Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 151: blame

  Chapter 151 Setting the blame


   Varys "Octospider" blows out the candles and is about to go to bed when he hears a knocking sound.

   Seems to be coming from a window.

  Varys lit the candle again, followed the sound to the window, but only saw the dark night sky.

  He opened the window and looked left and right, but still saw nothing.

  But just when Varys was about to close the window, a black shadow suddenly magnified in his sight, and the strong wind that hit his face made Varys close his eyes unconsciously.

  He was so frightened that he quickly closed the window, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw only the back of a big bird like an eagle going away.

  Varys frowned and thought for a while, and finally shook his head, ready to go back to sleep.

   But as soon as he turned around, he saw an extra scroll on the ground.

  The bird sent in just now?

  Varys picked it up in surprise, and slowly opened it.

   Soon, his face froze.


  The night was dark.

  Varys walked out of the secret passage again, and there were jagged rocks in front of him, and in the distance were the sparkling Blackwater Bay and the silent Port of King's Landing.

  He looked around, but saw no one.

  Varys walked for a while in the direction of Port King's Landing, and finally saw two figures behind a rock.

   "Lord Varys."

  By moonlight, Varys saw the face of one of them clearly.

   "Lord Caesar." Varys nodded towards the man, seemingly unsurprised, and then looked at another person lying on the ground, "Lord Petyr..."

"Dead." Samwell said indifferently, "Master Petyr really didn't care about his body. He was still running outside after suffering such a serious injury, causing the old wound to burst and he lost blood to death. Alas, What a pity, what a pity."

  Varys looked at Petyr's body without moving for a while, and then sighed after a long time:

   "It's really a pity."

  He looked up into Samwell's eyes and said:

   "Master Caesar, the one who sent me the letter just now is your domesticated falcon, right?"


"That falcon is really human." Varys said meaningfully, "I remember the night before Ser Gerald Dayne and Ser Hopper Redwyne died, it seemed that a falcon also appeared ..."

   "Hahaha!" Samwell laughed loudly, "Master Varys, you really know how to think. There are too many people who keep falcons."

"No way, the more you know, the more you will inevitably think about it." Varys resumed his soft and greasy tone, "I also know that Miss Elo from the Florens family is going to marry you , but then Lord Randyll let your brother Dickon marry her. Which lady would you like to marry, then?"

   "What? Lord Varys is so interested in my emotional life?"

"I was just wondering which lady would be worthy of such an outstanding young knight as you. Oh, Miss Natalie Dane is very suitable. I heard that you are very close. I think you must help her drive Did you leave a lot of nasty suitors?"

  Samwell knew that Varys had already guessed that he had planned the previous murder, and he brought it up now to warn him.

  If it was before, Samwell might still be a little apprehensive, but now, he is not worried at all.

   First of all, Varys has no evidence at all. Secondly, he also has the handle of Varys.

   If you really want to tear your face apart, this fat spider must be even more flustered—his affairs are much more serious than Samwell's.

  Most importantly, after killing "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish, Samwell no longer has any fear of these conspirators.

That's right, when it comes to conspiracy and calculation, Samwell thinks he is not the opponent of these old silver coins. He was just a wine seller in his previous life, and at most he was a little clever. We compare.

   But it doesn't matter, Samwell is hanging up.

  With his familiarity with the plot, Samwell can easily grasp the flaws of these conspirators.

   "Littlefinger" Petyr thought that the assassination of Jon Arryn was perfect, but he didn't know that in Samwell's eyes, he was naked.

"Octospider" Varys thought that he could release Petyr from the dungeon without anyone noticing through the secret passage of the Red Castle and a false identity of a jailer, but he didn't know that Samwell had already guessed his plan— Because according to the plot, Varys "in the future" will use the same method to steal another dungeon prisoner.

  So, Samwell was able to see their secrets and choose the most suitable time to make a move.

  Like now, Littlefinger died as a matter of course.

"Lord Varys, there is something I am very curious about." Samwell forcibly pulled the topic away from himself, "You said that Lord Petyr has been locked in a dark prison, why is he wandering around outside? Who is it? Did you let him out?"

  Varys shrank his head, glanced at Samwell, and made an innocent look:

   "I am also puzzled by this."

  Samwell smiled coldly: "Okay, Lord Varys, stop pretending. If you were really so innocent, would you be called out in the middle of the night by an inexplicable letter?"

Varys shrugged: "How can I remain indifferent when I hear the sudden death of my old friend. However, if you say that I have something to do with this matter, then you are talking nonsense. Lord Caesar, if there is no evidence for some things, you should not mess around." Well said. Like the deaths of Geraldine and Hobber Redwyne, I couldn't find any evidence, so I kept silent.

   Also, what did you tell Prince Oberyn in the Great Sept of Baelor? Why did he send his lover to the Eyrie immediately after returning? You see, I actually knew these things a long time ago, but I kept them secret for you. Lord Caesar, you should thank me. "

   This spider really found itself a long time ago. Samwell secretly woke up.

   But he had nothing to be afraid of at this time, since "Littlefinger" was dead anyway, and, in terms of reasons, this spider was only a lot more than himself.

"Thank you so much, Lord Varys. But in fact, I also kept a lot of secrets for you." Samwell said with a smile, "For example, your close contacts with the Governor of Pentos, such as Wessey Lys Targaryen, like Daenerys Targaryen, like Lord Gryphon..."

