Harem Reborn

Chapter 163: Favorite student?

Chapter 163: Favorite student?

"Alright, so, we are almost to the Hydroglobe city, Tearica. What caused your people to attack these cities and not give me crap about the old King. I get it, he was a bit of a stinker, but the attacks are still happening; why?"

"The council, they are the ones that are controlling the armies."

"And everyone else is okay with this? Sounds like your people don't have a lot of free will."

"The old King was the ruler of our people for over three-hundred and fifty years, and he learned his hate of the mouth breathers from his father who ruled for three hundred years before that."

"So, then this is the real question I want to know, how do you feel about Xenophins?"

There was a short pause before I heard him speak.

"I never understood why they attacked the colonies, none of it ever made any sense to me, but I never was forced to attack the settlements. I have been one of Fiori's royal guards since she was born, myself and her sister watch over her."

"Woah, what are you doing here with me then?! Are you not worried about her? The way you have described the council, they all sound like they bloodthirsty...nevermind. And her sister is her guard? Did they not have enough people to pick from when Fiori was born, and if it was her sister, why the hell isn't she the Queen? She sounds like the proper choice for the job, no offense to your Queen."

"Haha, well, I am sure you have noticed how different Fiori is from the rest of us. Before she was born, Mejia was slated to be the next ruler after the King, but with the mysterious birth of a mouth breather child, he decided that the next Queen would be Fiori the day she was born. Mejia was asked to be her protector, and she accepted with excitement; I still remember the day fondly. Mejia never wanted to be Queen; she is a fighter and a damn good one at that!"

"So then this Mejia is watching and protecting Fiori?"

"Yes, always."

"So where was she today?"

"In the room above, Fiori and her sister share the Royal Empress Dome, so she is always guarded."

"Wow, that's some true dedication! I couldn't imagine spending that much time with one person if I wasn't...involved in extracurricular activities. Okay, so I am sure you have figured out where I am going, are you going to be okay to come with me?"

"The Xenophin might not like seeing someone like me, plus I can't breathe air like you."

The air thing would be a problem, but I know Sasha might have a solution for this. 

"Okay, the air thing I think I can deal with, but you will have to wait while I go talk to my girls. As for the Xenophin, I happened to be very close to one, and I am the commander of Universal Watch! That has to count for something, plus I have this thing with people telling me no."

"I don't know if it will be that easy, Star Strider, my people have"

"...Been forced to commit crimes against people that didn't deserve it! I know, they know, and you know that your people have done wrong, but what do you do when something goes wrong that you have no control over? You get control, and then you work to make it better with what you have, and what you have now is just yourself. A Wraith that has never taken part in any of the attacks and wants to work towards a better and peaceful future between your people, right?"

"So, you think a simple apology will be enough?"

"Pft, don't be stupid. Of course, that won't be enough! But it will be a start; have any of your people ever tried to do this before?"

"Hehe, no, never."

I could see a massive spherical structure floating in the distance, shining like a beacon in the dark water. At this depth, there was a little light that reached down, so the city was a torch in the dim light. Maybe, if they had found a way to mask the light they might not attract so much hate from the naturally nocturnal Wraiths.

"So, okay then, we will start with this and work from here, or I will be doing more house cleaning than I had planned in your community. These constant pointless attacks on the Xenophins aren't my job to fix, but I love a certain Xenophin, so sue me if I decide to lay a hammer down on your people with a vengeance if they hurt any families family. So, do you know what that means Shark-man?"

"That I need to try my best to fix this? But, I am only one, 'Shark-man' as you say, they won't listen to me!"

"That's because you're not listening to me! Goddammit, stop worrying about it not working. These people will be angry at first, but I will placate them and make them see reason if they try to resist. So, are you going to try, or are we just going to head straight back, and I'll start thinning the herd. Because I am here to deal with your people about assisting a known enemy of Universal Watch; on top of that, you are working with them to destroy one of my favorite students, Xeno-Tsunami."

Woah! Tsunami was my favorite student? This was starting to get annoying; ANYTHING ELSE I DON'T KNOW ABOUT MYSELF?!!?! 

Ugh, Instantly, I knew way more than I bargained for, I deserved that. The information in my skull told me that Tsunami and I were a lot closer than just student and teacher. I could now remember...was that the right word? I never experienced any of these things, so maybe it would be better to think of them as knowing. Now I know that Tsunami and I were extremely close before

Suddenly, I was filled with the emotion of the memory of saying goodbye to a loved one; yup these were just as good as my own memories. I shook my head in my suit to clear away the heavy feelings accompanied by those memories. Star Strider had loved her, but they both knew that this time would come and tried to prepare, but now one can truly prepare for something like losing the person you love. 

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