Harem Overlord

Chapter 305 Invasion Of The Library (2)(Chapter Preview)

Even though Azrael could see all the living things in the mist, he still couldn't see the normal objects.

There might be a chance that he could walk straight into a trap and would get captured. But he didn't have any other choice.

It was either walking in the mist blind or using his ability to only see the living beings.

But one thing this ability allowed him to see was the layout of the entire forest. He could see where every wine was and whether something was obstructing his path or not.

This was because the entire forest was actually alive.

A sacred spear was a weapon created from the energy obtained from the tree of life which had grown on the fairy realm. The spear had the mystical powers to change form into different things on the user's command.

But now that the tree was gone, the two sacred spears which had turned into the forest and the mist were only pair of sacred spears left in the world.

'If you can't see something, try to hear it or smell it. Never depend on only one of your senses. Always use all of them during a battle.'

He remembered what Eira had told him during the time they had spent together. Azrael had always even someone who could defeat anyone by just touching them or by staring at them.

But in the past, he still had to focus on fighting. During such times, Eira had been his mentor and had taught him everything.

'I wish those days would come back.' Death thought with a sad smile on his face as snapped back to reality.

His lips had been trembling at the thought of his past as it was a reminder that Eira was still alive and was currently inhabiting Mia's body.

As for what her plan was, he had no way of knowing it.

'Don't get distracted. Focus on the task in front of you and then you can do anything you want.' He thought while glancing in both in front of him.

He lifted the scythe a little before bringing it down in a horizontal motion. A white flash of light went out of the scythe and cut through the mist before going forward.

The mist just gathered back together but Azrael could still track the slash he had made.

This was because the sash was made from the power of souls and if anyone below the immortality realm touched it, he or she would die and a huge explosion would take place.

Even though his opponents were at the immortality realm, the blow would still be fatal. Or that's what he thought.

Moving in front of his soul slash was Kira.

His two swords were raised in front of his face as he brought them down at once. And Azrael's attack suddenly vanished.

His eyes looked forward as he had already guessed that something like this would happen.

If his scythe was the most powerful weapon powered by souls, Kira's swords were his nemesis as they sucked souls inside them.

This meant that his soul attack had also been sucked up by the swords and converted to energy.

"I really hate it when people disturb me while I am working or reading my collection. I already know where all of you are so come out. Why don't we do this at once?" Azrael said loudly but the mist remained there.

It looked as though the opposite party wasn't ready to take chances. But Kira on the other hand was not gonna play by their rules.

"If you want to fight in that way, I am up for it." He said while walking directly in front of Azrael while holding his swords

"Is he mad?" The fairy king hissed the moment he saw Kira standing in front of Azrael. "Doesn't he know that the person standing in front of him can kill him while just touching him?"

"No that won't happen," Glindhor's eyes narrowed as he looked at the two people standing below. "He isn't considered as a living being so he won't die when Death touches him. That's the reason I said that he was the most powerful person here."

"What do you mean he won't die?" The fairy queen sounded a though she didn't believe Glindhor's words. "How is he standing straight then?"

"It's because of his swords. They are another factor which makes him the strongest person here," Glindhor took a deep breath. "Instead of worrying about him, we should be worried about ourselves."

He turned to look at the fairy queen and king and his eyes looked grim.

"After all, when two people at their level fight, realms explode in seconds."


The spider queen was watching this from afar.

She had sent a tiny spider the size of an ant towards the two people so that she could see what they were doing. She only had to connect her mind with the little spider to see what they were doing.

But now that she had heard their words, she was hesitating to move further. After all, she was smart enough to know what would happen if they started fighting.

'It's better to take shelter for now.' She thought as her shape started to change.

She shrunk in size before she turned into a spider the size of an ant. Her shape had changed from human-looking to complete spider.

She then silently ran away.

"My name is Kira," Kira suddenly told Azrael. "You should at least know the name of the person who will kill you."

"Getting overconfident huh. The battle hasn't even started."

"This battle ended the moment it began. Even Kai couldn't defeat me while being in his prime." Kira had a small smile on his face as he knew that he had made Azrael curious.

"Do you know why I died?" He slowly asked as Azrael shook his head, his eyes wide in interest. "It was because Kai used the harem curse on him."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Azrael felt an overbearing pressure searing down on his body. His eyes were left widened as he realized something.

Since Kai had only used the wish to reincarnate himself and his girls, the wish still had been left. Azrael thought that Kai would use that later but much to his shock, the wish had already been used.

"Now you finally realize what's happening, don't you?" Kira grinned as he was enjoying the expression of disbelief on Azrael's face. "Everything is never as simple as it seems."

"If you died once, then I will kill you again," Azrael suddenly stood up straight while raising his eyebrows. "Did you seriously fall for my bad acting? I must be a much better actor than I give myself credit for."

"Say whatever you want, you will die. I wonder what would happen if Death himself?" Kira muttered as his tongue darted across his lips.

His blood was boiling from the excitement of finding someone who used a weapon similar to his swords. He took a deep breath before raising both of his swords at once.

"Bring it on dead boy." He muttered as a vein popped in Azrael's forehead.

"I am not a dead boy."

And with that, the two of them lurched at each other.

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