Harem Reborn

Chapter 173: Aquina

Chapter 173: Aquina

'We have arrived at the coral reef...sending out drone...specimen collected...setting quadrants for Wrai-Spire Royal Mound.' -Tequila.

'Thank you, Mom.'

Well, that left the points, but I did want to give Aquina a point or maybe two, out of all the ones here was for sure to join me in the next game. That means I should try to buff her up now and then we would be good next game. 

The thing was, I didn't see us needing a boost to finish the game; I was in my final form and everyone was more than strong. Plus, now we had a spaceship that would keep getting bigger and stronger by itself. So, that boiled down to how the other girls felt about giving up the points. 

"Okay, so I think we are good for this game, do you guys agree?"

"Yes, according to Alta, the Unlife started to move off the planet after you destroyed the fleet. Alex only let a could go and marked them, so It is just a matter of time until we tract them to the homeworld."

"So, my next question is, can I give Aquina three of the five points I have right now? Since she will for sure be in the next game."

There wasn't even hesitation, everyone of the women nodded their head in agreement. Wow, that was easy, even Iona didn't bat an eye. I had just explained to everyone about what we would be doing in order to gain control of the game for everyone. Or we all get turned into multiple NPC with a singular personality disorder.

'Are you serious? Why?' -Aquina.

'You could hear me talking, right?'

'Yeah, but...you could just save them for the other girls! What if I'm not close to you? Don't be stupid and waste them on me!' -Aquina.

'It's not stupid. If you're not here with me, I want to make sure you have every advantage. Don't fight with me, this isn't just my choice, you heard them. Okay, Mom, get the points ready and I will find us somewhere more private.'

'Points are ready to be activated on your command.' -Tequila.

"Okay, group, I think we will be on our next and second last trip on this planet soon, so I am going to help Aquina with the skill points. Just keep watch for any remaining wild Unlife."

The girls waved me off and I walked into a small hall that led to a room, with a bed, of course. It just wouldn't be a giant mecha leviathan if there wasn't a place to get frisky in it. I had to give it to the designer, he had his hand in every pot it seemed! The door slid closed behind me and in a flash, Aquina was on the bed looking cute in her little black and blue cowgirl outfit.

I sat down on the bed and Aquina came and put her head into my lap. I stroked her hair for a bit because this was the first positive interaction we have had that she wasn't moaning for. Aquina turned her head to look up at me and I smiled down at her.

"Ready for the first one?"


"Activate the first point, Mom."

"Why do you call whoever you're talking to that?"

"That's a long story from another time, for now, take a look at the menu."

Aquina got up, then sat in my lap and cuddled into my chest, I really wish she would always be like this, but beggars couldn't be choosers.

//activating first SP, Skill choice activated

{+3 Level to current System Level}{Stat Boost each level with current System}{+1 Skill Point or Skill each level with current System}

"So, What do you think?"

{+1 Skill Point or Skill each level with current System}

"This one, I think having more skill points will be good"

"As long as there are skill points to spend, hehe!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, In this game, all the progression is done by using items to level up and there are no skill points."

"Did I make a bad choice then?"

"No, not all. If we do get skill points you will be above everyone else! Okay, let's try the next one, Activate it, Mom."

"You are really going to have to tell me about this Mom person."

//activating second SP, Skill choice activated

{Speed Boost}{Infliction Removal}{Strength Boost}

Holy crap batman.

"Please take the removal!"

"But, what about the strength or speed? I'm not sick...am I?"

"No, but you need to trust me. I could just pick it for you, but I want to know that I can trust you, and I want you to know the same with me."

"Okay, I trust that this is the right choice and I am not missing out!"

{Infliction Removal}

//Dere stat removed for [Aquina] New skill path opened at evolution

"What the hell, Dave? Nothing happened, I am going to"

I hugged her and kissed the top of her head, at least this took the part of the danger away, but now she can't get worse, just the same crazy girl I love. As she squirmed in my arms, I activated the last point, but I felt her start to change in my arms...did her breast just grow?

Aquina hopped from my lap and off the bed, then spun around, wow. I had to hold myself back from putting the rest of my points into her just to see what came next. 

She had not gotten talked but she had a much more mature body including a bigger breast and rounder bottom. Now we are talking, even her blue hair was longer, and I wasn't sure what to say, so I stood up. I Walked over to catch her in my arms as she was spinning and she smiled up at me.

"See, not so bad?"

I was about to take her over to the bed, but just on time.

'We have arrived at the Wrai-Spire.' -Tequila.

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