Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 52: leave

  Chapter 52 Departure

  Walking with Cobain on the stone road beside the Mead River, Samwell was in a good mood.

   After all, the private consultant who was just recruited is definitely top-notch, but his moral consciousness is a little indifferent, which is why he was expelled from the city.

  But if it weren't for this, I'm afraid it wouldn't be Samwell's turn to pick up the leak.

   Look at him in the future, just don't let him fiddle with living body experiments.

   "Bachelor Keben, this is the book on silver mining and smelting given to me by Bachelor Moroya. You can read it."

   Facing the books handed by Samwell, Cobain did not pick them up, but said quite proudly:

   "My lord, there used to be three links made of white steel on my necklace. I already know how to mine and refine silver."

Samwell knew that the "necklace" Cobain referred to was also called a bachelor's necklace, which consisted of links made of metal, and each metal represented that the bachelor's attainments in a certain field had been recognized by the Academy City. The more the same kind of metal, the deeper the knowledge in the field represented.

  White steel represents metallurgy.

  Samwell was in a good mood, put away the book that gave him a headache, and asked with a smile:

   "Then what metal is the most number of links on your necklace?"


  Silver represents medicine.

  But immediately, Cobain sighed and said again:

   "In fact, I should have obtained more Valyrian steel chain links, but no one in the Academy City can confirm my achievements in occult science."

   Valyrian steel represents the master's attainments in the occult.

  Samwell was moved when he heard it:

   "Is it because the magic is gone?"

"Magic never disappears." Qyburn shook his head, and then with a smug smile on his face again, he said, "Your Excellency, do you know that everyone must stay vigil in a closed room on the eve before taking the oath to become a bachelor. There's no light in there, just a glass candle. So unless you can light a glass candle, you're going to spend a long night in the dark.

  For hundreds of years, this glass candle has never been lit.

except me. "

  Samwell frowned: "Have you ever lit a glass candle?"

   "Yes, although it's just a fleeting brilliance." A sneering smile appeared on the corner of Cobain's mouth again, "However, the group of'grey sheep' never admitted this, they said that I just had a hallucination."

  Hearing that Qyburn referred to other bachelors as "sheep in gray coats", Samwell couldn't help laughing.

   Still, he had no doubts about the man's boasting.

   After all, this is the guy who can create "Bioknight", so he must know magic.

   It's just that the magic power is at a low ebb now, and magic is no different from tricks. It wasn't until the red comet came and the magic tide became stronger that this world became strange and bizarre. Dragons can also be hatched, White Walkers have appeared again, and even the dead can be resurrected...

   While chatting, the two walked under the towering tower without knowing it.

   At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the side, startling Samwell.

  As soon as he put on his defensive posture, he heard the man yell:

   "Sam, I found you!"

  It was only then that Samwell saw the other person's appearance clearly, and found that it was Horace Redwyne, the eldest son of the Redwyne family on Arbor Island.

   "Horace, you are looking for me in such a hurry, what's the matter?"

  Horras ran up to Samwell panting, his square face with freckles was covered with fine beads of sweat, his orange hair was all soaked, and he looked quite embarrassed.

"I..." Horace just opened his mouth but closed it immediately, he took a few deep breaths, straightened his collar, as if he wanted to save his decent image, "Oh, it's like this, Sir Caesar. Didn't you just miss my father when you came to Qingting Island last time, in order to apologize, my father specially sent me to pick you up."

   "Thank you for the kindness of the Redwyne family." Samwell smiled slightly, "But I don't plan to go to Qingting Island anymore."

   "Huh?" Horace froze for a moment.

   "I'm really sorry, Horace, for making your trip useless."

   "But... But, don't you want to talk to your father about the sale of new wine? There is also the matter of supplies..."

   "Oh, no need. The Hightower family has agreed to help me sell new wine, and the Tyrell family will also participate."

   "What!" Horace was stunned as if struck by lightning.

   Seeing that Samwell was about to leave, he quickly stretched out his hand to hold him, and unconsciously carried a hint of pleading in his tone:

"Shan...Sir Caesar, the Redwyne family sincerely wants to cooperate with you. In terms of selling wine, there is really no family in Westeros that can compare with our family! Believe me, only the caravan on Qingting Island Only then do you know how to sell your wine at the highest price! How to make your wine famous in the shortest time!

   And we also have a caravan going to Essos, which can sell your wine to the other side of the Narrow Sea! "

  Samwell then stopped and said:

   "Okay, since Earl Paxter is so kind, then I will go to Qingting Island again."

   "Great!" Horace smiled happily, and then said eagerly, "When are we leaving? In the afternoon? My ship can leave anytime!"

   "Tomorrow, I still have some things to deal with."

   "Ok! Let's go tomorrow morning!"

   After receiving the confirmation letter, Horace finally relaxed.

  However, his attitude towards Samwell remained undiminished, and he kept bragging to Samwell about the huge caravan on Arbor Island and how the sales of wine topped Westeros...

  Backing back to the towering tower, Samwell first went to Baelor Hightower and told him that he had met Moroya and had obtained the method of silver mining and refining.

  Of course, he didn't mention that he had recruited a bachelor who had just been expelled from the Academy City, so as not to cause complications.

  Then the two finalized some specific details of brandy consignment and material supply.

   In these two incidents, Samwell clearly felt the kindness of the Hightower family.

The brandy supply price he quoted at the beginning was ten silver stags per gallon, which actually has a lot of profit margins, and it was reserved for the Hightower family to bargain, but he did not expect Baylor to accept the supply directly price.

   In terms of the supply of food and other daily necessities, Baylor's price is also very favorable.

   It made Samwell, who had always been a self-proclaimed profiteer, a little embarrassed.

  Baylor seemed to see what Samwell was thinking, and said with a smile:

   "Sir Caesar, don't forget the Hightower language. For a brave knight like you, we are willing to provide some trivial help to light your way forward."

  Samwell was in a good mood, and sincerely said:

   "Hightower is such a great family! Thank you for your generosity. If there is anything you need from me in the future, please do not hesitate to ask."

  After signing the contract with the Hightower family, Samwell found the Tyrell family without stopping.

  Because the Duke of Metz was not present, Samwell only discussed some details of the brandy consignment with the Duchess and Miss Margery, and drew up a contract, which was brought back to the High Court for the Duke of Metz to sign.

  As for gathering the refugees, Samwell didn't mention it. He believed that Margaery would get the Duke of Mace's consent after she returned.

  After finishing these things, the mission of Samwell's trip to the old town is considered to be successfully completed.

  Although he was a little hasty, he didn't have the intention to stay here for a long time.

  Having been away from Yingzui Island for half a month, he just wanted to go back early to see how the construction of his castle was progressing.

  So, early the next morning, after saying goodbye to Earl Layton, Samwell left Old Town on the merchant ship of the Redwyne family.

  (end of this chapter)

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