Harem Reborn

Chapter 234: Enjoys Sex

Chapter 234: Enjoys Sex

I kissed Carly and then slid out of bed, It was already well into the morning, but the girls were still all sleeping soundly. I stood up and then looked back at all the naked girls cuddled together. All the girls were converging on Carly to fill the gap that I had left, and I was seriously concerned that she might get smothered by Grace's breasts, but then I saw her turn her head right away gasping out for air, but then fell back to sleep. 

It was a cute scene, but I pulled my pants on, then my shirt, leaving the girls to sleep more. I turned once I was out of the door and I headed to see Latisha and Stephanie, I wasn't sure if they would be awake. Still, they wouldn't mind if I woke them up, and I wanted to talk to the two of them alone. None of the other girls with me had been with me during Transport, so I wanted to see what Latisha thought of my choice.

I knocked on the door, and Stephanie greeted me with a warm smile when she opened the door. My heart skipped a beat, remembering that smile, she also had her hair down. I was frozen for a moment, but then my senses fell back into place, and I smiled back. It was hard for me not just to pull her into a deep kiss, my body ached for it, but my head still told me to be careful.

"Did you have a good sleep? I do like your hair down like this, but it covers so much of your pretty face!" I said jokingly, but Stephanie started to blush and look down.

"I didn't want to remind you of when...I was Cindy. It still feels weird to think of myself as another person that I didn't have control of. The worst part is that I was conscious the entire time, stuck behind eyes, forced to watch and feel every moment"

Stephanie backed into the room as she trailed off, and I saw Latisha sitting on the bed with a small gentle smile. I knew what she was referring to, the time we had spent together in that small apartment together, and all the time that we spent in the bedroom over those three months. My mind swam with the times, but Latisha spoke up to shake me free of my revelry.

"Are you okay, Dave?"

I moved forward and took Stephanie's hand, bringing her over to the bed to sit between me and Latisha. I took a deep breath and then spoke.

"How do you feel about my choice to trust Stephanie? I know it's weird to ask you with her here, but I think I already know what the answer is to my question."

"I think you made the right choice, and the rest of the girls will think so in time, Trinity may be the hardest to crack though. She was pretty worked up yesterday, and she didn't look like she wanted you to trust Steph," Latisha said with a tired look.

"Don't worry, I convinced her to give Stephanie a chance! She is still on the fence, but I think I convinced her!"

"Oh? That's what you were doing last night so loudly? You sounded like you convinced all six girls! Well, except for Carly, Stephanie was worried something was wrong and that we should go check on you, but I explained to her about...the way Carly, erhmn, enjoys sex," Latisha said with her dark skin burning.

Stephanie was blushing furiously as well, and the pair of them looked super cute, and part of me wanted to just say fuck it and jump both the girls. I was a horrible person, but that didn't change how I felt, but banging at the door interrupted that thought. Stephanie hopped up to grab the door, so I leaned over and pulled Latisha in for a quick kiss.

"Did you have a good sleep last night? You guys do some good talking and such?" I whispered to Latisha as Stephanie answered the door.

"Yes, and thank you for giving her a chance. It means a lot to me, and maybe later I can show you how much I appreciate it. Also, When the girls were moaning, I caught Stephanie facing to the side with her eyes closed. She was touching herself and I could see the wet marks on her panties from where she was getting wet. I know you want to wait and take your time with her, but I think you should consider how she might feel, plus, you could always bring Grace along to help punish her if that's what you want. Honestly, I don't think Steph would mind, I think she likes that kind of thing!" Latisha whispered to me just before the girls walked in.

Great, cause I wasn't already turned on enough, and now all the girls were here! I wasn't about to start a marathon or I would never get anything done today! Still, Latisha might have a point, plus, if she was going to give me a treat later, I could hold off till then, she was always worth the wait.

"Dave? Are you ready to go? There are still there towers left, are you just going to sit around all day long?" Grace asked.

"I was already up, you are the ones that just got up! Plus, I am ready to go, so let's go!"

"Well, I do have a couple of other things I need to do before we leave, but the rest of the girls are ready so I will meet you downstairs in the lobby. While you're down there waiting, do you mind getting us more rooms, at least two more? Last night was fun, but I don't think you want to do that every night!" Grace said as she walked back out and let the door close itself. 

Stephanie came back and sat on the other side of me, putting me in between the two girls. My mind was still buzzing from what Latisha had just told me. Damn that woman, now I had to sleep with her; the thought of her having to masturbate to the sound of my having sex was beyond sad, Fine, whatever, I would get it done at some point today, or tomorrow, making plans for something like this was always a recipe for disaster and to not get what you wanted.

Latisha was grinning, and Stephanie was giving us a strange look. I just smiled at her, and then kissed her. Stephanie fell into the kiss, and it ended up being a lot more passionate than I intended, but she was probably tired of being alone. I felt Latisha get off the bed and then I heard the door open and close behind me. 

I took her into my arms, holding Stephanie close to me as we kissed, and I could feel hot tears coming from her eyes. Even after the kiss ended, I held her quietly close to me, and she cried softly. I stroked her hair, and let herself get it all out until she finally pulled away, wiping her face off.

"Thank you, Dave. The girls are all so lucky to have you, and I am so sorry for what I had to do to you. I know you shouldn't trust me, but I love that you're willing to try and give me a chance. I can't promise that MainFrame won't try to take over my mind again if he comes back, I'm sorry."

I took her back into my arms and gave her a squeeze and then kissed the top of her head.

"I know, but now I know what is going on and I can watch to make sure nothing changes. I won't let him take you again, MainFrame was only able to do that because I didn't see it happen, and I won't let that happen again, I promise."

I let go of her and we both stood up and left the room. All the girls were in the hallway waiting, even Grace was ready to go. Trinity glared at me, but then yipped and jumped as Kierra pinched her bottom. 

"Everyone ready to go? We have some towers to take care of, and two more girls to rescue!"

The girls all nodded and smiled, then we all loaded into the elevator. The ride down was tight, and I tried to imagine what it would be like if there was one more in here. Stephanie stayed close to my side, but that made Trinity glue herself to my other arm.

I sighed, this was going to be an interesting day. Once we were back down in the lobby, I went over to the counter and purchased two more rooms. Turns out, this hotel only had single rooms, and I was about to ask myself who's dumb idea it was to build a hotel with only one bed in each room, but then I remembered who was the father of all dumb ideas in Reborn.

That was going to take some getting used to, and I felt a lot of cursing my own name coming in the future. Still, how was I supposed to tell the girls, or should I?

'Don't yet, wait until you know more about why we are here and why you are, please?' -Tequila.

'Sure, Mom. Is there something that I don't know about yet?'

'There are many things that you still need to figure out, but it's better if you do them on your own.' Tequila.

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