Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 204 Easton Brown Agrees With Liam's Plan

Little Star Gate High School- Red City,

One hour before lunch,

Liam Baker's mind is occupied with revenge thoughts right now. Because of it, he wasn't able to concentrate on the ongoing class. Earlier, he thought about hatching a new plan against Vicent Carey.

But after knowing that he was absent today. Liam shifted his attention to Vincent's buddy, Lucas Brad. Liam watched the movements of Lucas Brad from time to time.

He remembered, how Vincent had dealt with Chrissy and others some time ago. Liam wanted to do the same treatment against Lucas Brad.

Suddenly, his lips went into arc after gaining some clarity. He will not act directly. As a wizard ranked among the top 10, it would be inappropriate if he fight against a newly joined classmate.

Like always, he has to convince the freeloader Easton Brown. Liam thought at least in this way he can make Easton work for his resources.

Time Passed,

When the class came to an end, the teacher left the class immediately. Since it was lunchtime, students began to walk out one by one.

Liam watched Lucas exit the class. He knows where Lucas and Vincent usually ate. Since one of them is not available, he guessed Lucas will go to the other common cafeteria/canteen instead of their Class A1 Cafeteria.

So Liam felt its the best time to act against Lucas and teach him some harsh unforgettable lessons. He then walked towards Easton Brown. While walking he recalled something. He doesn't want the three nuisance to follow him everywhere.

He turned to face Chrissy Heart, Bruce Hill and Mark Spear.

Liam said, "You guys can go on your own. I have some other work to do."

Chrissy's eyes gleamed with surprise. But soon she realised the reason behind this as she saw Easton Brown looking at them.

In order not to reveal her thoughts, she decided not to show any expression on her face. After nodding at Liam, she walked away with her friends.

Only after exiting the A rank building, she breathed in relief.

"Chrissy?" Bruce uttered.

He wants to know what's her plan next. Earlier, he was afraid of raising his voice in front of Liam. He wasn't sure what the madman is thinking about them.

Liam will smash him if he irritates him somehow.

He noticed one thing, Liam is beginning to sideline them. He has been feeling this way since last week. Right now, the feeling is not only reduced it has risen manyfold.

Besides him, Mark was also not in good shape either. He is close with Chrissy and Bruce than others in the same class. So whatever two of them decided to do he will blindly follow it.

On the other hand, Chrissy's heart remained silent after looking at their expression. She has already made it clear that the three of them will clear whatever misunderstanding exists between them and Vincent Carey.

But so far they weren't able to get a suitable opportunity for that.

"What are you thinking?" Bob asked.

Hearing that, she retracted her thoughts.

"I'm just wondering what Liam will do next?" She replied.

"I believe he is planning his next move against Vincent. Looks like hasn't learnt a lesson from last combat session," She added further.

"Yeah, Vincent is growing fast. It is not wise to offend him," Bruce said in a solemn tone.

He couldn't understand Liam's actions. Even after witnessing Vincent's magical powers, he still thinks about taking revenge. He doesn't know what is wrong with his brain.

At this time, Mark who was standing quiet opened his mouth to say, "Why can't we share this information with that fatty?"

Chrissy and Bruce looked into each other 's eyes. It's rare for Mark to step up and give suggestions. But still, his idea is good. Today, Vincent was absent. So Lucas Brad is alone.

This is the best time to clear the misunderstanding between them.

After realising this Chrissy Heart revealed a bright smile on her face.

Then she said, "Let's go and meet him."

Hearing that three of them rushed towards the cafeteria/canteen.

While rushing, Chrissy realises they are going towards the wrong destination. She immediately said, "Wait!"

"Are we forgetting something?" She asked.

Hearing that, Bruce wrinkled his eyebrows and asked, "What?"

"That fatty won't go to our cafeteria today," She said.

When she finished her words, Bruce smacked his head in realisation. Then the trio changed their direction and went towards the common cafeteria.