  Samwell kept staring into Varys' eyes when he was speaking. He found that when he said the first few names, Varys' eyes didn't fluctuate much until the last "Master Griffon".

  He knew that the Chief Intelligence Officer of the Iron Throne was actually a deeply hidden conspirator, who was secretly planning to restore the Targaryen Dynasty.

   Even so, the cautious and sophisticated Varys still put on an extra layer of camouflage for his purpose—

  It seems that Varys is supporting Viserys and Daenerys, the two apparent Targaryen descendants, but in fact, these two brothers and sisters are just targets he deliberately throws to attract attention.

  Actually, the Targaryen that Varys really wants to support is actually someone else.

  So, Samwell stepped forward and said another name: "For example, Little Griffin."

  Varys finally couldn't keep calm anymore, his eyes fluctuated violently, but he still said firmly:

   "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know, Lord Varys." Samwell pretended to be mysterious: "Like you, I am also very good at raising birds. The falcon you saw just now is just one of them. I have many small ones. Birds, all over the world."

   "That's impossible!" Varys blurted out.

  Having been engaged in intelligence work all his life, how could Varys not know the difficulty and cost of cultivating and disseminating ears? If he hadn't had the support of the Iron Throne, it would be impossible for him to lay such a large net.

  So in his view, Samwell definitely does not have enough time, energy, financial resources, and manpower to weave such an intelligence network.

  However, Samwell just revealed the biggest secret in Varys' heart, which made him extremely panicked and frightened.

   Moreover, since Samwell was able to play "Littlefinger" to death, he obviously knew a lot of secrets.

   This made Varys dare not despise this person at all.

"There is nothing impossible here." Samwell patted the giant sword behind him, "You should know about this [Dawn], the people of the Dane family are sure that I will never pull it out, but I I did it. Going forward, no one believed that I could carve out a territory in the Crimson Mountains, and I did it too. And Petyr Baelish, who thought he could use me as a chess piece, was instead Kill me. Lord Varys, some people are meant to be great."

  Varys was speechless, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

  Seeing Varys' serious face, Samwell slowed down his tone and said, "However, Lord Varys, you don't have to worry, because I am not your enemy."

  Varys glanced at Samwell and asked, "So, Lord Caesar, what are we?"



   "Yes." Samwell smiled sincerely, "We have a common purpose."

There are two conspirators in King's Landing—"Littlefinger" and "Octospider". Generally speaking, the former is extremely dangerous and must be eliminated as soon as possible, while the latter can be wooed.

  Because the purpose of Varys at the current stage is very consistent with that of Samwell, that is, they both want to weaken the Iron Throne, but they don’t want to see the Seven Kingdoms in chaos—because the power to restore the Targaryen dynasty is not ready to make a comeback.

  Although conflicts between the two will inevitably break out in the future, at this stage, they can cooperate.

  Varys looked at Samwell in surprise, as if he didn't quite believe this.

Samwell said bluntly: "Master Varys, the first condition for forming an alliance is to be honest and honest, so I can tell you clearly that my purpose is to overthrow the Baratheon dynasty. At this point, I believe our goal is the same .”

  Hearing this, Varys seemed to finally let go of his guard, and changed back to his original sweet and greasy tone:

   "Master Caesar, so you also think that the Baratheon family is not worthy of sitting on the Iron Throne?"

"Yes." Samwell said without hesitation, "Robert is just a reckless man, how can he look like a king? Stannis is too cruel and ruthless, and he may be a tyrant when he sits on the Iron Throne in the future. Renly is frivolous and naive , thinking that politics is about treating guests to dinner, if you can still be a conservative king in the long peaceful summer, it’s a pity that winter is coming.”

  Varys smiled: "Lord Caesar, have you forgotten that His Majesty Robert's heir should be Prince Joffrey?"

   "Come on, Lord Varys, don't tell me you don't know who Prince Joffrey is."

  Varys took a deep look at Samwell: "Master Caesar, it seems that you do have many little birds."

   "Of course." Samwell showed a confident and mysterious smile, "Master Varys, I know as much as you do."

   "I believe it now." Varys seemed to approve of the ally in front of him, pointing to the corpse on the ground, "Then, my dear ally, what do you want to do with Lord Petyr?"

   "Of course it is sent back to the dungeon." Samwell said without hesitation, as if he had already made a plan.

   "Send it back?" Varys rolled his eyes, as if he was thinking about the purpose of Samwell's move.

   "Yes. Send him back to the cell before anyone discovers his disappearance. In this way, Master Petyr died of wound infection, um, maybe poisoning."

Varys blinked: "In this case, Prince Oberyn is the murderer. And the murder was done in the street under the eyes of everyone, so there is no need for a trial now. Oh right, it's not just Lord Petyr's life, Lord Jon's life may be on his head, too."

"That's right. Thinking of this, I can't bear it." Samwell said pretendingly, "So, please release Prince Oberyn from the prison. Tell him, if you don't want to die in King's Landing, flee back to Dorne immediately."

   "Then it will prove his crime even more." Varys had already understood Samwell's plan, "Lord Caesar, you are going to make Dorne bleed like a river."

   "It's not easy to make Dorne bleed." Samwell said with a smile, "Maybe the Iron Throne will bleed more. But Lord Varys, isn't this exactly what we want to see."

  Varys was silent for a while, he didn't know whether he was hesitating or thinking, but in the end, he finally nodded:

   "Master Caesar, you are right, this is exactly the situation we want to see."

  (end of this chapter)

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