Harem Reborn

Chapter 222: Who's Side Are You On?

Chapter 222: Who's Side Are You On?

"Mmmm mmm mmmm"

"Well, I guess that would make for a problem,'' I said after crawling out of the hot tub to remove the tape from his mouth.

"Gah! What did you put in that locker?" The man in the cheap white suit asked. "And why?"

"My name is Dave, and these fine women are my associates. We are with the Shell Cop Station, and the locker you opened was filled with vibrators before we switched things around. We found your key at the scene of the crime, and a receipt for the Dry Cleaners below at another location that you hit. Now, we just need to recover the last item, and that is where you come in."

"...Do I get to make a phone call?"

"Not my business, you can ask Branson when we book you, but, if you want to make things a bit easier, you will turn in the last vibrator without any more problems. That, or we do it the way I first suggested."

"I don't have it, you can deal with my boss when he finds out that you caught me! You think you're so," The man tried to say, barefooted Grace landed a soccer kill to the side of the man's head that knocked him out cold, or at least I hoped he was knocked out.

"Hey! Don't kill him! We need more info about this boss, and if you kill him...well, I don't know what will happen, but Branson made it clear that it was something that we wouldn't like!"

"I didn't hit him that hard! I know how much force to use, Don't I guide you when using force?" Grace said, giving me her new signature eyebrow lift, with suggestions written all over her face.

That was the moment when a door burst open that did not lead to either bathroom nor did it even have a handle. In the doorway stood two very large men in black suits and the ankle biter. Great, I bet she was here to throw us out for the noise or pervasive smell that was coming out of the men's bathroom before, but I was surprised when she turned to look at the pervert in the corner.

"So, you figured it out," The small old lady turned back to me. "Our boss is not going to be happy with you and your group! Where are the vibrators? Hand them over and none of the girls have to get hurt!"

You are kidding me? What the hell is going on? Grandma works for their mysterious boss pervert too? 

I snapped my single gate open and stepped forward. It didn't matter who they worked, for now, they threatened my girls. There are very few things in this world that will make me see red, but ninety percent of them involve threatening or hurting the people close to me.

I reached out, plunging my hand into the rent-in space, wrapping my hand around the jet-ax, pulling back out of the tear. I have to give it to her, that old bag was fast, like inhuman fast. By the time the two monsters started to rush me, the woman had already grabbed and dragged the suspect into her room and slammed the door.

Damn, but I didn't have time to think, the two black-suited men were rushing at me and about to...stop. Both of the men stopped rushing forwards and then started backing up. 

"Yeah you chicken shits, come get some!"

"They aren't scared of you Dave,' Aquina said from behind me.

I gave a quick look behind me and saw why they both had their hands up now. Every girl was standing in their swimsuits, holding a gun that was trained on the two bouncer/bodyguards. Well, that was less exciting than them backing up from me, but yet more exciting because all the girls were half-naked, and holding weapons, I was torn.

"Go tape them up, but make sure they can walk, we are taking them and the dildo's to Branson right now before someone else tries to rescue these two!" Kierra said.

I signed and then did as I was asked, or told. I would like to think of it as asked, but there was no question in the statement, so I did as I was told. While I did, the sisters went and collected the vibrators from the changeroom, and then we made our way to the station.

I would have to say this must have been the strangest sight this city had ever seen. Six girls in bikinis, all holding guns trained on two men wearing black suits and shade. I was surprised that for the entire walk, no one bothered us, I thought for sure the cops would be called on us, and part of me wished someone would. I would have made this walk a lot less awkward, and shorter.

It took us about thirty-five minutes, but only because one of the girls needed to use the bathroom, and then half of them needed to use the washroom, leaving me and the sister to watch over the men. Thankfully, no gang members or anyone else tried to give us any trouble during the twenty-minute wait for the girls to get back from the bathroom.

After that, it was a short walk to the Shell Cop Station, but Branson was waiting for us outside of the station. And he looked pissed.

"Let them go," Branson said in a gruff and angry voice.

"What? Let them go? They are suspects and the women they were with took our suspect!"

"Did I stutter? Release them now, they are free to go, this was all just a big mix-up, AND my Team Members will all apologize for any issues they might have caused you," Branson said in a more growling than speaking voice, as he glared at me.

What the hell was going on here? Was Branson working for this pervert boss? Damn, I hate when the plot thickens!

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