Two wizards walked out of the A-Rank building. They are none other than Easton Brown and Liam Baker.

Easton Brown cast a glance at the surroundings and asked, "The coast is clear, can you tell me what you want?"

Liam furrowed his eyebrows as he is not okay with Easton's attitude. But at this time he has no other choice. He has to convince Easton.

"Cough," he let out a small cough.

Then he answered," You know exactly what I need from you?"

Hearing that, Easton Brown stopped his movements. Liam's words made him remember the last combat session.

Where he lost his courage to challenge Vincent. Easton Brown's face turned ugly. He doesn't know why Liam is bringing up this topic right now.

In the next second, a vein began to pop from his forehead. But Easton Brown knows it's not good to tear off the face with Liam right now. If Liam asks him to return the resources that he had consumed, then he will suffer immensely.

So he calmed down his heart and decided to reason with him.

"I will challenge Vincent after improving my strength further. At least, I need to have the combat power of top 10 wizards," Easton Brown said in a solemn tone.

He doesn't want to continue this conversation further. Before he could say something he heard Liam's words.

"Right now, I don't want you to deal with Vincent Carey but someone else," Liam said with a smile.

Hearing that, Easton Brown wrinkled his eyebrows. "This guy, who is he targeting besides Vincent," He thought to himself. As far as he knows Liam has no other enemy apart from Vincent Carey.

Seeing that, Easton Brown is interested. Liam began to explain his plan against Lucas Brad.

Easton Brown's reaction was normal at first. But when he continued to listen about Lucas Brad. He had a complicated expression on his face.

He had never expected Liam to stoop this low and target Vincent Carey's friend. And what is more, nuts is that Liam wanted to use his hand.

When Liam finished his words, Easton immediately replied, "No, I'm not going to do this." It's not allowed to fight against classmates inside the school campus.

That's why he had spent most of the time outside of the school campus in search of Vincent Carey. So he is not going to agree with Liam's plan.

At this point, Liam was pissed off. He lost his composure. Looking at Easton Brown, he said, "If you don't do it as I say, then you will have to return all my resources."

Easton Brown clenched his fists. He wasn't surprised by Liam's words. He was expecting this answer when he answered no. For a moment, both remained silent.

Easton Brown has conflicting thoughts. Then after a few seconds, he helplessly agreed. He was already penniless. So it's impossible to return the resources.

Easton Brown said, "Alright, I will teach that Lucas Brad a lesson."

A wide smile blossomed on Liam's face. He was frustrated with Easton's words earlier. But now he is going to watch a good show.

He can't imagine what Vincent's reactions would be like when he hears the news. At that time, Vincent made his friends bedridden. It took them sometimes get back.

Now Liam wants to do the same with Lucas Brad.

The next second, both walked towards the common cafeteria/canteen.


Common Cafeteria,

Lucas Brad was eating the food, all alone by himself at the cafeteria. If Vincent was present here, both took some time to complete their food.

At the same time, other wizard students were getting their food plates from the counter. When the cafeteria was crowded with people and there is hardly any free table to sit at.

Three people looking for a certain person in this crowd. They were none other than Chrissy Heart, Bruce and Mark.

"Why did he choose this cafeteria?" Bruce asked in displeasure.

This place is crowded. It's hard for them to find Lucas Brad. What will happen? If he leaves this place.

Their Class A1 cafeteria is free and spacious. You can identify people from distance.

Suddenly, Mark spotted the familiar silhouette. Seeing that, he quickly reminded others, "There is he," after saying that he pointed his fingers in the opposite direction.

Chrissy and Bruce followed the direction to see Lucas Brad. Then three times saw he was sitting all alone in the corner. Seeing that, three of them looked at each other.

Chrissy Heart eased her eyebrows and said, "Let's go, I'll talk to him." She wants to finish the conversation before Lucas gets away.

Then three of them walked towards Lucas Brad.

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