GOJO: A Sorcerer in the Soul Society

Chapter 169: TWO GIRLS

Chapter 169: TWO GIRLS

"The sealed king"

Unohana muttered while everyone focused on her. After all, out of everyone here, she was the oldest by far and the only one who had lived through the war.

"It's hard for me to say. In the first place, Quincy's King, Yhwach, is someone who seemingly came out of nowhere."

Back then, his past was something all of them were curious about but none could grasp.

By the time Yhwach became known to all, he was already revered by a large group of Quincy and his influence on the mortal world was unprecedented.

"Unlike Quincy's recent extermination, the war that happened one thousand years ago was not our goal nor were we the perpetrators. Yhwach was the one who led the attack on the Shinigami and thereby lost. Sadly, I was unable to observe his fight against Yamamoto."

She shrugged. There was very little she knew about Yhwach. The man was simply too mysterious.

However, there was one thing she did know.

"Still, even if this Yhwach is really alive and is about to come back, then it wouldn't be a problem."

The war between the Quincy and the Shinigami back then was one of the reasons as to why the Gotei 13 became weaker. After all, most of the original members died then and there.

But this generation was different. Not even counting Gojo, people like Zaraki, Isshin, Jushiro, Shunsui and so many others were already very strong.

Meanwhile, the Quincys in general were actually far weaker than they originally were one thousand years ago and they had even lost many of their powerful heritage.

As such, the new war wouldn't make as many waves and would simply end with the total extermination of the Quincy.


Gojo mused, not really in line with Unohana's thoughts.

Her opinion came from an absolute truth in Yamamoto's power and many other reasons.

But from Gojo's experience, when one dude that was supposed to be dead came back, it meant that the bastard had already prepared for basically everything and only really unexpected things could shake their plans.

His arrogance when he was alive led to him being sealed for a great part of the final fight and the culling game. If not for Yuta and Yuji as well as Megumi's help, then everything would have been game over.

Gojo did not want to take any risks this time. There was already Aizen who was working in the dark. He didn't need another shit like this.

"Well, I will talk about this with Kisuke. Even if this tale is right, we still have eleven years or so before Yhwach 'absorbs the power of every "impure" Quincy to make their abilities his own.' I believe it will be enough to come up with a plan."

"Ten years, huh."

Gojo felt slightly melancholic. When thinking about it, it had already been thirty years since he entered this world. This would mean that the time he had spent here was already slightly superior to the one in his previous world. After all, he died when he was 28 years old.

Already, his memory of his life when was alive was becoming blurry, even more so the feelings behind them.

He wondered if it was a good or bad thing.

While Gojo was lost in thought, the women in the house exchanged a glance between each other and Yoruichi left with Nemu, leaving Gojo alone with Unohana.

Lately, whenever the topic shifted toward time, Gojo would become melancholic and lost in thought.

For Unohana, this sight was nothing new. She knew that many Shinigami who were still attached to their past life tended to suffer from this. This generally happened when they reached the same age they had when they were alive.

The vast majority would shrug it off after a few years. But some would end up falling into the abyss of depression.

She had no worries about Gojo becoming one of those few pitiful souls. But she would rather not bet on it.

Because of this, the few of them who lived with Gojo had decided to entertain him in different ways and today, it was Unohana's turn.

As for the way she would entertain himUnohana licked her lips in anticipation while her eyes shone with lust in them.


[Ishida's Manor]

"How was your day?"

Different from the Gojo mansion which was situated in the city itself, the Ishida' manor was situated more on the outskirts of the city. A measure that was taken by the head of the house for obvious reasons.

Currently, at the dining table, only three people could be seen. A middle-aged woman who had a stern face. On her right was a silver-white-haired young man wearing a pair of glasses and on her left sat an orange-haired young lady.

"Ryuken! It was interesting and I even met this girl. She was so pretty! But "

"Mind your manner when at the table."

Masaki's excitement immediately died down at those words from Ryuken's mother.

In the absence of Soken, this woman was the head of the house and for Masaki who had been taken in by the Ishida as the last members of Kurosaki's house, she had no wish to antagonize her.

"Rather than speaking about mundane things such as school, I would rather know how your practice is going."

While she didn't want to go in her bad book, she knew she already was.

Masaki lowered her head in embarrassment.

"II am making progress."

Despite being an Echt Quincy, she wasn't well suited for intrinsic techniques the Quincys generally used. She found them incredibly boring.

It may be weird, but rather than fighting from afar, she liked close combat way more.

Of course, there was no way she was going to say that to this woman. Masaki may be slightly simple-minded, but she wasn't dumb.

"Mother. Please."

Most likely anticipating an outburst from his mother, Ryuken spoke softly and calmed her down before focusing once again on Masaki.

"So, you said you had a friend?"

Masaki threw a furtive glance at Ryuken's mother but seeing her not interject, she decided to not hesitate.

"She is a very beautiful and kind girl. Her name is Senna Gojo."


Both Ryuken and his mother were slightly taken aback. Not just because of the name but also because Gojo was an investor in Karakura's hospital.

The said hospital had always been under the control of the Ishida family.

Furthermore, a woman related to him, Retsu Unohana, was a well-known and very skilled doctor and she also worked in the hospital.

"This is an interesting coincidence."

Ryuken smiled. He knew that sooner or later he would become the director of the hospital so having a good relationship with Satoru Gojo was a must.

Hearing this, Masaki's eyes began to sparkle.

She had been worried about how she could take care of Senna. After all, she couldn't really follow her everyday.

However, with the help of the Ishida family, things could change.


Masaki began to explain the situation around Senna. She didn't know what would be the results, but she would always regret it if anything was to happen to Senna even though she could have helped.



Somewhere, in the basement of a house, a young black-haired girl sat as she looked at the moon through a small window.

Despite how young she was, the girl clearly had the making of a future great beauty. Sadly, most of those features were hidden because of her slightly emaciated body.


The sound of a door opening raised the girl from her lethargy.


Standing up, she looked at the man that had entered the basement with a smile on his face.

"Aura! I have incredible news!"


"I have rumors about a man named Kugo Ginjo. He claims to be able to extract the power of Fullbringers from them, thereby making them normal humans. This is our chance!"

The more the man spoke the more excited he became.


Aura tilted her head curiously.

What did it mean to become normal?

She did not know.

All her life, she had been imprisoned in this small basement since her father feared what could happen to her after the death of her mother.

If she did not have a window, Aura would have convinced herself that the whole world was only composed of this small room.

This was why she could not understand the excitement of her father nor share it.

Tenshiyo Agata, Aura's father, was not surprised by the lack of response from his daughter.

He knew that this was the fault of his fear and deep desire to protect his daughter from all dangers and mainly hollows.

However, all of this would end soon.

Hugging his daughter, Tenshiyo smiled while thinking about everything they could do together once she became normal.

Surely, the two of them could become a normal family.

He was sure of it.

(AN: Aura is a character that appears in CFYOW. A crazy badass character with godlike power. Won't say more. She is one of the main reasons I made that huge time skip.)

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