Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 96: Compensation after the war (fifth update)

  Chapter 96 Post-war Compensation (fifth change)

  Stars fall into the city.

  In the bright and bright hall of knights, Natalie Dane in full costume stood on a high platform, and dozens of knights from the Dane family knelt down in front of her.

   " the name of the sword and the stars, I offer my unparalleled loyalty to Natalie Dane. From now on, our sword will only be wielded for you. May the Seven Gods bear witness to our oath!"

  The deep and solemn voice echoed in the hall, but it made Natalie feel stiff, as if a butterfly was flying around in her stomach.

  She secretly found Samwell's familiar face among the crowd watching the ceremony in front of him. It wasn't until he cast a staring gaze in the direction of her that the little girl seemed to have found support.

   "I accept your allegiance." Natalie responded with a childish voice.

  A group of knights got up one after another, walked to the sides of the high platform and stood still.

  Samwell nodded in satisfaction. So far, Natalie is the patriarch of the Dane family.

  Although she still needs to be recognized by Prince Dorne before she can officially become the Earl of Starfall City, Samwell believes that Prince Doran will definitely have no objection—

   Unless he doesn't want his daughter anymore.

  Samwell stepped forward, bowed slightly to Natalie, and said, "Congratulations, Miss Natalie, I believe that the Dane family will grow stronger and stronger under your leadership."

   "Thank you, Sir Caesar." Natalie smiled sweetly, "You are a trustworthy partner, and Starfall City will remember your friendship."

"It's my honor." Samwell grinned, but then changed the topic, "However, due to the ambition of some people, it caused great harm to Yingzui Islet, and also caused the river bend and Thousands of people died in Dorne, for which we must reflect."

  Natalie had a look of guilt on her face: "I apologize for those warriors who died because of this. The Dane family will definitely compensate you for this."

"You are such a wise lord!" Samwell laughed, and took out a roll of parchment from his arms, which was actually three feet long when unfolded, "This is a preliminary compensation list I have drawn up, Miss Natalie, you Please take a look."

  Natalie walked down from the high platform holding her skirt and came to Samwell.

   It's just that when she saw the densely packed words on the paper, she couldn't help feeling dizzy.

   "Sir Caesar, I believe in you, just follow..."

"Wait a moment!"

  Finally, Alf, the head of the Dane family, couldn't stand it any longer, so he stood up and stopped his lord's prodigal behavior.

  Samwell squinted his eyes at the nearly sixty-year-old manager, and said:

   "Your Excellency Alf, do you have any objections?"

   "Sir Caesar, I think it is still necessary to discuss this compensation list publicly."

  Samwell took a deep look at the loyal steward, and said with a smile:

   "Okay, let's discuss it. First of all, it is the compensation for the Redwyne family."

  He raised his palm and pointed at the two brothers Horace and Hopper: "The Redwyne family sent ten warships and nearly a thousand sailors this time, and it cost a lot of money. Therefore, they deserve a war indemnity of eight thousand gold dragons."

   Alf frowned, and retorted: "But my lord, as far as I know, the warships of the Redwyne family didn't participate in the battle at all, and they didn't suffer any damage. Why..."

"Alf!" Hearing this, Horace Redwyne stepped forward angrily, almost poking his finger in the face of the boss, "What do you think of the warships and sailors of our Redwyne family? After traveling thousands of miles, they didn’t even pay the eight thousand golden dragons? Believe it or not, I just set fire to the pier of Starfall City!”

   "Sir Horace, it's not that I don't want to compensate the Redwyne family, I just think this amount can be negotiated..."

   "Discussion? Then tell me how much is appropriate?" Horace stared at Alf, as if as long as the other party reported a number that was too low, he would punch him.

   Alf turned to look at the knights of the Dane family, hoping to get some support. But who knows, the group of knights who had just sworn allegiance stood there stupidly, as if they had become steel statues.

   These people have just been beaten up on the battlefield, so how dare they jump out again.

  Alf ​​looked at Natalie again, but he could only see innocence and bewilderment from the girl's clear purple pupils.

  She probably doesn't even know what the eight thousand golden dragons mean...

  Boss Guan thought desperately.

   "Ahem, I think so." The kind-hearted Sir Caesar finally said, "The Redwyne family also made some concessions, just seven thousand nine hundred gold dragons."

  Horace shrugged: "Okay, then I will make a little concession."

  Samwell looked at Natalie with a smile: "Miss Natalie, what do you think?"

   "Oh, yes."

   "Then it's settled!" Samwell didn't bother to pay attention to Alf who seemed to want to say something, took out a quill, and began to correct it on the parchment.

  After correcting, he continued to read:

   "Sir Eamon of Yangwu City led 300 elite soldiers to come here this time. Thirteen people were killed and 24 people were seriously injured. The resulting compensation and war cost a total of 9,000 gold dragons."

  After hearing this figure, Alf couldn't help but question again: "My lord, how did you calculate the pension? Why did you spend so much?"

   "What do you mean?" Emon Cue jumped out immediately, "Do you think the lives of our Yangwu City soldiers are worthless?"

   "Of course I didn't mean that..." Alf argued feebly.

  Unfortunately, the knights of the Dane family seemed to be terrified on the battlefield. At this moment, none of them dared to fart.

  He sighed and finally lowered his head.

  Natalie felt sorry for the old man, so she comforted him: "Mr. Alf, the soldiers must be fully compensated, otherwise the gods will hate us."

   Alf didn't know what to say to this lady who didn't understand anything.

   "Okay, then it's settled!" Samwell made another decision.

  Eamon Cue grinned and stepped back in satisfaction.

   "The following is the Mullendall family. This time, 200 troops were sent to Highland City, resulting in the Dane family needs to pay a total of 7,000 golden dragons."

  With the previous comparison, Alf even felt that the compensation requested by the Mullendall family was very reasonable...

  Seeing that no one objected, Samwell continued to read:

   "The Florens family in Liangshui City, they dispatched 3,200 elite soldiers this time, resulting in a total of 85,000 golden dragons must be compensated."

   "How much?" Even though Alf's heart was ashamed, he still shouted after hearing the number.

   "Eighty-five thousand golden dragons." Aleken Florent stepped forward, pressing the handle of the saber with his right hand, "Why? Do you think our soldiers in Liangshui City don't deserve so much?"

   Alf felt that as long as he dared to say no, the Sir Alekon in front of him would mobilize his troops to ransack Starfall City.

  In this way, the asking price of the other party is really reasonable...

  So, he had to bow his head again.

  As for Natalie, she has no idea what the money is.

  The little girl is still dizzy now, and she can't believe that she has inherited a castle.

  Perhaps in her opinion, there should be a lot of gold in the castle, enough to pay these compensations.

  (end of this chapter)

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