Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 160: war

  Chapter 160 War

   "Master Caesar told you to stop."

  Gavin, the chief of the territory of Yingzui Island, handed the letter sent by Samwell to Cheeman.

  Looking at Qieman who was already a little strange in front of him, he couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

  More than three months ago, this person accepted the order of the lord to sweep up the wildling tribes around the territory. Since then, Gavin has been hearing various rumors about this person.

  Without exception, they are full of blood and brutality.

  Savage traitors, murderers, invincible monsters, horror messengers from Yingzui Island...

   Now Cheeman is notorious in the Crimson Mountains, and his reputation spreads far and wide.

  However, the results brought about are remarkable.

  All the savage tribes within a hundred miles of Yingzui Island have surrendered, and some have not surrendered, but they were all sent to **** by the messenger of terror.

  The number of savages in the territory has skyrocketed to more than 30,000.

   Logically speaking, this should be a good thing, but Gavin couldn't be happy. Instead, he was worried. He always felt that this Cheeman was at risk of losing control.

  Back then, Lord Caesar gave this man a hundred elite soldiers and allowed him to recruit 500 savages, but Gavin knew that Cheeman's men had already surpassed a thousand.

  Although Yingzui Island has always supplied weapons and food according to the share of 600 people, it was not difficult for Cheeman himself to get some food supplies when he conquered the savage tribe. Naturally, he could raise more soldiers.

   Now that this person has grown wings and gained a reputation, will he still be willing to be a dog under Lord Caesar honestly?

  Cheman looked at the letter silently and did not speak. His body was wearing a fine linen coat, which was clean and free of blood, but filled with a pungent smell of blood.

   "When will your lord come back?" He spoke, his tone flat without any fluctuations.

"Your Excellency didn't say, but it should be soon." Gavin persuaded in a deep voice, "So you'd better go back to Yingzui Island with me immediately. And your subordinates, the soldiers who exceed the number allowed by Lord Caesar, I advise you to disband them all .”

   Cheeman raised his eyes from the letter paper and turned to look at Gavin.

   It was only then that Gavin noticed that the pupils of this person had become so light that they almost merged with the whites of the eyes. The cold eyes were as real as they were, and slowly slid across his skin like a poisonous snake, making him feel goose bumps all over his body.

   "What's wrong with your eyes?" Gavin said, his tone trembling.

   "Punishment from the gods." Cheeman raised his lips, "It may also be a gift from the devil."

   Gavin swallowed, and suddenly regretted coming this trip himself.

   This mad dog is even crazier!

   Gavin was dripping with cold sweat on his forehead, and was thinking about how to speak again, when he saw a soldier running over and reported:

   "Master Chiman! The Rock Tribe refuses to surrender!"

  Cheman's gaze finally moved away from Gavin, making the latter heave a sigh of relief.

   "Refused to surrender?" Chiman smiled happily, from the heart, "Then destroy it. Give me the order to attack."


   "Wait!" Gavin mustered up his courage and said, "Lord Caesar has ordered you to stop!"

  Cheman turned his head slowly, and gave Gavin a creepy smile:

   "Don't worry, I will prepare the last gift for you later."

   Gavin clenched his fists, but he didn't dare to persuade him anymore. He felt that the mad dog in front of him might really dare to kill him.

  A low-pitched horn sounded in the mountains and forests, followed by shouts of fighting.

   Cheeman went to the front to direct the battle, leaving Gavin in a daze.

  An accompanying guard stepped forward and said, "Master Gavin, do you want to stop Cheeman?"

   Gavin rolled his eyes and cursed angrily in a low voice: "Go and stop him! See if he will kill you!"

  The guard suddenly didn't dare to speak.

   Gavin sighed helplessly, and walked a few steps forward to a high hill.

  The Rock Tribe's stronghold is by the stream below, and it is being attacked by Qiman's army at this time.

  The battle was fierce, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood. After a while, even the stream was dyed blood red.

   Gavin watched silently, without saying a word.

  The battle lasted from noon to evening, and the rock tribe's cottage finally fell.

   Gavin hesitated for a moment, but went down the hill and walked into the village filled with blood and fire.

   Cheeman's men were cleaning the battlefield, Gavin couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief seeing that they didn't kill any prisoners.

  But when he reached a hut at the core of the cottage, he heard cries and begging for mercy from inside.

   "Surrender! We surrender! Don't kill! We are willing to surrender!"

   Gavin stood at the door and saw Cheeman pulling the long sword out of the chest of a wild woman.

   "They have already surrendered." Gavin couldn't help but persuaded.

   Cheeman turned his head and grinned. At this time, he was covered in blood, and he was really no different from a devil.

   "How can the tribal leader surrender." As he said, he cut the throat of a young savage again.

   "I really surrender! Surrender! Don't kill my children again! Please!" the patriarch of the Rock Tribe begged for mercy.

  However, it was Chiman's long sword that greeted him.


   "You!" The patriarch vomited blood, his face twisted, "You will go to hell! I curse you!"

   "Compared with begging for mercy, I still prefer your current expression." Cheeman smiled.

  The patriarch yelled and cursed, his expression became more ferocious and distorted.

  Cheman likes it more and more.

  So he drew his long sword and stabbed it again.


  Through the three curved walls of heavy soldiers, Alex Oakheart came to the old palace.

  The Halberd Tower and the Sun Tower, which have the characteristics of Rhoyna, stand majestically on the two wings of the palace, and the golden vaults and leaded glass shine brightly under the sunlight.

   This is the core of Sunspear City and the power center of Dorne.

   But for Ares, the envoy of the Iron Throne, it is a hostile and dangerous place.

