Harem Overlord

Chapter 312 Kosma's Goodbye(Chapter Preview)

Hovering a few feet away from Kai and Lucas was Kosma. Her face looked calm but her eyes looked annoyed.

[ Honestly Kai, you better get to your past level really quickly or I am gonna have to keep saving you in such a manner. This is quite time-wasting and boring you know. ]

She told him through a spiritual message before she looked at Lucas.

He had been looking at her warily from some time. He had sensed that someone powerful had been keeping an eye on him and his theory was correct.

But one problem he had was that he couldn't detect how powerful the girl was.

'Why does she look like that though?' Lucas couldn't help but wonder while looking at the loli girl.

But he didn't dare ask it out loud since he had a feeling that she was extremely dangerous.

But when he was thinking about all this, Lucas's body went limp. His eyes started to dim as his body hung down.

But a second later, he suddenly lifted his face. Something in his eyes had changed.

"So it looks as though you took the bait." His voice suddenly changed. It was as though a completely different person was speaking.

"That voice..." Kai's eyes slowly widened as he realized who the voice belonged to.

Taizan was currently inside Lucas's body.

"He is not Taizan Kai. He is the Darkness..." Kosma slowly muttered as Kai suddenly stepped back.

"Even though I have some important business 5o do with you, you aren't my focus Kai. I am here for her." The Darkness spoke as he turned to look towards Kosma.

He raised his hand and clenched his fist in her direction. But nothing happened.

"I guess this body is too weak to use all of my power. I should have brought my vessel here." The darkness muttered in a regretful voice before he sighed and started moving towards Kosma.

"But that wouldn't stop me from killing you." He said with a grin as Kosma had a cold smile on her face.

"You take me too lightly. I am also a primordial being like you but where you only have a single type of power, I have different types." She said and her hair slowly started to rise.

She stood straight in the air as she clapped once. And as soon as she clapped, a powerful sound wave went out from her hand.

The Darkness is Lucas's body was suddenly taken back by the release of power as his body flew back.

"Don't make me do this the next time we meet." Kosma said with annoyed eyes as she looked at Kai and their gazes locked.

"Well, if I survive it taht is. This is my farewell for now Kai." She added as a genuine smile appeared on her face.

After all, she had never thought taht she would really care about someone to bet her life on it. But perhaps she was a softhearted primordial being.

Before Kai could say anything, he was sent back to the library by Kosma. And at the last moment, he had seen her and the darkness exchanging a blow and Kosma flying back.


'No wonder she wasn't responding...' Kai slowly thought as he lay on the bed beside Risea.

After their cultivation, Risea had fallen asleep and was now peacefully sleeping. But Kai on the other hand looked extremely worse.

There were dark circles under his eyes which was surprising. After all, cultivators at his level didn't have black marks under their eyes.

But Kai had a feeling that the fake circles were from scenting else instead of tiredness.

'I hope you are all right Kosma.' He silently thought even though he felt as though something bad had happened.

And as far as instincts and predictions went, Kai was mostly right. In the end, the only thing he could do was wait for Kosma's reply.

And if taht didn't come, he had no idea what he would do.

'There's no point in lying here now.' He thought before standing up from the bed and wearing his clothes.

He quietly left the room and decided to move towards the observatory in Azrael's library.

Kai hadn't known taht Azrael's library had an observatory but after seeing the map, he got to know about it.

But as he appeared at the observatory, he saw Azrael sitting there with sad eyes. He was glancing out at the Space.

Kai's right hand unconsciously closed up around the pill he had picked up from Risea's alchemy table.

The same pill which could remove any mark, symbol, seal, or formation. But now that he was facing Azrael, he didn't know whether he could force him to eat the pill or not.

'Well, I hope neither of us dies during this.' He thought with a sigh before he went forward and sat beside Azrael.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked as Kai nodded.

The statement was enough to tell him that someone else was controlling Azrael since he knew that Kai didn't sleep.

'Guess it either do or die.' He suddenly thought as his left hand whipped forward and grabbed Azrael's throat.

He pushed him down on the ground and opened his mouth forcefully. He then put the pill inside his mouth and forced him to swallow.

Suddenly, a black symbol appeared on Kai's forehead which marked the formation placed on his body.

Kai then took a deep breath as Azrael was knocked unconscious. He laid on the ground with closed eyes as Kai waited for him to wake up.

While doing taht, he was looking out of the observatory and saw the beautiful space. He smiled to himself as he remembered that it had been quite some time since he had been alone like this.

"But I am not really alone, am I?" He asked himself as he recounted the names of all his lovers.

"I hope you are alive Kosma." He muttered to himself and fell quiet.

After some time, Azrael finally woke up.

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