Harem Overlord

Chapter 303 Acsension Of The Elemental Rulers (End) (End Of Volume 4))(Chapter Preview)

'How did he do that with a finger snap?' Kai couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

With a finger snap, Lucas had made the bluish translucent spirit realm appear beside the solid spirit realm in a matter of seconds.

Now the two realms stood side by side. Not only that but the cracks and destruction caused to the solid spirit realm were also healed

"Your reaction isn't quite what I imagined it to be. It looks as though you have heard or seen this before. The only reason you look shocked if because you can't believe that I can do it. Is that the case?" Lucas asked while looking at Kai's face with an interested expression.

"Those eyes… Why does it feel like I have seen you before?" Lucas muttered to himself as he closed his eyes and started to think about something.

'Should I run away?' For some reason, Kai's instincts were telling him to immediately run away from Lucas. 'He can easily overpower me and judging from how he separated the two realms, he is no amateur.'

In Kai's prime days, when he had been in the soul immortality realm, he could also do such things with a snap of his fingers.

But those days were long gone and Kai was extremely weak now. He couldn't hope to defeat someone as powerful as Lucas even after releasing all the powers he had.

Though he was fairly confident that he could compete with him and end the match in a stalemate. But then he might be wrong and would be defeated instead.

"Ah! Now I remember where I saw you! The people from the harem overlord association gave me a picture of you and all the previous harem overlords they had data on. You were marked as dead so how come you are alive?" Lucas asked with a confused expression as an idea suddenly bloomed in Kai's mind.

'Maybe I can actually talk sense with this guy. There's a chance that I can turn him on my side and ask him to help defeat the organization. But first, I will have to gauge some information out of him.'

"Yes, my name is Kai and I used to be a harem overlord." He replied and moved forward for a handshake.

"My name is Lucas. I don't have a last name." Lucas said while shaking Kai's hand.

Even though he said that he didn't have a last name, Kai could faintly remember that Mariel had told him about it.

As for what it was, he didn't remember,

"You still didn't answer my question. How are you alive?" Lucas repeated as Kai smiled.

"I was just tired with my life. There were so many people who were my enemies and I was dragged in the middle of politics so I decided to take a break. That is why I left everything behind and pretended to be dead." Kai replied as Lucas slowly nodded.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I heard that the spirit realm had immensely changed. I am just here to see how much it has changed." Kai while feeling narrowing his eyes a little.

"Oh, who am I kidding? There is no way that I can keep doing this with a straight face." Lucas muttered while facepalming as Kai suddenly flew back.

"Lord Taizan will be extremely happy if I brought you to him. After all, you are the key for him to obtain both of his sister's powers." Lucas said with a smile as Kai's eyes widened.

He finally had an idea of who Taizan really was.

But before he could do anything about it, Lucas moved forward and struck him in the stomach.


"What's that sound?" Azrael suddenly muttered as he put the list of dead people he had been keeping track of down.

He stood up and slowly started moving through his library as he heard a throbbing sound echoing inside his head

'Who is making this sound? It better not be one of Kai's girls or I am gonna kick them out of here.' Azrael thought with an annoyed face when he suddenly realized that it couldn't be them.

'All of them are in the arena or Risea's room. The only other people in the library are the reapers checking the currently open death books and going to collect the souls of the recently dead people.' Death thought slowly as he stopped moving. 'Then who is making this sound?'

He immediately teleported towards the entrance of his library, the one that was accessible through the world's biggest library.

And as he had thought, the sound was coming from there. His entire expression changed as he realized what was happening.

'Someone is trying to enter this place and judging from the sound and power they are using, they might be able to enter this place.' He took a deep breath as his scythe appeared in his right hand.

He struck the scythe on the ground as reapers suddenly started appearing behind him.

"What's the emergency boss?' One of them asked as Azrael's expression was grim.

"Some people are trying to enter this place and there are four people at the spirit immortality realm amongst them. But not only that, there is one person at the soul immortally realm too." Azrael explained as the reapers fell silent.

He had summoned all the reapers available in the library and all of them were lined up behind him.

Azrael was at a realm in which he could easily defeat the people trying to invade his library. But for some reason, he felt that there was more to the people entering his library.

And those people would somehow match his power.

"Be prepared for anything guys." He suddenly announced as all the reapers turned into white balls of light and flew into his scythe.

'Why did I get dragged into this…' He thought with a sigh as the entrance to his library broke open.

And five people entered the library.


And with that, the fourth volume ends on two cliffhangers kek.

Judging from the stats I have, not many of you are currently reading this novel which kind of demotivates me from writing more chapters.

But to those of you who are still reading this, I thank you with all my heart. After all, you are the ones who give me what little motivation I have to write this novel.

This volume was the longest volume in the entire novel and honesty, this was somewhat of a trailer for the next one. As you can already judge from this chapter, many major things are about to take place soon.

I might as well say that the next volume will be the best volume which I would have ever written for this novel.

I also noticed that I haven't been giving much screen time to all the girls and the R-18 chapters are also declining in number.

But don't worry, I will write them for you guys. So expect a lot of vanilla and perhaps some kinky stuff too.

And with that, I end my author's note here. Once again, thank you all for reading.


Next Volume: War of Sins And Virtues

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