Harem Overlord

Chapter 322 When Space Awakens (End)(Chapter Preview)

"Surprise! And this time, I don't have the Darkness controlling me. Unless I make a mistake." Lucas said as Kai sighed.

"Do you really want their power that bad or are you here for me?" Kai asked as Lucas grinned.

"That's what I like about you. You know what I am talking about and I don't need to explain about it to you. Anyways, I am here for their power today, not yours." He replied as Kai suddenly chuckled.

"Stop trying to copy me. I am the king of elements and will be the only one till the end." With a bright glow, a crown with nine spikes dropped on Kai's head.

His demon and angel wings then came out from his back alongside his demon and angel eyes. But Lucas seemed disappointed.

"I think you already know that you are not going to win no matter what you do. If not for that girl, the Darkness would have gotten you." Lucas said while casually mentioning Kosma. "Now, can you please move to the side and let me get the elemental rulers' powers?"

"You expected that to work?"

"It mostly works so why not?"

"Then the people you try it on are too weak." Kai's reply seemed to annoy Lucas as he raised his right hand.

"Technically, you are weak too." He replied as a blood-red spear appeared in his hand.

Just from a glance, Kai could tell that the spear held the same power as Hellbringer and Excalibur. But he didn't seem worried.

Lucas didn't say anything else as he threw the spear towards Kai.

"Just so you know, that spear is like the yin yang seal of life. No person can dodge it." He added with a grin as he expected an expression of disbelief on Kai's face.

But shockingly, Kai smiled.

"After my reincarnation, I learned one very important thing," Kai said as his body started glowing. "And that is that I should rely on others."

His wings suddenly vanished alongside the crown on his head. He was now wearing pure black clothes with a long coat that stretched down to his knees.

His hair also turned black alongside his eyes as they stared glowing. He then raised his hand forward and a wave of black power went out of his hand.

The wave collided with the spear and shattered it into tiny pieces. The pieces floated in the air before they vanished

Lucas lucked thunderstruck. The spear that had been supposed to be invincible had been shattered in a matter of seconds in front of his very eyes.

"And by relying on someone, you meant the deity of space and the person who regulates the world. What reliable people we are Kai." A feminine voice suddenly sounded as a woman stepped behind Kai.

She was floating above his shoulders and had a small smile on her face. The woman was extremely beautiful like the snow falling on a cold winter night.

Her beauty wasn't like the warm beauties that surrounded Kai and was on a different level. Floating above him was Space.

"Fuck…" Lucas muttered as he had two choices. He could either call the Darkness and let it take control of his body, or he could just retreat.

Out of the two options, Lucas didn't know which one he should choose.

[ Retreat. Your body is not a powerful vessel and if I fought her, I would lose brutally. Even that Kosma girl had been too much for me. You better train your body. ]

Lucas suddenly heard the Darkness's order as he released a sigh of relief.

"I will retreat for now," Lucas said as his body started shimmering.

"Before you go, tell your boss one thing." Kai suddenly said as Lucas raised his eyebrows.

"And what is that?"

"If he can raise my enemies then I will take the ones I love from his grip," Kai said as a dark black crown dropped on his head.

It was Sierra's crown of dark powers. He took the crown off his head and closed his eyes. With a whooshing sound, one white ball of light suddenly appeared in front of him.

The ball of light then moved and settled on top of the crown before moving inside it.

"You…" Lucas was left speechless as Kai grinned.

"Goodbye now." He then wore the crown again as Lucas gritted his teeth.

"I will be back again!" He exclaimed before vanishing.

"He is like a bad anime villain who just keeps on showing again and again." Space suddenly muttered as Kai looked confused.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing, it much beyond your compensation." Space replied absently as she then floated down to Kai's level and smiled.

"It looks as though your reincarnation changed you in many ways." Kai suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"I am still the same Kai." He replied as Space chuckled.

"You might feel that but when the time comes, not the literal one mind you, you will see the changes. By the way, that's her soul right?" Space asked as Kai nodded.

"It took a lot out of me to summon it here and I didn't even think that it was possible. However, your powers made it possible. So thank you." Space smiled at his words as she gazed beyond him.

"Anyways, enjoy what you still have." She said as she lightly tapped his right shoulder before vanishing.

"I wonder what she meant by that…" Kai muttered to himself as he started moving towards the elemental rulers' location.

"Is that?..." Fanglin was the first one to notice Kai as everyone fell silent.

They saw the black crown on his head and instantly knew that it was Sierra's crown.

"Where did you go?" Mariel then asked while gulping in anticipation.

"I just stepped outside to bring you all a gift," Kai replied with a grin as he took off the crown.

He dropped it in front of him as it hovered in the air. And a second later, a white flash of light engulfed the entire place.

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