  He was wearing a white armor and a white cloak that symbolized the status of the Kingsguard, and holding a wooden box, he walked slowly into the gate of the old palace.

  The heavy riding boots stepped on the marble floor, making a clanging sound, which also attracted the attention of many Dorne nobles gathered in the hall.

  When they saw who was coming, they all cast angry eyes.

  Aris turned a blind eye to these gazes and walked straight forward.

  In front of the line of sight, there are two chairs placed on the high platform, one of which is painted with the halberd logo of the Martell family, and the other chair is painted with the Rhoynar's solar coat of arms.

  Halberd and Lieyang.

   It was with the help of Nymeria, the warrior queen of the Rhoyna who came across the sea, that the Martell family finally realized their dream of conquering the entire territory of Dorne.

Because of this, the Martell family still retains the traditions of the Rhoyna people. For example, the ruler still uses the titles of prince and princess, and for example, male and female heirs have equal inheritance rights. The full name of this family is actually Nameros. Martel.

   means the blood of Nymeria and Martell.

  Aris stood still in front of the high platform.

Along the way just now, he saw all kinds of coats of arms, sand gates, fan-shaped golden hands, golden crowned skulls, red and yellow flames, three black scorpions on a red background, a black vulture holding a pink baby... All kinds of things, it seems that all the big families of Dorn are here.

  The rain is about to come.

  Aris stood quietly, indifferent to the gazes and discussions around him.

   Until he saw the side door open, and Prince Oberyn the "Red Viper" walked in pushing a wheelchair.

   Sitting in a wheelchair was a thin man with gray hair.

  The discussion in the hall suddenly disappeared, and all the nobles cast their eyes on the man in the wheelchair.

  Because that man was the ruler of Dorne, Prince Doran Martell.

  Prince Oberyn parked the wheelchair under the high platform, and helped his brother to sit on the seat painted with a golden halberd.

   Then he himself stood on the right-hand side of the seat.

  Princess Arianne also stepped onto the high platform and stood on the left hand side of Prince Doran.

  Aris leaned over and saluted, saying:

   "Honorable Prince of Dorne, I have brought King Joffrey's will."

   "You brought my daughter's head!" Before Prince Doran could speak, "Red Viper" Prince Oberyn said angrily.

   "Illegitimate daughter." Aris argued, trying to ease the atmosphere, but it backfired.

   "That's still my daughter!" roared Prince Oberyn. "You killed her! There was no trial! Is that what your king calls justice!"

  Aris sighed, placed the wooden box on the ground, and said:

"Your Highness Oberyn, I can understand your anger and pain. But you are at fault for this matter. If you did not kill Lord Petyr Baelish and Lord Pycelle without authorization, and escaped from the dungeon, Your Majesty the King Don't be so angry."

"I didn't kill Petyr." Prince Oberyn justified, and then laughed at himself, "You probably won't believe me if I tell you. Forget it, I have seen your true colors. Justice has always been It's not what you are after. If I obediently stay in King's Landing and wait for the trial, I will probably end up like my daughter."

  Aris feels more and more that this mission will not have any optimistic results, but he still bites the bullet and said:

   "Your Highness Oberyn, His Majesty orders you to go to King's Landing and accept the trial, otherwise..."

   "Otherwise what?" cried Prince Oberyn. "He dares to attack Dorne!"

  As soon as this remark came out, the crowd in the hall was immediately excited. The Dorne nobles cursed and roared angrily, as if they wanted to come up and tear Aris to pieces and pack them back to the Iron Throne.

  Aris's forehead dripped with cold sweat. He looked at Prince Doran who had been silent all this time, making his last effort:

   "His Royal Highness Doran! Please consider carefully! If you do not accept the request of the Iron Throne, then all that awaits Dorn is war!"

   "War?" Prince Doran finally spoke.

  His voice was as thin as a piece of fragile parchment, but it made the hall instantly quiet.

  Aris knew that Prince Doran was just a patient who couldn't even stand upright, but at this moment, he felt that he was more dangerous than the "Red Viper".

   "Yes." The white knight said, "I implore you to think carefully, otherwise Dorne may bleed like a river if there is a war."

   "Are you threatening me?"

   "No." Aris didn't know what to say, he hesitated for a moment before saying in a calm tone, "I'm just conveying His Majesty's will to you."

   "That's His Majesty threatening me."

  Aris was speechless.

  Prince Doran smiled slightly, as if he was not angry at all: "Did your king forget our language when he threatened the Martell family?"

   "Unyielding." Prince Doran said while supporting the armrest of the seat with both hands, as if he was about to stand up.

  Seeing this, Princess Arianne hurried forward to help her, but was pushed away by her father.

   "Not to break." Prince Doran arched his body and slowly got up.

  His forehead was visible to the naked eye with fine beads of sweat, and his dead-twig-like legs were trembling, but he stood up after all: "Don't scratch."

  Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

   In terms of population, wealth, and war strength, Dorne is the last of the Seven Kingdoms, but under the leadership of the Martell family, they are the last kingdom to submit to the Iron Throne.

   It took only two short years for Targaryen to conquer the six kingdoms, and it was not until two hundred years later that Dorne was finally incorporated under the rule of the Iron Throne, and it was still through marriage.

  The sun lance was never a sign of weakness.

   "Since your king wants to go to war, then..." Prince Doran's weak body was still trembling, but his voice was extremely firm,

   "I'll give it to him, war!"

   "War! War! War!" the Dorne nobles in the hall roared wildly.

  Amidst the turbulent sound waves, Aris closed his eyes tiredly, with no luck in his heart for the future situation—


  (end of this chapter)

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