Harem Reborn

Chapter 245: Not Messing Around

Chapter 245: Not Messing Around

The two of us carefully pushed the grass curtain aside and walked cautiously into the hut into an arena. The precise moment we stepped inside, completely through the doorway, it instantly disappeared and the stands were instantly filled with passionate people that were roaring and cheering enthusiastically. I looked all around and the familiar place was similar to the arena that I had fought in during the random game.

"Welcome to my arena! I am your charming host, Gragle! This day you will be fighting fiercely to win each one of these lovely ladies!" An extremely squat and portly man yelled down, but I promptly locked onto his shrill voice and instantly dropped into the ground.

Gargle had all the frightened girls up there with him, and I was sick and tired of playing by the rules. I was here to beat the game, and that's what I was going to accomplish. There would be a shield of the arena, but not in the walls, and they were made from stone.

I glided effortlessly through the earth and then stone like I had rockets propelling me through water. I popped up in the stands and the cheering crowd parted screaming hysterically at me being outside of the arena area. I didn't stop, but I did unsummon Augusta and resummoned him to get to the top before me.

After he flew up, I ran up and dove into the colosseum's wall, surging up to my targeted location, under Gragle. I came up under him and grabbed the little fat man by his ankles, intentionally sinking him down into the stone-like mud. Augusta was already freeing the girl from the ropes they had been bound with.

"What are you doing?! You can't do this! Your cheating! You can't just come up here and rescue all the girls, this is against the rule!" Gragle cried as he struggled fiercely, stuck in the stone up to his waist.

"I have never really been one for following the rules, and don't have the time to waste with you games," I said as I grew up from the stone, turning to the girls, but they were already bands of lights that disappeared, but it was better this way.

"That was some fast thinking! I never imagined you would do that, very creative, but it looks like you're done here, and I will be going back into storage," Augusta said with a forced smile.

"That's why I'm trying to do this as fast as possible. I have been playing this like just another player in a game, but I'm not. I created this game, and I need to start thinking like that. I can clear this world in record time, I just have to play the game like the end is the only target," I said walking over to Augusta, sticking my hand out to him.

"I have faith in you, just be careful, and do what you did this time, prepare, have a plan and win. You're the one that made this all, so you should know every way to bypass obstacles. Just don't die, we are all counting on you, no pressure!"

That made me laugh out loud, and Augusta grabbed my forearm, and I did the same. He was right on all accounts, and I would be careful, but it was time to go.


I scored an E for my mission rank, but that was just the system being salty, and there would be a lot more of that. The real question was how long the normal MainFrame would sit by and let me keep messing with the game? It wasn't like I was hacking the system. I was just using things and abilities in ways that were in line with the normal way that the system wanted them done, tough titties.

[Level 2] Acquired!

[Super Strength/Omni Adept] Acquired!

Here we go! The next world was loading in, no spin this time, but there was a massive battlefield being constructed, and hundreds of foes, orcs, were being digitized. This almost felt rushed like the game was lagging or something, but that shouldn't be possible. Maybe I was supposed to take longer last game, but that was fine, the pixelated orc made it really feel like I was playing a game.

I only glanced at my skills as I loaded in. There were the battle decks, but I made some food instead. Super Strength's crafting ability was cooking and there was some hella good stuff on the menu. There were eight different items on the menu and I was having trouble deciding what I wanted. I had sat down, to have a good look while the orcs all raged in pixelated anger.

1.Ramen Noodles with pork

2.Hammered Sandwich

3.Boosted Juice

4.Giant Turnip and Monster Green

5.Behemoth Steak and Pouncing Potatoes

6.Quickling Super Sour Drink

7.Kraken Claws Served with Sky Devourer Sauce

8.Everything, But The Kitchen Sink

There were too many choices, so I picked them all, and eating them was not the enjoyable experience I thought it was going to be. No, I just touched them and picked yes or no in my HUD, then they disappeared and I got a buff. After I was done, I felt great, but I was still hungry, so much for a cooking skill.

I stood up, stretched out, the orcs had almost reached me now, the square edges of their bodies starting to become clear. I smiled and punched my hand in excitement, and then started running to meet them head one. I pulled back my fist and then swung it forward with all my strength and drove it into the face of the first orc.

The impact was more than intense, the ground and everything behind the first orc I had hit for five meters in a cone shape area was gone. The impact from my punch had shattered them into black particles, but more orcs were pouring in to fill the gap. This wasn't what I was here for. I looked past the hordes and saw what I was looking for, A massive orc on a platform with seven girls standing and waiting.

I activated my single Super Strength skill and bent my legs.

[Leap] Activated!

I launched into the air like a grasshopper, and then when I hit the crest of my arc and started to fall, I pulled back my fist. I punched the ground just as Impacted and cracks spidered out in an instant. Then the world exploded around me, creating a massive crater that was showered in rocks and black particles. I had to make five more leaps before I made it up to the stage. Other big orcs had tried to stop me, but I was a runaway train, with only one target, the boss.

"I won't let you take them!" The massive orc with twin dual-bladed battle axes and big plates of armor covering him.

"I didn't ask for permission!" I yelled as I drove a fist into the orcs armored stomach, but he absorbed the blow, but I still took some of the damage.

I was knocked back with a strike from one of the ax blades that left a gouge in my arm. I used my Omni Adept Healing Ray and was healed perfectly, but this guy was tough. Still, I rushed him, there was no other way to win, I had to take him down, and my hit had hurt him.

I dodged the first strike, and punched the inside of one of the orc's knees, making the knee bend funny, and causing the orc to fall. As it did, I came up with a strong uppercut and almost removed the orcs head. The hit knocked him backward, but then I jumped nimbly on his brawny chest as he fell back. I delivered the killing blow from on top of him, crushing his head between the elevated platform and my fist, then causing him to explode in a huge shower of particles.

I turned and ran to grab Tilly and passionately kissed her. She was already disappearing, but she had a big smile on her lovely face.

"Keep going! Don't worry about us, just keep winning! We will all see you when it's all over!" Tilly said after we had tenderly kissed, then she promptly disappeared like the rest of them.

It was working! So far I had saved twenty-one new girls out of the sixty-eight in this world, I was already one-third done and I had just got started! This was the way I was meant to do it, not mess around, I had been playing these games the wrong way. I need to get through them, when I am done, there will be plenty of time to play through every game in every way imaginable.


For now, I just had to win, rescue the girls, and make it to the end of everything. After that, it efficiently was anyone's game. I was ready to watch someone else play for once. I dearly wanted to get one of the comfy seats in the Hall of God, the same ones for Universal Watch, yeah, Acura-Gel. Just one game where I could point triumphantly and laugh hysterically at everyone else like I'm sure they undoubtedly do to me.

'One day boss, you will be able to, but for now, just keep kicking ass. You're doing great!' -Dansei.

As the world spun and I was loaded into a sand-covered world. I would keep on pushing and would have my turn to laugh and relax. One day, but not today!

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