”

Raja Kotra, annoyed while waiting, questioned without even being greeted.

Karel Mount, who was smiling wryly, hurriedly replied.

No matter how much a satyr is a servant of the god Antar, there is nothing good about hating a transcendental person.

“Our old priest has received an oracle.”


“The Buraquis and the Balis will cause a big problem, so block them out.”

“Is that what the god Antar said?”

Raja Kotra was stunned, but he let go of his pretensions and asked as if to confirm.

“I don’t know if it’s the Antar god, but… I’ve received such a message from the gods.”

Raja Kotra felt relieved.

The older priests were often confused and did not know the identity of the god who spoke to them.

It must have been the same this time.

“A god you don’t know who is blocking you from entering because you heard something like that? What if it was the work of the gods who were kicked out of Shaitin-sama’s sanctuary?”

“Because it was the words of a priest who made a name for himself…”

“Are you saying that you stopped the Buraquis and the Balis at the words of an insane priest?”

“That’s… the words of a legendary priest among satyrs.”

“So you’re asking me to follow the words of a priest who can’t tell the difference between gods?”

“Oops! what to say Raja Kotra is a transcendental being, so it’s okay to enter.”

“Can’t my group go in?”

Raja Kotra, who was ‘crying’ for a while, grinded his teeth.

It’s because Karel Mount seems to respect the older priest more than he does.

If it was the oracle of the god Antar, he could have yielded, but if not, he had to open the way.

Surprised by Raja Kotra’s ferocious spirit, Karel Mount hurriedly lowered his head.

“That can’t be. You may bring it in. I don’t think there will be a problem with the Buraqui tribe brought by the Transcendental One.”

It was said that if there was a problem, it was Raja Kotra’s responsibility.

Raja Kotra ‘Hung!’ He sneered and strode inside.

Elio’s party quickly caught up with him.

Karel Mount, who was watching Raja Kotra and the Buraqui tribe, said to the warriors by his side.

“Follow and watch what the Buraqui are doing.”


Ten satyr warriors lined up to enter the temple.

Karel Mount, who was standing alone, hurriedly left to find the priest.

Temple of Ushas Undra.

Unlike the outside crowded with demon workers, the inside was quiet.

Inside the temple, there was only one god statue that appeared to be Ushas Undra.

Raja Kotra, the chieftain of the Buraqui tribe, went toward the statue of Ushas Undra.

The demons believe that ‘God resides in a statue’.

So it was natural to go to the statue of God to meet him.

As a transcendentalist, the warchief, Raja Kotra, did not show any particular respect to the personal image.

It may be a god like a rising star to the lower demons, but to the transcendental people, Ushas Wundra is nothing more than a successful ‘bat’.


Raja Kotra stepped aside and pointed to the seat in front of Lord Elio Lagoa.

Elio went in front of the statue.

He suddenly remembered his encounter with Luna Mylus at Ishika’s Forgotten Shrine.

Will Ushas Undra appear incarnated like her?

The true body of Kama Debias (Cheonjama) did not recognize itself at first.

I don’t know what the Ushas Undra is like.

Elio slowly opened his mouth.

“Ushas Undra. Humans know it as ‘the god of dreams and hope’, but the demons call it ‘the god of doubt and scheming’ or ‘the bat’? Which one is the truth? If you have the courage, come out and try it.”


The mouth of Raja Kotra, the chieftain of the Buraqui tribe, opened wide at the ruler’s verbal abuse.

Of course, it is true that the demons criticize Ushas Undra.

But that’s only behind the scenes.

No demons openly say such things in front of other demons.

Moreover, this is the temple of Ushas Undra.

It is also crazy to say such a thing in front of the god Ushas Undra.

The satyr warriors who quietly followed and watched ran screaming.

“Oh oh! Lord Antar!”

“Oh God! Forgive me!”

“It is not our will!”

“The Buraqui did it alone!”

“Buraqui people! What are you doing!”

“Bring the Chieftain!”

The interior of the temple, which had been quiet, turned into a marketplace in an instant.

Even other demons flocked to the disturbance caused by the Satyr warriors.

Raja Kotra, who came to his senses belatedly, said.

“Lord! Why do you say that? Even if you don’t like what Ushas Undra is doing, don’t.”

At the title of monarch, the low-ranking demons kept their mouths shut.

Even the rampaging satyrs, as if their tails were on fire, fell silent.

A monarch is a semi-god-level being.

It was only natural that a being as fearsome as Ushas Undra had appeared.

In the past and now, only the monarch or God can stop the monarch.

Hearing the news, Karel Mount ran at once.

An old satyr with Karel Mount raised both arms and shouted:

“Oh oh! Thelema! Immortal power! Adversary of the gods! You, who come from the ends of the earth, will find no resting place even when darkness descends!”

The old satyr’s cry echoed through the temple.

Startled by the priest’s cry, Karel Mount hurriedly grabbed her hand and asked.

“Elenora, which god said that?”

But Eleanora just kept her eyes open and repeated the same sound.

It’s time for Karel Mount to alternately look at Eleanora and the Buraqui youth standing in front of the statue.

Suddenly, a stiff Buraqui youth lowered his pants and urinated on the idol of Ushas Undra—without anyone stopping him.

Chow ah-.

Raja Kotra, the Buraqui warchief who saw it up close, grabbed his head with both hands and shouted as if squeezing it.

“No way!”

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